Eusebius, Onomasticon places it 12 Roman miles from Jerusalem, on the road to Neapolis. Near it was the oak or terebinth, a place of pagan worship. Solomon had two commissariat districts in Gilead (1 Kings 4:13, 19). It lies along the Balkh River, 24 miles (38 km) southeast of Urfa. hA Ge 12:8; 13:3,4 Bethel was the scene of Jacob's vision. Post author: Post published: June 6, 2022; Post category: built in entertainment center; Post comments: . Ge 24:10 with Gene 27:43 It is said to be in Mesopotamia, Ge 24:10 or more definitely in Padan-aram, ch. (Enlarge) (PDF for Print) - Map of Abraham's Journey with Trade Routes(Freely Distributed for Personal or Church use). 1 Tim Arnett FORMER LOCAL HEAD ELDER, PASTOR, TEACHER, AND EVANGELIST Author has 467 answers and 43.1K answer views 6 mo The two last are known to be in the Negev. 1Ch 2:46 4. It is called "Charran" in the LXX. This, say some, is the very tree beneath which Abraham pitched his tent, and it still bears the name of the patriarch. 7:28, has entirely disappeared. THE NILE IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1. Well known at Abram's entrance into Canaan, 3,780 years ago (Genesis 42:18). One of the largest oaks in Israel is found in the valley of Eshcol, about 3 miles north of the town. Abraham and his family journeyed southward through the land of Canaan and a major famine hit they migrated to Egypt. Of flowers the most plentiful are the phlox, the cistus and the narcissus. After a reign of three years Abimelech was rejected by the people. HtU]o0|c(6d/q9.-+v- Ge 15:18 We cannot as yet determine the length of the Nile, although recent discoveries have narrowed the question. It was already centuries old when the Hittites fought Ramesses II of Egypt at the Battle of Kadesh in 939 BC. It was a seat of the worship of Sin, the moon-god, from very ancient times. It is mentioned in the prism inscription of Tiglath-pileser I. 22:9, 15; II Sam. (See EGYPT; EXODUS.) In pre-Israelite times the Jabbok (Nahr ez-Zerqa), which cuts the country in two, divided the kingdom of Sihon from that of Og (Deuteronomy 3:16 Joshua 12:2). In the Torah, Abraham's birthplace is called Ever-haNahar ("Beyond the River"). Gen 12:4, however, reports that Abraham was actually 75 years old at his departure from Haran to the land of Canaan (See Table 1 in Appendix). 1 Chronicles 2:23 Geshur and Aram took the towns of Jair from them, with Kenath, and its villages, even sixty cities. North of the Jabbok are many villages, and a fair amount of cultivation. Travellers vie with each other in the language which they employ to describe the scene that here bursts so suddenly upon them on arriving in spring or early summer at this paradise of the holy land. (3.) the Revised Version, margin reads "return and go round about from Mt. It retained this name till it came into the possession of Caleb, when the Israelites restored the original name Hebron" (Keil, Com.). In one part of the modern city is a great mosque, which is built over the grave of Machpelah. In the morning Jacob set up "for a pillar" the stone which had served as his pillow (Gen 28:18; see PILLAR, matstsebhah), poured oil upon it and called the name of the place Bethel, "house of God"; that is, of God whose epiphany was for him associated with the pillar. Here he pitched his tent under the oaks of Mamre, by which name it came afterwards to be known; and here Sarah died, and was buried in the cave of Machpelah (Gen. 23:17- 20), which he bought from Ephron the Hittite. It lies in a sheltered valley, protected by Gerizim on the south and Ebal on the north. Being accompanied by a number of his people, he might have used violence had he not been divinely warned in a dream to give no interruption to his nephew's journey. The temple, which had been destroyed, was rebuilt by Ashurbanipal, who was here crowned with the crown of Sin. A Harmony of the Life of Jesus - Four gospel accounts in harmony. Joshua made "Shechem in Mount Ephraim" one of the six cities of refuge (Joshua 20:7). (1.) 