This makes poor decisions and causes harm to yourself or those around you. They have a clear vision of the things that they need to do. They would rather stand-alone than let the wrong person in. WebThe Queen of Swords represents good productivity and an independent mind at work. You are very careful as to who you allow to come close to you and to be fair, that isnt a bad thing at all! In the present, youre currently building the life you want for yourself. The Queen of Swords reversed as intentions means that they intend to make it known that they feel as if they are the victim. She is a widow or someone going through a divorce and is single. Contact us. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Queen of Swords reversed means that this persons intentions are to continuously keep track of how you are a bad partner. This could be due to evil thoughts or sensations being embedded and dwelled on. WebInteraction with the Swords Suits. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. You need to regain control and instill a presence of mind. The Queen of Swords, in reverse, is also indicative of someone who loves to bring others down, often through gossip and spreading malicious rumors. You may be someone who wants revenge because of heartbreak. Emotion plays a large role in our lives, and its important to be in touch with our feelings. They intend to ask for pity and attention. You may make decisions based on anger, resentment, and guilt. Youre someone who is willing to hear the ideas of others. The Queen of Swords asks you to be like her. And you want to prove to everyone that you dont need a man in your life. The reversed position of the Queen of Swords is an indication that someone in your workplace resents you. This person feels like youre someone who is hard to reach. The main meaning of the Queen of Pentacles is that it is a card of high class. In the upright position, the Queen of Swords indicates a situation where the person will be very forthcoming with their intentions. So be sure to work on yourself first before entering a new relationship. The Queen of Wands as how someone thinks of you, is a card that symbolises warmth, compassion and loyalty. This results from a bad attitude, pessimism, or a tendency to be pessimistic. This is simply not possible, and that is where problems arise. They might not tell you how they feel until they know that they can trust you. If you look at the card, the Queen holds her hand out as if reaching out but also holds her sword firmly as if to protect herself from any harm coming her way. The universe sees your true potential and is proud of you. Or you choose to live alone in the future because youre independent. She looks off into the distance in a profile view, as if she is pronouncing a judgment on someone. This person is willing to provide for you and your future baby. Because youre already used to managing things on your own. The world isnt as horrible as you make it out to be. The Queen of Swords is generally thought to be a positive card, no matter where it shows up in your reading. This person keeps their guard up and protects their heart at all costs. This immense energy resides with your ability to mature. The Queen of Swords is an important card for reconciliation. This is a great time to avoid being emotional. You never fail to make wise decisions for the betterment of yourself. Usually, this woman thrives on drama and conflict and wants nothing more than to interfere in your business, love life, and personal relationships. If you take a look at all of the court cards (the Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings), the Queens and Kings are the highest-ranking. But for the time being, strive to treat others with love and concern. Allow yourself time to think things through before reacting; you have time to do so. WebThe Queen of Swords is a Minor Arcana that belongs to the suit cards. Your pragmatic nature impulsively pushes you to instill control in every situation even though things are getting out of hand. However, keep in mind that you must also widen your mind to have a bigger perspective of things. You can be independent, but asking for advice isnt a bad thing. Although this woman enjoys communication she is extremely private and self-disciplined. Overall, the Queen of Swords tells you to make an unbiased judgment and to widen your mind and understanding. The Queen of Swords is an essential card for friendship. You are out of touch with your emotions and feeling lost or exhausted by your feelings. They may appear to be distant, but it is only because they take their time to trust people. Youre currently working on a career that has a healthy environment. As a card indicating the future, the Queen of Swords in reverse is warning you not to close yourself off entirely because youve been hurt in the past. She might come across as someone unfeeling, cold and distant on the outside, but that is only because she is careful and protective of her emotions. It is a positive sign in terms of intentions if you draw this card in a reading. Take a few moments to relax and breathe to participate in conscious thinking. This is because they dont want you to get hurt. The Queen advises you to take a break from your emotional turmoil. The Queen of Swords as intentions means that they intend to be loving, loyal, and open, but they also choose wisely on who they let into their lives. Not only will they close off their true feelings, they can also have the tendency to hurt people first as a way to avoid getting hurt themselves. If it does, they will intend to get back together. This is because you finally accepted the fact of loving again. This could mean that you continue to manifest healthy and stable companies. The Queen of Swords is a great card to get as advice. Drop the stick you are holding tight onto and look around. The Queen of Swords is generally a very positive card to get as to how someone sees you. In reverse, the Queen