Fix: WAF cron jobs are now skipped when running on the CLI. Improvement: Removed security levels from Options page. Click More tools Clear browsing data. Wordfence is a powerful WordPress security plugin that comes with many useful features to keep hackers away from your website. Next to "Cookies and. Got type: boolean. Because I have tried two ways by making content to exclude caching and do nothing in exlude option. Fix: Fixed broken message in Live Traffic with MySQLi storage engine for blocklisted hits. Fix: Changed capability checked to read WP REST API users endpoint when Prevent discovery of usernames through is enabled. Improvement: readme.html and wp-config-sample.php are no longer scanned for changes due to differences between languages (malware signatures still run). Fix: Improved IP detection in the WAF when using an IP detection method that can have multiple values. Remove high CPU plugins. Fixed: Fixed the logout username display in Live Traffic broken by a change in WordPress 5.3. Fix: Improved bot detection when no user agent is sent. 3. Change: Removed some unnecessary files from the bundled GeoIP library. Change: Updated support link on scan page. Fix: Fixed PHP memory test for newer PHP versions whose optimizations prevented it from allocating memory as desired. Improvement: Added deferred loading to Live Traffic avatars to improve performance with some plugins. Booking (10) Cache (9 . Fix: All external URLs in the tour are now https. If you are not running IPv6, Wordfence will work great on your site too. Improvement: Added WordPress version and various constants to Diagnostics report. Improvement: Improved the WAFs ability to inspect POST bodies. I'm not sure it is working properly or not. If you are cleaning your own site after a hack, note that site security cannot be assured unless you do a full reinstall if your site has been hacked. Fix: Fixed the Make Permanent button behavior for blocks created from Live Traffic. Scans for heuristics of backdoors, trojans, suspicious code and other security issues. Change: The table list on the diagnostics page is now limited in length to avoid being exceedingly large on big multisite installations. Fix: Scheduled update for WAF rules doesnt decrease from 7 days, to 12 hours, when upgrading to a premium account. These are available on our website: Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Fix: Fixed fatal error on sites running Wordfence 6.1.11 in subdirectory and 6.1.10 or lower in parent directory. Improvement: Accept wildcards in Immediately block IPs that access these URLs.. Fix: Prevent bypass of author enumeration prevention by using invalid parameters. Situational awareness is an important part of website security. This plugin also adds a button to the WP Admin Bar to make it really easy to clear the WordPress cache manually. Fix: Addressed a performance issue on databases with tens of thousands of tables when trying to load the diagnostics page. Fix: Fixed file inclusion error with themes lacking a 404 page. Improvement: Reworked the reCAPTCHA implementation to trigger the token check on login/registration form submission to avoid the token expiring. Prevents spoofing and works with most sites. Change: Began a phased rollout of moving brute force queries to be https-only. Fix: The blocklists blocked IP records are now correctly trimmed when expired. Improvement: New blocking page design to better inform blocked visitors on how to resolve the block. The full-page caching is enabled by default on a server level for all sites hosted at SiteGround. Improvement: Clarified text on Maximum execution time for each scan stage option. Improvement: Integrated Wordfence with Wordfence Central, a new service allowing you to manage multiple Wordfence installations from a single interface. Fix: Fixed an issue with the dashboard where it could show the last scan failed when one has never ran. The plugin also lets you block logins using known compromised user passwords. Improvement: SVG files now have the JavaScript-based malware signatures run against them. Improvement: When the license status changes, it now triggers a fresh pull of the WAF rules. Fix: Switched to autoloader with fastMult enabled on sodum_compat to minimize connection issues. Clear your cache Your Managed WordPress plan has caching features that include a content delivery network (CDN), and object caching to improve load times. Fix: Added a check for sites with inaccurate disk space function results to avoid showing an issue. Improvement: Sites can now specify a list of trusted proxies when using X-Forwarded-For for IP resolution. Thanks Janek Vind. Improvement: Added progressive loading of addresses on the blocked IP list. Improvement: More descriptive text for the scan issue email when theres an unknown WordPress core version. Option 1 - via the Admin Bar. Fix: Fixed issue with IPv6 mapped IPv4 addresses not being treated as IPv4. Improvement: Add note to options page that login security is necessary for 2FA to work. Improvement: Service allowlisting can now be selectively toggled on or off per service. Improvement: Added network data for the top countries blocked list. Once your first scan has completed, a list of threats will appear. Improvement: 2FA is now available via any authenticator program that accepts TOTP secrets. Change: Updated the text on the option to alert for scan results of a certain severity. Improvement: New scan stage includes a new check for TrafficTrade malware. If you need help with a security issue, check out Wordfence Care, which offers hands-on support from our team, including dealing with a hacked site. Improvement: The check for passwords leaked in breaches now allows a login if the user has previously logged in from the same IP successfully and displays an admin notice suggesting changing the password. Fix: Fixed infinite loop in scan caused by symlinks. Fix: Fixed false positive from Maldet in the wfConfig table during the scan. Fix: Fixed bug with Hide WordPress version causing