Some researchers assume the word stems from the French word mlange, which means mixture. Yet the word Melungeon as its pronounced today (that is, muh-luhn-juhn) exists in old Spanish folk songs and usually translates as a disparaging term for a poor person or someone from a socially lower class, says Kennedy. Most recently, the History Channel led off a report on Melungeons with talk of shovel teeth. . [13], In about 1767, some of the ancestors of the Melungeons began to reach the frontier New River area, where they are listed in the 1780s on tax lists of Montgomery County, Virginia. The Melungeons' origins are still being debated. It is based on a drawing by Will Allen Dromgoole, available here. Research in social history and genealogy has documented new facts about people identified as Melungeons. You Have To Be This Tall To Go On This Ride: The Melungeon YDNA Study Findings & Vardy Collins Ironic "Viking Blood". [5], The original meaning of the word "Melungeon" is obscure. An example was "Spanish Peggy" Gibson, the wife of Vardy Collins. on the back of the HEAD of SOME descendants, that is located at In May 2012 "Melungeons, A Multi-Ethnic Population" hits the news via the AP wire service, the story goes viral and appears in newspapers worldwide, and on numerous Internet News sites. Description from Nodular melanomas also form in the deepest layer of the skin. Melungeon Health Issues. My ridge is quite a particular type of bump or ridge at the back of the head (usually just above the neck) known at the Melungeon bump. DeMarce, Virginia E. (1992). Who are some famous Melungeons? melungeon bump imageslocal news definition. 2005: Ulmann's photograph of Two Melungeon Boys appears on page 38 of a dissertation by Katherine G. Vande Brake , named Through The Back Door: Melungeon Literacies and 21, Ms. Vande Brake writes Doris I know of no report that suggests. One of the most fascinating genealogy stories to surface in the last decades is the enigmatic story of the Melungeons. Those who have one of these diseases have reason to believe that someone in their ancestry had an ethnic disposition to this particular disease. 2011: Kentucky Explorer March Issue, Volume 25 No. the author's, based upon her reading and research of various As noted before, the analysis shows that Melungeon descendants overwhelmingly have Northern European and African DNA ancestry. Run your fingers straight up your neck toward your Harry M. Caudill, Through The Back Door: Melungeon Literacies and 21. According to, some common Melungeon last names may include: N. Brent Kennedy, founder of the Melungeon Research Committee and author of The Melungeons: The Resurrection of a Proud People, 2nd edition (Mercer University Press), says the Melungeons are a people of apparent Mediterranean descent who may have settled the Appalachian wilderness before 1567, 40 years before Jamestown. Document names and birth, death and marriage details for five generations of your family with this type-in genealogy chart. Pictures; Position Statements, 2002 and 2008 . head. 1971: Appalachian Photographs of Doris Ulmann is published by the Jargon Society of Highlands, NC. So is Mira suggesting these boys are not only Melungins, but are also 'Portuguese' ? If the families happened to be Catholic, their churches continued to record births and marriages as being among "Indian" families, but the process of loss of historical and cultural continuity appeared to have happened also with some of the non-reservation remnant Lenape Indians of Delaware.[21]. Plate 40: Two Melungeon Boys, 1996: In Focus Doris Ulmann, Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum is published by the, J. Paul Getty Museum. Please contact me if you have any information you would like to share or questions. '. To the contrary, Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman's research indicates the earliest settlers . Generally, specific lines within families have to be traced to document such identity. There were numerous French Huguenot immigrants in Virginia from 1700, and the French language could have contributed a term. Creating an endogamous group, they migrated together, sometimes along with white neighbors, from western Virginia through the Piedmont frontier of North Carolina, before they settled primarily in the mountains of East Tennessee. Typically, the term Melungeon refers to people from eastern Kentucky, southwestern Virginia, eastern Tennessee and southern West Virginia, according to the Melungeon Heritage Association (MHA), but related mixed-ancestry populations also include the Carmel Indians of southern Ohio; the Brown People of Kentucky; the Guineas of West Virginia; the We-Sorts of Maryland; the Nanticoke-Moors of Delaware; the Cubans and Portuguese of North Carolina; the Turks and Brass Ankles of South Carolina; and the Creoles and Redbones of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.. On page 89 the Ulmann photo is published again, labeled Photo of two unidentified Melungeon boys taken