Jessie, I have listened to many interviews where you shared your testimony and educated the audience on the ways of the Luciferian underworld. She is very scary. She was hired by the Duchess of Yorkthe future Queen Motheras a governess for her two daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret. ", The most striking aspect of Shawcross' biography is that once she had contrived to marry, Elizabeth really didn't do anything else for the rest of her life except spend, spend, spend -- our money. Although Elizabeth was too young to do much when WWI first began, eventually, the conflict dragged its bloody carcass right to her front doorstep. I pray for you and all that you have gone through and are doing for the human race. SOME PARTS OF THESE INTERVIEWS ARE VERY GRAPHIC. Instead, she found herself yet another suitor. Seek out the Lord. Your suggestions can be as general or specific as you like, from Life to Compact Cars and Trucks to A Subspecies of Capybara Called Hydrochoerus Isthmius. Well get our writers on it because we want to create articles on the topics youre interested in. When faced with abandonment, a dark mother may do anything to maintain the umbilical chord, including manipulation. Although her personality isn't fully developed, Queen Leah is shown to be a caring individual and a loving mother to her daughter, Aurora and her family, kingdom, and all of the palace servants. I believe we have been lied to by the infiltrators to the church that we are not strong enough to defeat the enemy. Gaheris, and Agravaine are visiting the house of Mother Morlan, a local woman. Besides her paramours total lack of matrimonial game, Elizabeth wasnt at all attracted to the idea of becoming a royal. Her main goal is to tell the captives of the System and those who fell victim to it, that there is a Way Out. Saxena beautifully describes the dark goddess as "pregnant nothingness." She encompasses the whole cosmos, beyond space, beyond time. Ive been praying for you fervently as much as Im able. She stood by her son's side when he became King of Wakanda, but was soon forced into exile when Erik Killmonger defeated T'Challa in ritual combat and took over the throne. You are a true warrior for God and you have given me renewed faith that God is always in charge and the evil never triumphs! During these widowed years, the 51-year-old Elizabeth never lost sight of her worth, and she demanded her daughter Elizabeth give her the unprecedented title Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. I just need to ask if these are your convictions? Without skipping a beat, Elizabeth delightfully picked up the dogs paw and shook it as well. This is similar to art found on Epstein's estate, where the art . I am praying that whatever is happening to you now, that you are protected. Darkness : Oh, Mother Night! That woman teaches blasphemy. Sorry it appears that I misspelled your name! But until now, he is a victim of the system, born into it and brainwashed and mindcontrolled like all the rest. Second Reproduction also goes by the name Queen of Darkness 2 the Second Reproduction. Three ancient witches of tremendous power. Thank you. The defenders of Elizabeth were left claiming that her drunken inactivity was itself an achievement. So Im obedient. I get so joyful when you are teaching us on all your platforms. Also, would you consider having live prayer times where we could join in with you as you lead us in prayer? Despite the fact that everyone at court thought he was stooping in marrying a mere noble and not a princess, Albert dogged Elizabeth for months. But Im about to release my music and independently and sm already a minor celebrity, and I have chosen to use my voice to raise vibration and consciousness. And a good woman. At 101 years and 238 days old, she was the longest-living member of . It makes me feel I can look the East End in the face. As it turns out, Simpson could give it as good as she got. What did she do to earn these vast sums? I need prayers please. And thats far from all. Would love your input and reason for your change in opinion. I am a career educator (36 yrs) and would like to focus my final working years on helping children and youth who were rescued.many to a very strange reality they have never known. She cut herself as a teen. I pray for you and President Trump and I love you dearly. Do you question the accuracy of a fact you just read? "The Mothers of Darkness" are high level iLLUMiNATi witches who are trained at the castle using MK ULTRA techniques. The Milky Way was spilt from her breast and most of the other constellations placed in the heavens . Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. It . I never thought I would ever write a book but God birthed a book in one month I just finished it and gave it to the publisher. Mother Darkness is a potent neurotoxin, derived from bark scorpion venom. After watching a series of your videos I believe what we are doing is fitted by Our Father. Refer to Rev 20: 1-3, Hi Shelbie, Just reading through some of Jessies replies. In the shadow, this archetype . As the ruler of the Hapes Consortium, she was responsible for opening up the borders of the Hapes Cluster to the rest of the galaxy in 8 ABY . Including the secret handshake to get into Heaven that only the husband may know and has to get his wife in with it, the aprons, the holy underwear that have freemasonic symbols stitched on them, secret rites, a works based salvation, etc! In the summer of 1938, Elizabeth suffered a tragedy amid her chaos. Hi Jesse and team. Stop Drinking Fluoridized Water & Decalcify Your Pineal Gland! As you might know, the Oscar-winning film The Kings Speech dramatized this period of their lives. Its a thought of mine that Kathryn may have allowed these entities due to the abuse she suffered as a way to stop the pain. It didnt take long for her to come up with her own nickname for Elizabethone that was, if Im honest, way better and way meaner than Lizs catty name for her. It didnt take long for Edward to prove these suspicions right. By the time she died, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was treating the British Treasury -- our tax-money -- as her personal piggy bank, with her bills running way beyond the millions she was allotted every year. The bereft crowds of the East End saw the Queen as out of touch and began to look at her visits with scorn. This wasnt just to avoid confusion, oh no. Lisa. At first, she was appalled by the idea of her eldest daughter marrying Phillip Mountbatten, because his "bloodlines" weren't good enough: his family had fallen from power, so they weren't "really" royal. May The Lord Most High bless you and protect you. It is so unreal." Catherine of Aragon is now infamous as King Henry VIIIs rejected queenbut few people know her even darker history. But in private, Elizabeth wasnt so full of bravado. I am so sorry for the loss of your son, Josiah. His traditional, even old-fashioned tulle, lace, and chiffon confections soon became Elizabeths enduring classic style. However, despite our best efforts, we sometimes miss the mark. She herself learned to utterly despise Diana and her scandals, once commenting, I know shes very young, she ought to have known better. I rejected traditional Hollywood fans that was on the table for me because I wouldnt shut my mouth tk agre with Hollywoods nonsense. I discovered you about 3 months ago. So sad. I love your work and Id love to help anoint and take back the land. She is the wife of King Stefan and the mother of Princess Aurora. thanks. Maybe you need to listen harder or listen to more of her interviews to see her heart. Here in BC Canada where the provincial government is trying to slowly creep in the jabb passport my friends and I are anointing. Its real name is "Chateau des Amerois" and it is located in Bouillon (Belgium), near the village of Muno. Behind every man, theres a great womanbut this went double for The Queen Mother. Although her family prized good breeding over academic achievements, Elizabeth had both in spades. Her parents were 'Lord' and 'Lady' Strathmore, and from birth she was waited on by a gaggle of servants including a butler, two footmen, five housemaids, a cook and numerous room maids. are we going to turn this around or is the anti christ really going to come and demolish everything? However, in her traditional royal way, Elizabeth made these appearances while dressed to the nines in cheery, pastel colors and her finest jackets. I joined Alcoholics Anon 26 years ago and believed that I was good person and had no idea that satan was real. As a young newlywed, people called her The Smiling Duchess for her cheery, wordless demeanor, and she kept up the image throughout her husbands reign. THANK YOU!!! I have been Anointing Cape Town in South Africa and wanted to thank you for your love and commitment to Jesus. When Wallis greeted her for dinner, Elizabeth blew right past her, sniffing, I came to dine with the King. Translate this. Just want you know I love you from my heart and love Jesus as well. Mother Mabuka is a character from the 2015 point-and-click puzzle horror game Fran Bow. One day, students protesting the monarchy threw toilet paper rolls at her. Before the real Bowes-Lyon is lost in a frenzy of royalist rimming, we should remember who she really was: more Imelda Marcos than the good fairy Glinda. When rebuked and adjoured the spirit identified itself as mornei a deceiving spirit ! She is being herself in Christ at all times, and is praying for the people who invite her on their shows. It really seemed like the Queen Mother was going to live forever, but in April 2002, she died at 101 years old. Priorities: straight. Shortly. Born into Holkywood I know for a fact that the all celebritys are Illuminati us absolute nonsense. Yep so this Dark Mother is expected to return on October 30 th and inhabit the body of this chosen person who is to become their new Queen. In 1939, French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier said she was "an excessively ambitious young woman who would be ready to sacrifice every other country in the world so that she might remain Queen. Book II: "The Queen of Air and Darkness," Chapters 6-10; Book II: "The Queen of Air and Darkness," Chapters 11-14; Book III: "The Ill-Made Knight," Chapters 1-6 . Posted by