issues with reCAPTCHA. Fix: Live traffic entries with long user agents no longer cause the table to stretch. Clear your cache and browsing data with a single click of a button. Improvement: Updated Live Traffic with filters and to include blocked requests in the feed. Yes. Wordfence Security Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security is open source software. Fix: Improved appearance of some stat components on smaller screens. Improvement: Update URLs in Wordfence for documentation about LiteSpeed and lockouts. Change: Wording change for the option Maximum execution time for each stage. Improvement: Modified the appearance of the How does Wordfence get IPs option to be more clear. Improvement: WordPress 4.7 improvements for the Web Application Firewall. Improvement: Added short-term caching of breach check results. If one of your customers posts a page or post with a known malware URL that threatens your whole domain with being blocklisted by Google, we will alert you in the next scan. Protect your wp-login page. Find the .htaccess file via your file management software (e.g., cPanel) or via an sFTP or FTP client. The video below explains how this works. Plugin Mirror. Fix: Scan results for malware detections in posts are no longer clickable. Improvement: Scan result emails now include the count of issues that were found again. Improvement: XML-RPC authentication may now be disabled or forced to require 2FA. Improvement: Added additional XSS detection capabilities. Improvement: Improved messaging on file-related scan issues when the file is wp-config.php. Improvement: Extended the automatic redaction applied to attack data that may include sensitive information. Fix: Removed an old link for See Recent Traffic on Live Traffic that went nowhere. Please note that there is an issue that when Dynamic Cache is enabled it does not comply to Wordfence country blocking rules. Tap Storage. Improvement: The WAF install/uninstall process no longer asks to backup files that do not exist. 3. Fix: Improved performance of checking for Allowlisted IPs. Change: Moved the settings import/export to the Tools page. Fixed: Improved the response callback used for the WAF status check during extended protection installation. Fix: IP detection at the WAF level better mirrors the main plugin exactly when using the automatic setting. Improvement: Added a flow for generating the WAF autoprepend file and retrieving the path for manual installations. Fix: Fixed an issue where a bad cron record could interfere with automatic WAF rule updates. Improvement: Made a number of PHP8 compatilibility improvements. Fix: Removed duplicate issues for modified files in the scan results. Improvement: reCAPTCHA keys are now tested on saving to prevent accidentally inputting a v2 key. You can follow this guide on how to clean a hacked website using Wordfence. First, open the app, tap the three-dot menu icon in the bottom bar, and choose "Settings." Now go to "Privacy and Security." Select "Clear Browsing Data." On the "Clear Browsing Data" page, tap the "Time Range" drop-down menu and select the time period for which you want to delete the cache. Improvement: The list of blocks now shows the most recently-added blocks at the top by default. Thanks Jason Woods. Fix: Fixed the malware link image rendering in scan issue emails and switched to always use https. Change: Added dismissible prompt to switch Live Traffic to security-only mode. Improvement: The live traffic Group By options now dynamically show the results in a more useful format depending on the option selected. Fix: Fixed a few links that didnt open the correct configuration pages. . Fix: Fixed auto-enabling of some controls when pasting values. Fix: Fixed an issue with some table prefixing where multisite installations with rare configurations could result in unknown table warnings. Improvement: Background pausing for live activity and traffic may now be disabled. Thanks Janek Vind. Fix: Added JSON fallback for PHP installations that dont have JSON enabled. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +15188998008, +15188998006, +15186645353 China Wang Malta NY - Delicious Chinese Food Go to the scan menu and start your first scan. Improvement: Added Google reCAPTCHA v3 support to the login and registration forms. Fix: Addressed an issue when outbound UDP connections are blocked where the NTP check could log an error. To delete everything, select All time. Change: Changed the title of the Wordfence Dashboard so its easier to identify when many tabs are open. Improvement: The URL blocklist check now includes additional variants in some checks to more accurately match. Fix: Fixed an issue that could occur on older WordPress versions when processing login attempts. Improvement: Replaced the terms whitelist and blacklist with allowlist and blocklist. Improvement: Better scan messaging when a publicly-reachable searchreplacedb2.php utility is found. Highly configurable alerts can be delivered via email, SMS or Slack. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. Improvement: Better messaging when a WAF rule update fails to better indicate the cause. Security Fix: Fixed reflected XSS vulnerability: CVSS 6.1 (Medium). Change: Switched the minimum PHP version to 5.3. Improvement: Restructured the WAF configuration storage to be more resilient on hosts with no file locking support. Change: Added the initial deprecation notice for PHP 5.2. Checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts and comments for dangerous URLs and suspicious content. Fix: Removed extra spacing in the example ranges for Allowlisted IP addresses that bypass all rules. Wordfence scans check all your files, comments and posts for URLs in Googles Safe Browsing list. Improvement: Added a constant to prevent direct MySQLi use for hosts with unsupported DB configurations. Fix: Fixed deadlock when NFS is used for WAF file storage, in wfWAFAttackDataStorageFileEngine::addRow().
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