about 1934, used with special permission from the Doris Ulmann Foundation and Berea College, Berea, KY. Young men identified as the descendants of Thomas Gibson (row 38 in Patriarch's Table) by Johnnie Rhea, 2011. In most cases, the multi-racial families have to be traced through specific branches and lines, as not all descendants were considered to be Melungeon or other groups. While a racial Melungeon is someone from a historically mixed community, Isom explains, a cultural Melungeon is "poor folks who make up the bulk of people in Appalachia who might not have racial disparities to deal with, but share a cultural and economic identity. Yes, arguably the two most famous Melungeons are kin! Perry Co., Magoffin Co., Letcher Co., Lawrence Co., where descendents of these early migrants are later on US Census records. They have tended to "marry white" since the 19th century. That etymology is also found in several dictionaries. [45] He also believed that there were pre-Columbian Welsh and Phoenicians/Carthaginians in North America but dismissed them as related as he thought that Melungeons do not look Welsh and the time span from any Phoenicians in North America to today, which he calculated at 2500 years, would probably not allowed any of their physical appearance to survive. They are not, however, common among Europeans, so there is certainly significance to those who believe themselves of purely European ancestry. Since the mid-1990s, popular interest in the Melungeons has grown tremendously although many descendants have left the region of historical concentration. Doris Ulmann left no inventory of her images and her own descriptions exist only for the images she published in magazine articles.. If you have a ridge, it will stop your . Patriarch's Table) by Johnnie Rhea, 2011. This is the very first Ulmann visits Pembroke and Elrod , Roberson Co. NC to photograph 'Robeson Indians', at the time known as 'Cherokee Indians of Robeson County ', that name was changed in 1953 to 'Lumbee Indians'. The ancestry and identity of Melungeons has been a highly controversial subject. Melungeons are descendants of people of mixed ethnic ancestry who, before the end of the eighteenth century, were discovered living in limited areas of what is now the southeastern United States, notably in the Appalachian Mountains near the point where Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina converge. Based on the testimony of people in the community, the court decided the woman in the case was not of African ancestry or had no such ancestors recently enough to matter. Some of the early multiracial families were ancestors of the later Melungeons, but each family line must be traced separately. Gallery melungeon bump images. Melungeon is a term that first appeared in print in the 19th century, used in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina to describe people of mixed ancestry. [3] Secondary sources disagree as to their ethnic, linguistic, cultural, and geographic origins and identity. There is no genetic evidence to support the Turkish or Jewish ancestry theories.[4]. Those actions destroyed the documented continuity of identity of several Indian communities. "They vary in color from white to black, often have blue eyes and straight hair, and they are generally industrious. A few ancestors may have been of mixed Iberian (Spanish and/or Portuguese) and African origin. [41] (Lee County, Virginia borders Hancock County, Tennessee.) Some of their descendants may have later intermarried with isolated individuals of Cherokee or other Native American ancestry in East Tennessee. By the mid-to-late 19th century, the term Melungeon appeared to have been used most frequently to refer to the biracial families of Hancock County and neighboring areas. University of KY PHD dissertation, 1982. [43] The spelling of the term varied widely, as was common for words and names at the time. "[14] Melungeon families have also been traced in Ashe County, in northwestern North Carolina. Melungeon traits include: dark hair and skin with light-colored eyes. [52], The Ridgetop Shawnee Tribe of Indians in Kentucky, which is neither federally recognized or state recognized as an Indian tribe, claims that most families in its area who are commonly identified as Melungeon are of partial Native American descent. North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky Adams, Adkins, Allen, Allmond, Ashworth, The Melungeons are a group of racially mixed people who can be found in Southeastern Kentucky, Southwestern Virginia, and Northeastern Tennessee, in a region called the Cumberland Gap. exciting challenge of being a PublicPeople researcher and writer. Joanne Pezzullo and Karlton Douglas speculate that a more likely derivation of Melungeon, related to the dominance of the English language in the colonies, may have been from the now obsolete English word malengin (also spelled mal engin) meaning "guile", "deceit", or "ill intent." As time permits my intention is to research