She vowed to be celibate her entire life as a priestess of Athena until she fell in love with Poseidon. The ancient Greeks depicted Medusa in various ways that seemed to evolve over time. It was said that anyone who looked directly at her was immediately turned to stone. Though many know the story of Medusa and her powers, not as many know about her sisters. The severed head, which had the power of turning into stone all who looked upon it, was given to Athena, who placed it in her shield; according to another account, Perseus buried it in the marketplace of Argos. Dionysios Skytobrachion wrote about her during the second century and claimed that she both lived and died in an area of Libya. Botanics have always held the interest of those interested in nature and the creation of life. Leonardo da Vinci did a painting of her using oil on canvas. Medusa is a Goddess you need a physical representation for so you would need either a statue, relief, painting, or other image. Halloween paint shall be placed on the altar. They claim that she spent most of her life in Sarpedon, which was close to Cisthene with her Gorgon Legend says this is why so many of the desert areas in that region have so many snakes today. She isnt a Goddess to serve in a capacity of benevolence because She is and has always been a monster. Your email address will not be published. Many dont realize She is a living Goddess, despite Her mythology. Her creation was so powerful She adorned Her breastplate with these snakes to frighten enemies. Around the outer edge arrange pieces of the eggshell. I created this oil to honor Medusa and the feminine strength that she symbolizes. Place half the herbal mix into the urn and add the charm, then cover with the remaining herbs. Eris offered it to the fairest goddess, and Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera all tried to claim the golden apple. If you feel as though you are being cursed or are under the influence of the Evil Eye take the jar and light Medusa incense. The next symbola I use are Her snakes. The Gorgon came out in 1964 and was a Hammer film that told a modern version of her story. Whether you're looking to boost your financial wherewithal, land a new job, or just pad your bank account a little, try some of these magical herbs in your money-related workings. The two Gods lay with each other in soft meadows among spring flowers. To the ancients Medusa was an extremely powerful guarding force and it would appear She never truly lost Her connection to the Mother Goddess despite Her sinister reputation. Although you can theoretically call upon a deity with extensive amounts of worship, deities often reach out to us when they want to work with us. Echinacea. Adonis had been killed by a ravaging boar, and while Aphrodite wept over his body, his blood on the grass transformed into the fl She was usually represented as a winged female creature having a head of hair consisting of snakes; unlike the Gorgons, she was sometimes represented as very beautiful. Though the Titan was a worthy opponent, Perseus stood in the middle of the sky and turned Medusas head towards him. While Medusa once had soft and supple white skin, it turned green. From c. 200 B.C. Minthe was a nymph who loved the god of the dead, Hades. The stories about Medusa in Greece are unique because they changed quite a bit over the years. Aside from this, some things I associate and use with Medusa are malachite (as my Gorgons Eye stone), serpentine, snakeskin jasper, coral, whole raw eggs, petrified wood, fossils, any snake materials especially from vipers, bronze, Evil Eye charms, herbs such as wormwood, black snake root, serpentine root, poplar, bittersweet nightshade*, datura*, belladonna*, henbane*, sulfur, rat or pest poison*, parsley, spring flowers, boar tusk, basically anything that is used to remove the Evil Eye, protect, or curse enemies, especially poisons that cause paralysis.I hope this helps add to your practice, and clarify some of the things I do with monstrous Gods such as Medusa. She is often used in ancient spells as a Gorgon Herself, and is mentioned interchangeably in certain charms, such as making protective amulets out of red coral which is to be inscribed with the face of Hekate or head of a Gorgon. If you use any of the content on this page in your own work, please use the code below to cite this page as the source of the content. Poseidon tempted her into having sexual intercourse with him in a temple to Athena. Athena took things a step further. Until next time, Nocturnal Blessings! Its no surprise, then, that the Ancient Greeks had several important mythological explanations for the origin of a number of different plants and flowers! To begin, it is important to understand each of Medusas symbola has very specific power because it isnt just Her gaze that I utilize in my cult practice. I highly recommend inviting Medusa into your practice if you find yourself in need of some of the strongest protective energies the Inferno has to offer. She gave birth to a son, Iamus, and Apollo sent the goddess of childbirth (Eileithyia) and the Fates to serve as her midwives. Some people find they benefit from using them together. Rise to the occasion. Modern literary experts also point to the legend as one of the first times in history when men blamed a victim for her rape. The Goddess Medusa is a known guardian and as such, lends her aid to those who need her protection. This doesnt need to be in huge ways. Though she has a different name, she has the power to turn people to stone when they look into her eyes. Fans of Percy Jackson & the Olympians will find that she pops up in both the original book and the film based on the book. From then on she roamed, shamed, shunned and loathed by everyone. This is the most basic story that tells how Medusa first got the hair of snakes that most of you are probably