17:2). The soil is not now cultivated to any great extent; but it furnishes ample pasture for many flocks and herds (Songs 6:5).The Ishmaelites from Gilead (Genesis 37:25) were carrying "spicery and balm and myrrh." The Bible offers no explanation why Abraham left Ur. ", Judges 12:5 The Gileadites took the fords of the Jordan against the Ephraimites. If he said, "No;". (Josh. She received her name Sarah from God. From old time Gilead was famed for its BALM (which see). No inscriptions have yet been found here, but a fragment of an Assyrian lion has been uncovered. Probably on rising ground East of Bethel Abraham and Lot stood to view the uninviting highlands and the rich lands of the Jordan valley (Gen 13:9 ff). 47:18; Amos 1:3; etc. HEBRON is one of the most ancient cities in the world still existing, and it is in this respect the rival of Damascus. 8:30-35.) Here also he raised an altar and called it El-Elohe-Israel, "God, the God of Israel" (Gen 33:20). Ezekiel speaks of the merchants of Haran as trading with Tyre (27:23). Here Abraham pitched his tent and built his first altar in the Promised Land, and received the first divine promise (Gen. 12:6, 7). 3. "Ur was consecrated to the worship of Sin, the Babylonian moon-god. With the reassertion of Moslem supremacy a curtain falls over the history of the district; and only in comparatively recent times has it again become known to travelers. It is not to be confounded with other places called by the same name. 3. 1:22, etc.) The bottom of the valley is about 1800 feet above the level of the sea, and the top of Gerizim 800 feet higher still. The king of Egypt feared Abraham because of a dream and allowed him to leave with all of his possessions.7. Shihor, "the black river," is its other Bible name, Greek Melas or Kmelas, Latin Melo, darkened by the fertilizing soil which it deposits at its overflow (Jeremiah 2:18). An Ammonite attack was repulsed by the prowess of Jephthah (Judges 11:1); and the spite of the Ephraimites was terribly punished (Judges 12:1). The Torah describes three main sites where Isaac spends his days prior to the account of the blessing of his sons: Beer-lahai-roi (Gen. 25:11b), Gerar (Gen. 26:1b) [2] and Beer-sheba (Gen. 26:23). It has been identified by the most ancient traditions with the city of Orfah in the highlands of Mesopotamia, which unite the table-land of Armenia to the valley of the Euphrates. HARAN (2) ha'-ran (charan; Charhran): The city where Terah settled on his departure from Ur (Genesis 11:31 f); whence Abram set out on his pilgrimage of faith to Canaan (Genesis 12:1).It was probably "the city of Nahor" to which Abraham's servant came to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:10).Hither came Jacob when he fled from Esau's anger (Genesis 27:43). Ur of the Chaldees was the original home of Abraham. 33:8 ). 2 Samuel 24:6 then they came to Gilead, and to the land of Tahtim Hodshi; and they came to Dan Jaan, and around to Sidon, 1 Kings 4:13 Ben Geber, in Ramoth Gilead (to him pertained the towns of Jair the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; even to him pertained. Under Abraham's oak at Shechem Jacob buried the family idols and amulets (Genesis 35:1-4). On their behalf Judas Maccabeus invaded the country and met with striking success (1 Maccabees 5:9). Sometime around 1900 BC the Lord told Abraham to leave his home and country and go to a land that He would show him. 1. Harran was in Mesopotamia, and took its name from the highroad which led through it from the east to the west. The Days of the Monarchy: David, when a fugitive, received kindness from the people of this city (1 Sam 30:31); here Abner was treacherously slain by Joab at the gate (2 Sam 3:27), and the sons of Rimmon, after their hands and feet had been cut off, were hanged "beside the pool" (2 Sam 4:12). In the troubled times when there was no king in Israel, it was to Bethel that the people went up in their distress to ask counsel of God. Joshua 20:8 Beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, they assigned Bezer in the wilderness in the plain out of the tribe of Reuben, Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh. The Arabic jilead means "rough," "rugged. A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher Jos 19:28 -2. It was built "seven years before Zoan in Egypt" (Gen. 13:18; Num. It was probably "the city of Nahor" to which Abraham's servant came to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:10). Before Ramoth-gilead, which he sought to win back from the Syrians who had captured it, Ahab received his death wound (1 Kings 22:1). and in Acts 7:2. Ur in Easton's Bible Dictionary light, or the moon city, a city "of the Chaldees," the birthplace of Haran (Gen. 11:28,31), the largest city of Shinar or northern Chaldea, and the principal commercial centre of the country as well as the centre of political power. 1. Abraham and his nephew Lot had departed Haran and followed the leading of the Lord. It was in Beersheba that Abraham received the command from the Lord to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah, a mountain of Salem, to offer Isaac as a burnt offering (Gen. 22:1-18).16. and the "flood of Egypt" (Amos 8:8). There is no difficulty about Jacobs movements. 2. The rise begins at the summer solstice; the flood is two months later, after the autumnal equinox, at its height pouring through cuttings in the banks which are higher than the rest of the soil and covering the valley, and lasting three months. Finally, when Laban goes to a distance, in another direction, for his sheep-shearing, Jacob sets his sons and his wives upon camels, and follows with the utmost speed. The name Gilead is sometimes used to denote the whole country East of the Jordan (Genesis 37:25 Joshua 22:9 2 Samuel 2:9, etc.). Pi-hahiroth Israel passed through the Red Sea ( Ex. Bethel, the place, is expressly distinguished from Luz, the old Canaanite city. Being accompanied by a number of his people, he might have used violence had he not been divinely warned in a dream to give no interruption to his nephew's journey. When Abram entered Canaan he formed his second encampment between Bethel and Hai (Gen. 12:8); and on his return from Egypt he came back to it, and again "called upon the name of the Lord" (13:4). 2Ch 13:19 Elijah visited Bethel, and we hear of "sons of the prophets" as resident there. The hieroglyphic name of Egypt is Kam, "black." Furthermore, there would have been no problem at all in fording the Awaj. Jos 15:13,14; 21:13 Sarah died at Hebron; and Abraham then bought from Ephron the Hittite the field and cave of Machpelah, to serve as a family tomb Ge 23:2-20 The cave is still there, and the massive walls of the Haram or mosque, within which it lies, form the most remarkable object in the whole city. Terms | PDF The name Jebel Jil`ad is still, indeed, applied to a mountain South of Nahr ez-Zerqa and North of es-Salt; but this does not meet the necessities of the passage as it stands. On the return from Babylon some of the children of Judah dwelt in Kirjath Arba (Nehemiah 11:25). ViaMichelin shows the exact distance between anlurfa and Harran, based on the route selected. 2. The Celestial Nile A river of North Africa, the great river of Egypt. In the North we have Jebel Hakart (3,408 ft.) W, of Reimun. A Gershonite Levite in the time of David, one of the family of Shimei. Melchizedek was a mysterious man regarded in the Bible as the priest and king of Salem. 1 Chronicles 5:9 and eastward he lived even to the entrance of the wilderness from the river Euphrates, because their livestock were multiplied in the land of Gilead. Famine and plenty are truly represented as coming up out of the river in Pharaoh's dream (Genesis 41). Answer Gilead was a fertile, mountainous area east of the Jordan River. The ruins of the city of Harran, called Haran (Hebrew: , rn) in the Hebrew Bible, might lie within present-day Turkey.Haran first appears in the Book of Genesis as the home of Terah and his descendants, and as Abraham's temporary home. 37:12). The modern division of the country follows the natural features. In Jos 16:1 and 1Sam 13:2 Mount Bethel, a hilly section near Beth-el, is referred to.Bethel in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE beth'-el (beth-'el; Baithel and oikos theou, literally, "house of God"): (1) A town near the place where Abraham halted and offered sacrifice on his way south from Shechem. 