Veronica Swift April 9, 2021 January 22, 2022 Posted in Brotherhood Tags: crone, Laurie Cabot Kent, mother of darkness Post navigation. Although Edward and Wallis Simpson made sounds about wanting to go to Georges funeral, Elizabeth staunchly refused to let them in. She was an English rose with creamy skin, dark hair, and curves in all the right places. When Prince Albert received Elizabeths refusal, he wasnt deterred. When Elizabeth was just 14 years old, WWI rocked England and threw her carefully manicured upbringing into total chaos. When her third husband, Julius Caesar, took Cleopatra back to Rome with him, she certainly caused a sensation. God then goes scorched earth on him and his new minions and is cast to pit forever. I remember watching an episode of Oprah many years ago when she was interviewing that satanist the was in high military with the brows that go up like a charicature of a human and she was interviewing him and asking him if it was a conflict of interest or a problem that hes a satanist and the military was perfectly fine with it(now I know why) Stage 4 ovarian cancer. I have been watching you , Denise , Madyson, and I have have for years been wanting to help in any way to save the children , I live in Canada and have no contacts or no of of any way of getting involved .. Elizabeths response? It is a pool. CHIONE (Khione) The goddess of snow. They can only lavish a thick cream of adjectives -- 'dignity,' 'charm,' 'majesty' -- over the Windsor family in the hope that some of us are fooled. and how to do it? Oh, could you take it? They were so flabbergasted they had no choice but to comply. Her funeral contained a wreath of camellias from her own garden, and she instructed her aides to place the decoration at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior once more, just as she had done on her wedding day nearly 80 years before. I feel very badly at my own stupidity. Strength and courage! The castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle and Monarch programming is supposedly performed on children there amongst other things as well. They were fearless in the face of death, which their belief in reincarnation taught them was 'but the centre of a long life.' Homepage Gods and Goddesses Queen Of Air And Darkness Her possibilities to show the darkness are endless.! Mater Suspiriorum, the Mother of Sighs and the oldest of the three, lives in Freiburg. But before long, Elizabeth had much bigger problems. The Queen Mothers, also called Mother Queen, Supermother, Hive Mother, Uber-Queen , and Genetrix is the rarest type of hive monarch and arguably the rarest type of Xenomorph, period. Ferdinand of Aragon invited her to his court, and he became convinced of the sincerity of her visions. They have to make gold out of mud. I pray for you and all my brothers and sisters in Christ that we do His will THANK YOU. Thank you for your courage and sharing your experiences and insight. Im amazed that God directed me to find you. Please submit feedback to When I asked the Holy Spirit how to pray for you the answer wasstrength! She just sang and acted and dedicated her life to getting the word out about plant medicine and how it heals most of not all ailments. This process corrupts even the most intelligent monarchists. Thank You! The Queen of Air and Darkness is the Queen of the Unseelie, She is the mother of Prince Andhera and Princess Suntar. Im most reachable between noon and 6pm Pacific. We prayed for your safety! A good individual will never be a celebrity. Also in your conversation with Sarah Westall she seems to question authority of scripture. Well, Elizabeth charmed the crinoline off the interfering Queen, with Mary declaring that she was the one girl who could make Bertie happy. #4. She feeds off of sorrow, fear, and hate. Candace Soul Shift. In the new season of the smash-hit series, the Queen Mother (Marion Bailey) explains the young women were hidden away after the last King abdicated, as they were worried that the press may pick up the story to say there was a fault in the new royal bloodline. I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers. I wanted to know if you have listened to Melissa at RedPill the World or Freedom Force Battalion? We are standing with you and yours in courage and strength, Jessie. Although people didnt consider her conventionally beautiful, she was still irresistibly attractive, with what one commenter called an innocent sensuality. To read more of his articles, click here . Elizabeths father even thought his darling girl looked so much like a cherub that he demanded her middle name be Angela. I have a beautiful little grandson, Josiah, and my heart would grieve so much if we lost him. Contents 1 Story 2 Personality 3 Appearance The earth goes to sleep, and later wakes again. Practically overnight, cheery little Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon became the Queen Consort of all England. For one, she detested Wallis Simpson as an upstartand she let her know it in an utterly cruel way. She told Woodrow Wyatt, "I hate that classlessness. She grew up with four palaces at her disposal -- but it wasn't enough. She was born the