familiar with today. Many neglect to realize this is a much later telling of the Medusa myth. Omissions? Though she died before Helios could save her, the god intervened and sprinkled her with fragrance so that she could live again as the frankincense tree. Versace still uses a log of a woman with terrifying features and serpents coming from her head as its brand logo. Natures 9 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and the Science Behind Them. : In Pompeiis House of the Faun, Medusa was on the breastplate of. You will add your name and the names of anyone you want protected that resides in the home or place. The sisters convince her to change her mind before the Gorgon can slaughter the men. I believe that deities exist in slightly different dimensions/realms yet their power extends to where we currently reside. Place the coral, malachite, and bronze around it and add another layer of parsley leaf, rue, then the dirt. We have Loose Herbs, Teas, Smoking Herbs and Blends, Medicinal Remedies, Some modern astrologers suggest that this star is associated with This is the version I subscribe to because it is how Medusa has shown Herself to me, not as a tormented, mournful monster, grieving Her lost beauty, but a powerful, proud Goddess Queen Whose sight paralyzes and obliterates enemies. Many later versions of the myth claimed that she was once a beautiful Fair-cheeked Gorgon, be present! I also think that Medusawanted the power of the snakes; though the transition may have been difficult, she probablychose to live this life of protection. Aphrodite took pity on her and turned her into the myrrh tree, in which form she gave birth to Adonis. He explained that when a man saw something frightening such as a naked woman, he associated it with his mother because it was his first experience with the female form. Open now the Iron Gates of Night so I may do my work! All of a sudden a strong urge for Her Protection. Try sleeping with a symbol that represents the Goddess Medusa under your pillow if you want to connect during sleep. 2. The closest I have ever come to finding iconography with a snake tail is winged Gorgon from a 6th century BCE shield where Medusa is depicted with a helmet and the tail of a serpentine fish and legs of a lion. Although beautiful, and it may work for some, I prefer a more snake heavy idol unless the imagery makes up for it with an extremely expressive face and eyes. The Amphisbaena came from her blood, too. You can connect to Medusa on a deeper level by meditating near the beach or a body of water encircled with calming sounds. While those are the two main things I look for, there are other things you can consider when finding or making a cult image for Her. The talismanic image of the Gorgoneion is believed to be at least as early as the 8th century BCE and some scholars propose they could reach as far back as 6,000 years from the Sesklo region of Greece where a terracotta mask was discovered that bears a striking resemblance to early Gorgon imagery and most likely represented an early Mother Goddess cult. From Athena to Zeus: Basics of Greek Mythology, This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Ancient Origins - The Real Story of Medusa: Protective Powers from a Snake-Haired Gorgon, Medusa - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Dedicate altar space to Medusa. Pingback: Rivers, Stars & Snakes | Hollow Hills. By Your will and mine, the deed is done!. A few hours after his birth, he was already cognizant enough to trick his cousin, Apollo, by stealing his cattle. In feminism Medusa is known as a symbol of rage even though she was originally exceedingly beautiful. But this is how Medusa achieved Her apotheosis. I recommend that you work with Medusa using a pendulum or cards if youre new to divination work. She has really strong energy with the pendulum so youll definitely know when shes around. The goddess Medusa may also reveal herself in dreams or through symbols in life, such as the snake, or by sending other outcasts your way. She claimed that Medusa was the only real Gorgon and that her sisters were mere additions to her story. As far as Medusa, while She is indeed a monster, She is above all a powerful Goddess. I ask that You be present within this living idol I make clean and pure for You! Instead, shell push you to find your inner power and actually use it to change your life. Do this, Goddess, and I will serve You as Your station demands! But in later stories in Metamorphoses when Ovid mentions Medusa, She and Neptune have a more seductive relationship as we see in Book VI when he is telling the story of Arakhne. Her rage is unmet, and her ferocity is as deep and as strong as the seas. I personally like both, but know that the snake tail is a modern invention. They manage to escape when Percy beheads her. I work hard tokeep my creations and packaging cruelty free, responsibly sourced and eco-friendly. They were created by Aphrodite in her grief upon finding the body of her human lover, Adonis. As you fumigate Her image say an invocation, facing West:I call to You, Guardians of the Gates of the West, Realm of the Setting Sun, open the way to the Land of Night! An urn type vessel with a lid (I use either antique sugar bowls or terracotta cantarito cups that I cap off with small terracotta planter dishes which can be easily painted, legend mentions it as a bronze urn). She has really strong energy with the pendulum so youlldefinitely know when shes around. All shall gather outside of Circle and share the tales of Samhain. Let the cut end dry for a few days to develop a callus before planting. Medusa is so popular that LEGO created a mini-figure of her. To me it expresses Their actual relationship, that of lovers. This piece dates back to around 450 BC. In one version of the Medusa story, she was a gorgeous young woman who agreed to become one of Athenas priestesses. Minerva turned Her gaze and hid Her grey eyes behind Her aegis to protect Her chaste sight from the act. Through this shield, Perseus was able to see Medusa through her reflection, which ultimately allowed him the opportunity to approach Medusa and slice through her neck. I typically dont find Medusa imagery useful for what I need that neglects the snakes, even some that are based on ancient depictions such as the Medusa Rondanini that resembles what Versace uses in his logo. When Minerva caught them in the act, she changed Medusa into a terrifying Gorgon. You dream of the Goddess Medusa. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Medusa is all about channeling your inner strength and being the unabashed outcast. Medusa by Caravaggio has its base in the form of a shield. She is not to be pitied, but adored. There are various versions of the story, but depending on which one you pick up, either Medusa seduced Poseidon or he was smitten with her and took her. The red on the stem is his blood. As she traveled, some of the serpents in her hair fell to the ground and slid away. WebAlgol, usually considered a star of ill-fortune, is traditionally perceived as representing Medusas eye. I have always been interested in mythology. Hercules then went to Tegea and met with Sterope who was the daughter of Cepheus. She wanted to show the Gorgons head in a different way. All shall share meditation of the demons of self and all they chose to leave behind with the turning of the Wheel. Listen, Gods of the Infernal Den, I am the witch NN, and my words have power! The most significant of these was the myth of Persephone, who was captured by or eloped with Hades to the Underworld against the wishes of her mother, Demeter. To sneak the fire past the watching eyes of the gods, he hid it inside of a fennel stalk. Cherry quartz (a redder version of rose quartz) and clear The next thing I want to cover is Medusas vessel. When using an idol or agalma for Medusa I like to see at least a few of the snakes turned toward the viewer, hissing threateningly, although this isnt a deal breaker. Evening primrose oil. Most legends claim that the hero Perseus killed her with help from Hermes and others. 3. My typical conjuration of Medusa is this:Gorgon-eyed Hekate, Unconquerable Queen of Witches, I conjure You to be present and send to me Your ghosts of forgotten soldiers so they may stand before me, beside me, and behind me and let no harm come to me in my witchs operations. Hesiod used her in Theogony. Lavender. The goddess Medusa may also reveal herself in dreams or through symbols in life, such as the snake, or by sending other outcasts your way. May I ask is it safe for me? Medusa comes to those who are in need, so she doesnt expect a totally decked-out altar from her followers. The herald of the gods, Hermes, was born of the eldest Pleiad nymph Maia and Zeus, king of the gods. This idea first appeared in a journal in 1978. The Roman version of her story is the same but changes the location to Minervas temple and her partner to Neptune. The Goddess Medusa can help you break free from your chains. If youre considering working with the Goddess Medusa then you probably want to know whether or not shes real. The sun god Apollo once mocked Aphrodites son, Eros. Their large eyes are not often remembered, for they transform you to stone at a moments glance. If its mouth is open, place the lodestone in the mouth, if not put it next to it. To make Athena look better, some stories claim that Perseus never gave her Medusas head. When he found out her true identity, he tried to kill her. Though he used it to save his mother, Perseus then went to Argos and buried her head there. She lost all of her looks and found snakes growing in her hair. Perseus then decapitated her and took her head to use it as a weapon in battle. Let it be as You so all my enemies are petrified by the sight of Your gaze! She claimed that Medusa was the ultimate guardian and protectress of women. The legend of Medusa is well-known in Hellenic lore. Among her early depictions were those in horror films from the 1960s. In the modern world, feminists use Medusa as an icon that represents female anger and rage. Two species of snakes contain her name: the venomous pitviper Bothriopsis medusa and the nonvenomous snake called Atractus medusa. You may see Medusa herself or some of her common symbols in your dreams, such as snakes.Artistic representations of Medusa find their way to you. The blood from her head slowly found its way to the Red Sea where it formed the basis of the red coral seen there today. When Ovid wrote her story in Metamopheses, he claimed that she was born beautiful before becoming a snake-haired creature and retained her looks over the years. In my mind, Medusa is very real. When Aepytus found out that Iamus was Apollos son, he sent people to bring the child back. Connect with Medusas element, water, by performing a ritual bath or something of the like. The French military created a special belt during World War I that had her face on it. She will wait until you recognize the signs, so dont worry about missing these indicators. Medusas Head euphorbia is suitable for growing outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 9b through 11. Hermes was distraught and reunited Crocus and Smilax by turning Crocus into a flower. She is also an intense force for justice and female empowerment. As a result, she is persecuted further by the very gods she sought to serve. Medusa also appeared in multiple pieces of art from the Renaissance and later. Barley was an essential crop to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. Medusa had always been the most beautiful of her sisters, and as such, Poseidon coveted her very much. Splash a small amount of church wine onto it as well as a small amount of honey. When Cerberus drooled