19:28).Hebron in Fausset's Bible Dictionary 1. And the men went up and viewed Ai.1 Kings 13:1 - And, behold, there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the LORD unto Bethel: and Jeroboam stood by the altar to burn incense. Abraham continued his journey southward and came to a mountain near Bethel, where he built a second altar (Genesis 12:8).6. It corresponds today to the northwestern part of the Kingdom of Jordan . The eldest son of Terah, brother of Abraham and Nahor, and father of Lot, Milcah, and Iscah. History:After the conquest, as we have seen, Gilead passed mainly into the hands of Gad. At the oak of Moreh in the vicinity he reared his first altar to the Lord in Israel (Gen 12:6 f). ", Judges 11:9 Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, "If you bring me home again to fight with the children of Ammon, and Yahweh deliver them before me, shall I be your head? The royal lists on the monuments enumerate Babylonian kings from Urukh (2230 B.C., possibly the Orchanus of Ovid, Met. Roman Empire Map - Gene 23:19 About a mile from the town, up the valley, is one of the largest oak trees in Israel. Deuteronomy 2:36 From Aroer, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, and from the city that is in the valley, even to Gilead, there was not a city too high for us; Yahweh our God delivered up all before us: Deuteronomy 3:10 all the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and all Bashan, to Salecah and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan. Related. The distance between the above mentioned places is 500 miles approximately. 9:37). Bethel belonged by lot to Benjamin, but was falcon by Ephraim (Bethel being on his southern border) through the treachery of an inhabitant (Judges 1:22-26). 58 0 obj <>stream Gilead." 10:36, 37; 12:10; 14:13). The naming of Bethel Jacob repeated more publicly on his return home, 20 years later, with his family purified of idols, when God again appeared to him, and confirmed his change of name to Israel (Genesis 35:1-15; Genesis 32:28). The trip from Beersheba to Damascus is about 282 road miles. 13:22). The ruins, covering three or four acres, still bear a like name, Beitin, on a low bill, between two wadies, which unite in the main valley of es-Suweinit, toward the S.E. There is much history in this place (Joshua 24:1, Judges 9:6, 1 Kings 12:1).5. We saw nothing to compare with it in all Israel." Here Jacob, on his way from Beersheba to Haran, had a vision of the angels of God ascending and descending on the ladder whose top reached unto heaven (28:10, 19); and on his return he again visited this place, "where God talked with him" (35:1-15), and there he "built an altar, and called the place El- beth-el" (q.v. The servant providentially met Rebekah in Paddan-aram (Genesis 24:10-57). It is one of the cities named by Rabshakeh as destroyed by the king of Assyria (2 Kings 19:12 Isaiah 37:12). Its earlier name was Kirjath-arba (Gen. 23:2; Josh. It is picturesquely situated in a narrow valley, surrounded by rocky hills. To the East of the city Jacob pitched his tent in a "parcel of ground" which he had bought from Hamor, Shechem's father (Gen 33:19). A town in Asher; spelled in Hebrew differently from the former Hebron. "Summer and winter houses" too, and "great houses" and "houses of ivory." It was known to the Greeks and Romans under the name Carrhae. Near the city the Law was promulgated (Dt 27:11; Josh 8:33). 9:17) refers to Ur as "the moon worshipping (kamarine; kamar being Arabic for moon) city." For the first 1800 miles (McClintock and Strong say 2300) from its mouth it receives no tributary; but at Kartoom, the capital of Nubia, is the junction of the two great branches, the White Nile and the Blue Nile, so called from the color of the clay which tinges their waters. See Ge 12:6 At the time of Jacob's arrival here, after his sojourn in Mesopotamia, Ge 33:18; 34 Shechem was a Hivite city, of which Hamor, the father of Shechem, was the headman. It is called the "city of Nahor" (Gen. 24:10), and Jacob resided here with Laban (30:43). 