Honourable Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon on 4 August 1900 (fourth daughter of Lord Glamis, later 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, and second child). And be patient and wait on His answer. Elizabeth looked prim and proper on the outside, but nothing could be further from the truth. Bless her heart." So when Prince Albert, the younger son of King George V, locked eyes with Elizabeth for the first time since they were children, he was blindly determined to have her. Thank you for all that you do! Elizabeth had grown up in the ravages of WWI, and survived horrors of another worldwide conflict as an adult. When single mothers take 0.1 percent of this sum from the state, the same newspapers that laud Elizabeth as "the best of British" savage them as "scroungers." Praying for you always, sisters in Christ. One is in Brea, CA and the other is in Fullerton, CA. She has more than 50,000 Instagram followers, who she always encourages to embrace their skin colour and body. Elizabeths reaction was gut-wrenching. Born into a wealthy noble family on August 4, 1900, she was the ninth of a whopping 10 children, and her family spoiled their baby rotten. We anointed all of it in Jesuss name and asked for his spirit to reside in our community instead . @Jessie C. One of Elizabeths greatest legacies was a bizarre one: She hardly ever spoke in public. ), a private secretary, an orderly, a housekeeper, five housemaids the list goes on and on. And these are blogs written by Cathy Fox, assisted by Jessie, who offered her expertise:,,, This blog by Cathy Fox is crucial for understanding the series of blogs that were written by Jessie: And the next phase of her life certainly echoed that. May God bless you! She, like many other Ptolemy rulers, first married one brother and then, on his death, another. On the contrary. The Agogo Queen Mother is a special agogo that is the mother of all other agogos. However, Jessie refused to take her position in the System. She suffered several broken bones in her old age, and underwent a slew of procedures in the hospital. The Windsors are Satanic Traitors Mothers of Darkness Castle was subsequently sold to the owners of the Solvay Group, the inventors of Prozac and large-scale producers of the fluoride added to drinking water. Dear jessie I dont know what people are talking about with the vibration, resonance and consciousness etc. Kathryn has not been through as much as you have been through Im sure but a lot more than most of us. Lisa. I would greatly love to have these answers as well. No way he can not be a very high up member! Elon M is not to be trusted as he is evidently part of the system. Elon Musk is one of the AntiChrists. Also, in Oregon where I grew up, it shows on the right some of the keys you showed us in the most recent reveal. My mother is a celebrity. The castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle and Monarch programming is supposedly performed on children there. Unlike everyone else, she didn't live on rations, but was fattened by pheasants and venison on the royal estates. When she attended a gala with the gay playwright Noel Coward, they passed a line of guards on their way up the stairs. It didnt take long for a great enemy to notice her resolve. Indeed, Britain officially declared itself against Germany on the very day of Elizabeths 14th birthday, baptizing Merry Mischief into a grim new world order. However when I see associations with groups like AQUARIUS RISING AFRICA, that gives me pause. They believe there is a connection to the underworld in the lower astral, to a being that is a direct line to Lucifer in an area in Palestine. She did everything she could to bolster the torturing of white minority tyrannies in Rhodesia and South Africa, because -- as the journalist Paul Callan, who knew her, put it -- "She is not fond of black folk." I dont understand the med bed technology and what things are related with Nikola Teslas inventions. Im so sorry for your loss. Dancy Mason is the Editor-in-Chief at Factinate. Maybe she knows more about what was manipulated in scripture due to her upbringing, which makes her sound sceptical? Fascinating information and a lot to ponder. It's also likely been used as a sacrificial place to kill Guatemalan children, if Podesta's necrophiliac art is anything to go by. So wonderful to have found your insight. Shots fired. Elizabeth Queen Mother Facts 1. I am from the Chicagoland area and wanted to reach out to you to gain more insight and wisdom on how I (and a group of God serving women) can take more action in our area(s). Once the war began, she was rebranded as a symbol of Britain's heroic resistance to the Nazis -- but what did she actually do? Kathryn was so amazing as a child who spoke like an adult and helped others, has been through so much including child abuse from her Dad, my former husband. Eric, thanks for leaving your comment on our website. If I am aggressive to fight for the safety of our children and I anoint for these places in the name of the lord, am i still able to be a positive energy when I fight for the sake of others? Few of us have experienced what you have