while facing the demigod, his spittle landed on the earth and became the aconite plant. When the nymph Echo fell deeply in love with the handsome human known as Narcissus, he scorned her altogether, and she fell into misery. She went against her vow and married him. Whether or not youve chosen to make an offering to the Goddess Medusa, be sure to directly ask her if she would like to work with you and wait for an answer. The three-headed dog of Hades, Cerberus (or Kerberos), was the fearsome guardian of the Underworld. WebHermes, Greek god, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia; often identified with the Roman Mercury and with Casmilus or Cadmilus, one of the Cabeiri. The head of Medusa is often described as being covered with snakes instead of hair. Medusa herself had a chilling face topped with serpents that sprang from her hair. In this version, Medusa has always been a Gorgon, one of three sisters, daughters of the Gods Phorkys and Keto (Who is sometimes considered the Sea aspect of Hekate), but the only one born mortal. In revenge, Eros shot him with an arrow that caused Apollo to fall in love with a river nymph named Daphne. Her profile is engraved on coins of the reign of Seleceus I Nicator of Syria from 312-280 B.C. There is an old folk tale that says if a menstruating woman's hair is buried in the ground that it will become a snake. To make matters worse, in the works of ancient Greek artist Polygnotos, Perseus is shown cutting off Medusas head while she lay sleeping, further highlighting the absolute cowardice of this champion of the gods. Perseus then headed to Ethiopia to rest and set her head down on the ground. Zeus intervened before it could turn into too much of a fight, and they were sent the human, Paris. In The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, a Gorgon travels to Sabrinas town. Also known as Phorkys, he lay with his sister Ceto. It tells of a beautiful woman transformed into a gorgon: a hideous monster with venomous serpents for hair. Some poets even went so far as to describe their boar-like tusks and massive lolling tongue. She believes that Medusa was originally a beautiful woman with power and that men adapted her story to turn her into a monster because they did not appreciate powerful women. Her sisters are the immortal Gorgons: Euryale and Stheno. Hail and welcome!, Take the vessel and fumigate it in the incense three times. Metamorphoses Book V, by Ovid - Tells the story of Medusa from Greek mythology. Her domain encompasses all bodies of water, and her rage is as powerful as the most ravenous hurricane. Sacred Plants: Corn. In House of the Faun from 200 BC, she appears on the plate worn by Alexander the Great. This is by no means a requirement for working with Medusa its simply a reason that she may empathize with you and want to form a deeper connection. You can simply offer her a devotional candle or a seashell. One version of his battle with Atlas claims that Perseus turned his opponent into a mountain. The following list is not even nearly a complete summary of all the exciting and vital plants and flowers from Greek myth. For these types of rituals I will offer Her red church wine, whole uncooked eggs, and spring water in addition to any ingredients or materials for my spellwork. WebFrom Business: We offer the finest quality of Natural Organically Grown and Wild crafted Herbs. Their bodies are covered in scales and they have large, round heads with snakes sprouting from them instead of hair. Daphne had sworn herself to perpetual virginity and refused him. He claimed that the story of her decapitation shared much in common with castration. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The pomegranate fruit was important as a symbol of fertility and marriage and played a role in several myths. Medusa followed the goddess for many years before she met and fell in love with Poseidon. I will say, since I have started serving Medusa as an active force in my cult and witchcraft the results have been beyond astounding. If you happen to find yourself on the wrong side of someone in Medusas favor, then youll want to make sure youre well-protected for the vengeance that is to come. Athena and Poseidon competed over the city, which would become Athens in a contest judged by humans. Eventually, she transformed into the heliotrope, flowers that follow the sun as longingly as she once did. In his eyes, Medusa was only scary because it linked castration to something that a man could see. Thyrsus, a fennel staff with a pine cone at the top end, is the most common Dionysus symbol while other symbols of Dionysus include kantharos, the Greek drinking cups, grapevines/grapes, panthers and bulls. I use a variety of materials including plant absolutes, essential oils, fragrances, resins, botanical oils and natural essences from roots, flowers, herbs and stones. Atlas attempted to fight but saw her head and turned to stone. It is the tale of the deep cut of societys knife: creating, blaming, and demonizing the victim for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the marble statue from the temple of Artemis in Corfu Medusa embraces Her children Pegasus and Chrysaor, as well as Her lions. Medusa has also experienced another unexpected transformation over time. Beautiful Medusa, Serpentine Goddess, I summon You to this rite I host in Your honor! Plate worn by Alexander the Great before she met and fell in love with Poseidon monster with venomous for! Power to turn people to stone my enemies are petrified by the very gods she sought to serve in temple! With a symbol that represents female anger and rage most beautiful of her stories claim that Perseus his... Offered it to save his mother, Perseus stood in the home or place names anyone! Cut end dry for a few hours after his birth, he tried to her... 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