of Swords shows that you are seen as someone who lacks the balance to make sensible decisions. They have a no-nonsense kind of attitude but have a softer side too. The Queen of Swords can be a representation of a man. The Queen of Pentacles is the type of woman to be sitting in the corner, clutching a Chanel handbag. It can be seen through your physical appearance or features. WebUpright: The Queen of Swords may represent someone who is very discerning about her partner and her friends. Id love to hear about your experience. This is brought about by your constant disappointment and expectation from them. Youre someone who is willing to understand the other side. So being wise would eventually reflect on your independent figure. Read More About Me! WebDuring a yes or no tarot reading, the Queen of Swords card is a yes. An upright Queen of Swords also indicates underlying health conditions that are not yet discovered. You will be approachable as the person who always takes wise decisions. This is because you already have what it takes to succeed alone. Let go of the grief and hurt. Instead, you would always choose to act tough on the outside. WebThe Queen of Swords can simply represent a woman who is in a relationship but is fearful of being single or alternatively, feels her freedom is far too restricted. Its a warning sign not to become a bitter single. This card also indicates that you have recently broken up and there is sadness, bitterness, anger, and regret in your heart. Youre someone who doesnt want to show your total feminine energy. Theres nothing wrong with being a single mom. My feelings/desires: Ace of Wands. The Queen of Swords, in an upright position, is a positive card. Thus, as an action card, it is asking you to use logic and reasoning, instead of being swayed by your heart and emotions. When pulled in reversed position, the Queen of Swords represents defensiveness and intense emotions. Vekke Sind, [] what is the main message to take away from the Queen of Swords []. If you want to have a leadership figure, you need to be there for people because you can help others succeed while youre being independent. Be calm and ask yourself if you require any additional information before deciding. To see the mostpopular tarot decks for beginnersjustclick here. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Youre someone who has an intellectual and robust mindset. This card also proposes that it could be you displaying these characteristics. They intend to be objective about their feelings, and they know you are someone they want to be with. They intend to stand on level ground. So you have to do most of the things on your own. If they are interested in you, you will be told so. WebWith the queen of swords as his intentions, he could want to quietly be attuned to you and watch what's happening with you, or be observant, while you connect on an outer level, as others have pointed. She represents someone whose ability to reason clearly dominates their emotional state. But for a relationship to work, it has to make sense with our head as well. She looks off into the distance in a profile view, as if she is pronouncing a judgement on someone. She is symbolized as a woman who knows her mind and will not sugar-coat her words to save you emotional distress. Instead, you continuously work on your own. Because of these qualities, you may be driving others away from you. WebQueen of Swords: Yes or No The Queen of Swords is a yes card. In this kind of drawings, the Queen of Swords may come up straight, as well as reversed. WebThe Queen of Swords combines the mental clarity and intellectual power of the suit of Swords with the maturity and receptiveness of the Queen. You are the heartbeat of any crowd you find yourself in. They intend to get an in-depth idea about your actions and personality before starting a relationship. Sensitive souls may receive her bluntness as cold and dub her the Ice Queen. Its not that she doesnt care, she just wants to be fair. You may be seen as someone lacking empathy. You got this, queen! WebThe reversed Queen of Swords is a card that shows up when someones feelings are overtaking their rationality. Vekke Sind, [] a person symbolized by a reversed Queen of Swords displays strong signs of co-dependency and is emotionally unstable. This signifies that you can openly and honestly express your views and ideas to your boss. The Queen of Swords as a situation may perhaps refer to a person or certain emotions. So its not a big deal anymore if you choose constant solitude. Remember, life is nothing without a little risk. WebQueen of Swords as Intentions? If you are asking about an exs intentions, the Queen of Swords shows that they intend to end any grievances and leave the relationship on good terms. The stern looks on the queens face are the reason why she is regarded as the most daring queen among all. If you embody these traits and you are single, your opposite sex may feel intimidated because of your strong and straightforward personality. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. The upright Queen of Swords indicates that this person does not intend to spontaneously select someone to start a relationship, but rather through careful decisions. Finally, after years of doubt and hardships, everything is falling into place. You may have recently told someone a white lie that caused them pain, or you may have been critical of them. The Queen of Sword signifies a motherly person or someone that possesses the traits of a mother. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card shows an older woman sitting on a throne, a sword in her right hand, wearing a crown of butterflies. Theres nothing wrong with choosing to be alone for a while. Nevertheless, all the cards in the suit of Swords denote the Air signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. WebThe Queen of Swords is an archetype of an older, wiser feminine intellect. The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Keywords in Reverse, The Queen of Swords Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Queen of Swords Card in Reverse as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. This person wants to do the honors of reaching out. WebQueen of Swords is a Canadian actionadventure television series set in California during the early 19th century that ran for one season from 2000 to 2001. You may be someone who would always make wise decisions. Because youre already used to managing things on your own. The clouds at her back indicate that her throne is positioned on high ground. It would be best to reclaim your self-assurance and authority. Youre someone who continues to achieve your goals. All rights reserved. WebThe Queen of Swords is a pleasant card in the way it reveals that you have plenty of experience from which to draw, but are genuinely interested in always learning more. WebThe Queen of Swords is intuitively wise and a naturally quick thinker. This is not a sustainable position unless you want to alienate yourself from the world completely. This person is honest and often seeks out the truth before declaring their intentions or judgments. She has lost touch with her inner self and no longer has your best interests at heart and is capable of spreading vicious lies about you and the situation because she has not let go of pain she faced in the past. When confronted with a difficult situation, you may respond irrationally. This reversed card may suggest someone who uses their intellect and words to harm others. This card in reversed indicates the Queen of Swords still feels hurt as a result of a certain event and will do anything to prevent having to experience it again. If they are going to attempt reconciliation, they will first make sure it makes logical sense. WebQueen of Swords Meaning. This person still understands that you will always be independent. This card is associated with logic, objectivity, and truth. Manipulative comments are delivered with a cynical tone. They feel the need to trust someone completely before they Some of these may be trivial but little did we know that it leads to something much bigger. Since this will be crucial while making decisions in the situations you find yourself in. She might be a third party in the relationship, meaning one person is cheating. Bleh, the court cards confuse me more than any other cards in the tarot. Read your lover with this eye-opening 3 Cards Tarot reading >>>. WebThe Queen Of Pentacles and Seven of Swords as a tarot card combination indicate someone feels guarded. WebDuring a yes or no tarot reading, the Queen of Swords card is a yes. She gives off an aura of confidence. The Queen of Sword signifies a motherly person or someone that possesses the traits of a mother. There are adjustments that will be made soon. This card advises you to build a strong relationship boundary that both of you can still enjoy the things you love to do being alone. The same with the Queen of Wands, the Queen of Swords in a career aspect signifies that you may encounter a woman who is of higher position in the company you are working. Even if you depended on them at that time, they exerted effort. She is clear-minded and completely honest about what she wants. The Queen of Swords as a situation may perhaps refer to a person or certain emotions. WebUpright: The Queen of Swords may represent someone who is very discerning about her partner and her friends. WebThe Queen of Swords often suggests sadness or a deep pain that is denied or repressed. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. If you believe this person is the permanent one for you, intend on addressing their problems and building a stronger bond before committing to marriage. You are worthy of respect because even though you may have been hurt in the past, you have taken that in your stride and grown into a strong individual. If you have this card, then its most likely that youre a queen. If the Queen of Swords comes up in a love reading, it might mean that either you or the person you are involved with, embodies the qualities of the Queen. She has lost touch with what she wants and is reflective of someone who will manipulate you to serve her own interests. So dont be shy or hesitant in reaching out to your friends. As a future card, the Queen of Swords may indicate someone like this coming into your life and becoming an important part of the situation. An upright Queen of Swords concerning your spirituality indicates that you are not following your intuition. In a reading about your career or finances, the upright Queen of Swords indicates you know what the right move is for you. The Queen of Swords has good intentions, but due to their cautiousness has the tendency to come across as uninterested. He possibly has some tentative hope but doesn't have any concrete feelings (obviously). But when people start to see your raw emotions, you will hide. The Queen of Swords card undoubtedly has good or pure intentions. They tend to hold themselves back in the beginning, but they will drop their guard as soon as they feel safe. For existing relationships, the Queen of Swords represents an intention to remain loyal and keep a clear understanding of you. While she is unafraid to ask for a place at the table, she is also gentle and has a softer side. Hi. The card shows a queen, with a stern look on her face, sitting regally on a throne. Symbolizing someone who is strong and has a very balanced personality, the Queen of Swords is asking you to judge the situation using your heart and mind. It shows that you may not have all the facts in front of you, and you are leading from your heart instead of your mind. It also tells you to love yourself first, allow yourself to move on, and do not be afraid to ask for help. Alternatively, this could also mean that a person like this will soon enter your life. By Borys Kit. 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