but all of us have been impacted by the enemy and we need to know the truth. The plot only thickened from there. But behind closed doors was another story. My daughter and I are so happy you and your family are ok! Elizabeths hatred of Wallis Simpson and her disappointment in Edward didnt end with her coronation, either. Being the most successful of her three sisters, her mother the queen sent her on a . Factinate is a fact website that is dedicated to finding and sharing fun facts about science, history, animals, films, people, and much more. I know that we have to all work together no matter how small or big part Glacier had white scales and arctic-blue eyes. When she eventually had to travel by wheelchair, she demanded to fly in and out of Windsor castle via helicopter, just so the public would never see a photograph of her in a vulnerable state. She dwells in Agogo Forest. On March 30, 2002, Elizabeth passed at her apartments near Windsor Castle. However, as White implies before the book even begins, the time when Arthur will be "dead and rid" of the troubles engendered by his father's (and other Normans') tyranny may . After a fan approached her car too quickly, she hit him violently on the head with her umbrella. After 7 years of unrelentingly warfare and much confusion the Lord appeared to me in a dream clarify who she was and why her move to remove me from the industry. The powerful spell rocketed from the tip of Master Aqua's keyblade, the fireball soaring like a star to punch into the adversary standing before her. She was the queen and leader of all vampires and the head of the Vampire Council. When Edward became King, she plotted to force his abdication so George could ascend and she could become 'Queen.' When her cousins became mentally ill, they were locked in asylums and never seen again. Determined on getting Liz, he popped the question again in 1922. A bit over a year later, she was forced into Illuminati training to become the successor of the Queen Mother of Darkness. Well, for one, Albert was quite shy. I am learning so much about this world and why Ive always felt I dont belong here, Im adopted(though Im not adopted), and we live in a hell world of evil, war, bloodlust, etc. Thankful for your courage and your heart full of love and forgiveness! When Diana started rebelling, Elizabeth announced to friends the girl was "schizophrenic," but she was bemused because Diana came from "a good family." 311. I have an EdD in organizational leadership and serve on a few boardsId love to lead, follow, serve these precious ones in any way I am able. I just need to know how. People that stayed true but never had a voice. He will. Her literature essays deeply impressed her teachers and governesses, and she passed her standard exams with distinction. On Sunday the papers rolled out the ghostly . She and King George were due to make a state visit to France, and now all Elizabeths custom clothing needed to be in mourning colors. Next Post Next post: Symbols: Kites. Jessie, She was a labourer's daughter, born in Aldeanueva, south of Salamanca, around 1485. Sadly, Elizabeths waning years were marked by accidents and tragedies. In a move that must have been shocking to some of her acquaintances, our Elizabeth turned down her Bertie flat. Elizabeth blamed two people for King Georges early end: the ex-King Edward and her old enemy Wallis Simpson. You are a testament to the reality that the King of Kings & Lord of Lords makes NO mistakes! Our credibility is the turbo-charged engine of our success. Hello! I sit alone, an impotent exile, whilst this form, this presence, returns to torment me! Jesus and I have become very good friends and he communicates with me. In the late 30s, WWII began, and Queen Elizabeth more than rose to the occasion. What you went thru and what Father God has delivered you from is an amazing testimony to the power and might of Almighty God. Elyon means God and he was born on the same day as the baby in Rosemarys Baby. Hi Jesse, Thank you for your bravery to share this information with us. This lady pushed out her first child, the Princess Elizabeth, just three years into her marriage. There is evidence that at the same time as she was rejecting Berties proposals, she was flirting heavily with the Princes own aide, the dashing James Stuart. Give more information about the Mormon connection. With the arrival of the Queens of Darkness, the Dark One growing ever stronger and the illusive Author the only way to reverse the process, Rumple and Belle must fight to save his soul, to save their marriage to save their Happy Ending. Some of Elizabeths biggest accomplishments had to do with the care she provided for others. To her upbringing, which makes her sound sceptical their shows is the wife of King Stefan and the phase. M is not to be trusted as he is a character from the truth born on royal. Just need to ask if these are your convictions Trump and i love you dearly in Freiburg quickly she. Of mother Morlan, a dark mother may do anything to maintain the chord. Long, Elizabeth delightfully picked up the dogs paw and shook it as well and your. 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