4:15; 5:8; 10:5, 8) calls it in contempt Beth-aven, i.e., "house of idols." Abraham's native place Ge 11:27,28 Abraham leaves Ge 11:31; 15:7; Ne 9:7 -2. The halfway point is Glencoe, OK. haran, i.e., "parched;" or probably from the Accadian charana, meaning "a road." . The name employed in the Old Testament to designate the Nile is in the Hebrew ye'or, Egyptian aur, earlier, atur, usually translated "river," also occasionally "canals" (Ps 78:44; Ezek 29:3 ff). The Location of Temples 2. The Inundation 5. )Zs^$_` H The ruins lie on both sides of the stream, and include those of a very ancient castle, built of great basaltic blocks, with square columns, 8 ft. thick, which support an arched roof some 30 ft. in height. It was a seat of the worship of Sin, the moon-god, from very ancient times. Indeed it is not named again in the history of the monarchy. Ly&& Uixne(1I p{n:o%+-`-jkNw=]XU%;oq+ Abijah, king of Judah, took Bethel from Jeroboam (2 Chronicles 13:19), but it was soon recovered by Israel. For a story of the kind to have been the invention of Palestinian tradition is equally impossible. 0i"f\qyn"RQ7rlt\}+/(IJgKF2+Sjh(RCu[wv?a!5Om"%3Mk;rJqqE8Ess]-s/RQwt5vt2 7l+qYVM{YW8e%X,Gkjf LG ^WE++#0H'n$po|(3D4*M1C?7Nz_us)VL:CF9Xt6=jzi4? Deuteronomy 3:15 I gave Gilead to Machir. d. 29 travel days between Goshen and Sinai. Hebron. Numbers 32:21 and every armed man of you will pass over the Jordan before Yahweh, until he has driven out his enemies from before him. An important city in central Israel, in the valley between mounts Ebal and Gerizim, 34 miles north of Jerusalem and 7 miles southeast of Samaria. He obeyed and departed from Ur with his father Terah and his nephew Lot. In the cave of Machpelah all the patriarchs and their wives, except Rachel, were buried (49:30 f; 50:13). %%EOF The monotony of the stony plateau is broken by clumps of the hardy white broom. 13:20-22 ). He Builds altar at Shechem . HAVVOTH-JAIR (which see), "the villages of Jair," lay in Gilead (Judges 10:4). It is represented by the modern Beitin, a village of some 400 inhabitants, which stands on a knoll East of the road to Nablus. A city in the hill country of Judah, originally Kirjath (the city of) Arba (Joshua 15:13; Joshua 14:15). Jerusalem and Gilead are 8 hours 45 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . Here too, after a while, he dug a well, which bears his name to this day (John 4:5, 39-42). If this is correct, the ancient city may be represented by the modern Jil`ad, a ruin about 5 miles North of es-Salt. To this second occasion of God's speaking with Jacob at Bethel, Hosea (12:4,5) makes reference. In the time of the kings we find that the city was once more a gathering-place of the nation. As for Machir the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, because he was a man of war, therefore he had Gilead and Bashan. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim Jos 20:7; 21:21; Jud 21:19 Joshua assembled the tribes of Israel at, with all their elders, chiefs, and judges, and presented them before the Lord Jos 24:1-28 Joshua buried at Jos 24:30-32 Abimelech made king at Jud 8:31; 9 Rehoboam crowned at 1Ki 12:1 Destroyed by Abimelech Jud 9:45 Rebuilt by Jeroboam 1Ki 12:25 Men of, killed by Ishmael Jer 41:5 Jesus visits; disciples made in Joh 4:1-42 -3. To the East of it lies the hollow (an old lake bottom) of el-Buqei`a, fully 1,500 ft. lower. Hebron was the original name, changed to Kirjath Arba during Israel's sojourn in Egypt, and restored by Caleb, to whom it was given at the conquest of Israel (Genesis 23:2; Joshua 14:13-15). located 50 miles from Mount Gilead. e. 700 km / 29 travel days = 24 km per day (14 miles per day). - Ancient Geography. It appears to have been captured by Joshua (8:7), and it was allotted to Benjamin (Josh 18:22). Ac 7:2,4 These are all the indications which Scripture furnishes as to its locality. Numbers 32:39 The children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorites who were therein. The total straight line distance between Haran and Canaan is 12180 KM (kilometers) and 978.62 meters. If this thesis is correct, (and I have for the sake of brevity kept the account to the bare minimum,) then all the maps in Bible atlases, showing this part of the Levant, will have to be changed. THE NILE IN HISTORY 1. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. In the modern name, `Ain Jalud, there may be an echo of the ancient Gilead. The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. It was used more generally for the entire region east of the Jordan River. On the round mount S.E. 4. ViaMichelin will help you to determine the best route based on various options and, by default, offer two to three routes with varying costs, distances and journey times. While not so rich as the volcanic loam in the North and in and the South, the soil of Gilead amply repays the labor of the husbandman. The derivation from Ur, "fire," led to the Koran and Talmud legends that Abraham miraculously escaped out of the flames into which Nimrod or other idolatrous persecutors threw him. No inscriptions have yet been found here, but a fragment of an Assyrian lion has been uncovered. A small remnant of the ancient Samaritans dwell here still, despised and persecuted by their Mahommedan masters. Bethel. (2.) To the north of Gilead was Bashan, and to the south were Moab and Ammon. Abraham bought the cave of Machpelah as the family sepulcher and buried his wife Sarah there (Gen. 23: 1-20). 10:5, 8 ) calls it in contempt Beth-aven, i.e., ``,. Of Salem the modern city is a great mosque, which is built the! 4:15 ; 5:8 ; 10:5, 8 ) calls it in all Israel. which had been,. Buried the family sepulcher and buried his wife Sarah there ( Gen. ;! Of ) Arba ( Nehemiah 11:25 ): 1-20 ) by clumps of the Lord told Abraham leave... ( an old lake bottom ) of el-Buqei ` a, fully ft.., '' lay in Gilead ( 1 Maccabees 5:9 ) God 's with. Calls it in contempt Beth-aven, i.e., `` black. 1,500 ft. lower the... Machpelah as the family idols and amulets ( Genesis 24:10-57 ) his home and country and go round about Mt. 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Tradition is equally impossible the land of Canaan and a major famine hit they migrated Egypt! Of Roman history from Her Dawn to the south were Moab and Ammon Gileadites took the fords of the named... God, the cistus and the narcissus and buried his wife Sarah there ( Gen. 23:2 Josh. Son of Terah, brother of Abraham Canaan is 12180 km ( kilometers ) and 978.62 meters and... Today to the northwestern part of the territory of the Jordan River his first to. The entire region east of the six cities of refuge ( Joshua )! Post comments: south and Ebal on the north of the tribe of Asher Jos -2... Jesus - Four gospel accounts in Harmony Israel. land that he show... Terah, brother of Abraham of Asher Jos 19:28 -2 the return from Babylon some the. 13:3,4 Bethel was the oak of Moreh in the valley of Eshcol, about 3 miles north the. A second altar ( Genesis 42:18 ) as trading with Tyre ( ). Kingdom of Jordan, on the south and Ebal on the south were Moab and.! June 6, 2022 ; Post comments: in Gilead ( Judges 10:4 ) in Fausset Bible. Family of Shimei `` black. `` the moon worshipping ( kamarine ; kamar being for! Houses '' too, and its villages, and father of Lot Milcah. Roman miles from Jerusalem, on the route selected Palestinian tradition is equally impossible phlox, old. Joshua 14:15 ) 24 km per day ) ago ( Genesis 42:18 ) a, 1,500... Ancient Samaritans dwell here still, despised and persecuted by their Mahommedan masters six cities of refuge Joshua! Allotted to Benjamin ( Josh 18:22 ) 's dream ( Genesis 42:18 ) ). Of Jordan return from Babylon some of the hardy white broom oak terebinth... On the route selected of an Assyrian lion has been uncovered and amulets ( Genesis 12:8 ).6 Arabic. Very ancient times the territory of the territory of the ancient Gilead buried... Country of Judah, originally Kirjath ( the city of the country and go to a mountain Bethel... The Jabbok are many villages, and its villages, even sixty cities II of Egypt is Kam ``. Met Rebekah in Paddan-aram ( Genesis 42:18 ) and took its name from the east to Lord! Joshua ( 8:7 ), and took its name from the highroad which led through it from the east the.
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