as many of these families as I can. That term has never shed its pejorative character. noticeable. through the lines of some Melungeon descendants. The physical evidence may be the most telling. The journalist Will Allen Dromgoole wrote several articles on the Melungeons in the 1890s. "[18], During the 19th century, their intermarriages with white spouses caused Melungeon-surnamed families to be increasingly classified as white on census records. They were largely endogamous through the 19th century and married primarily within their community until about 1900. Hi,Based on eastern North Carolina, I would guess the labeled Melungeon people might be Lumbee.Also for Monday, well Monday is washday according to the children's rhyme and she is doing wash.KDD. 1933:Ulmann and Niles travel to Hazard (Perry Co.), Quicksand (Breathitt Co.), and Berea (Madison Co.), KY. The Ulmann collection includes 2,739 silver gelatin glass plate negatives, 304 original matted prints, and 79 albums (containing over 10,000 Lifshey proof prints) assembled by the Doris Ulmann Foundation between 1934 and 1937. 1932: Ulmann and Niles travel to Whitesburg (Letcher Co.), Hazard (Perry Co.), Cumberland (Harlan Co.), and Kingdom Come (Letcher Co.) KY, to work on a project to take photographs for Allen H. Eaton's Handicrafts of the Southern Highlands that was published in 1937. Their male descendants grew up bilingual and accompanied Europeans as workers or slaves. Different people have different explanations for who exactly the Melungeons are and where they came from. Melungeons are an ethnic mix, and each family and individual receives different genetic markers from their various ancestors. Here is another interesting find. On October 7, 1840, the polemical Brownlow's Whig, of Jonesborough, Tennessee, published an article entitled "Negro Speaking!" These are the only 3 photos by Doris Ulmann labeled 'Melungeon', I've been able to find.. 1930: Doris Ulmann takes a photograph titled Melungeon Girl, East, North Carolina. But Melungeons have not always been identified as such. [37], Kennedy (1994) speculates that the word derives from the Turkish melun can (from Arabic mal`un jinn ), which purportedly means "damned soul." I'm hoping a descendent will read this essay and identify who they are, by name. The anthropologist E. Raymond Evans wrote in 1979 regarding those claims: In Graysville, the Melungeons strongly deny their Black heritage and explain their genetic differences by claiming to have had Cherokee grandmothers. Kathy Lyday, a professor at Elon University in North Carolina, has said that in older photos the physical appearance of Melungeons looks almost "Mediterranean or Middle Eastern." A Spanish influence is also possible. Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? If you place your fingernail at Population is published in JOGG, the Journal of Genetic Genealogy, Its ironic that our families went to such pains to cover up their heritage and now, 150 years later, were going to such pains to uncover it, says Carol Huff, a Kentucky native who discovered her Melungeon heritage a few years ago. size of half a golf ball or smaller. Young your spine. Kennedy learned of his Melungeon past only after being diagnosed with sarcoidosis, a disease people of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean descent are more susceptible to. In the south, Melungeon research has been gaining momentum since the 1990's. The father of the movement is Dr. N. Brent Kennedy a college administrator and Melungeon descendant. They demonstrate that many "white" Americans had ancestors who were NOT "white" in the generally accepted sense of the word. This page was last modified on: Thursday, 01-Jul-1999 13:32:32 MDT, RootsWeb is funded and supported by Eaton, who had formerly taught at the University of Oregon, doubtless assisted in attracting the interest of the UO's Martin Schmitt, curator of Special Collections and an early proponent for recognizing historical value within photographs. Unlike the courtesy the paper made by stating the boys were 'unidentified'. Conference paper. Thus, law helped to constitute white men as citizens, and citizens as white men. That meant the children of enslaved African or African-American women were born into slavery, but it also meant the children of free white or mulatto women, even if they were fathered by enslaved African men, were born free. Melungeons (/mlndnz/ m-LUN-jnz) are an ethnic group of people from the Southeastern United States who descend from European settlers, Indigenous peoples of the Eastern Woodlands, and sub-Saharan African slaves. The Melungeons from Wicked Delicate Films on Vimeo. Along with my Alpha Thalassemia diagnosis, I also have other Melungeon traits including shovel teeth, the skull bump (Anatolia ridge), and olive toned complexion though I am dark skinned descendants of slaves as well. According to the principle of partus sequitur ventrem, which Virginia incorporated into law in 1662, children born in the colonies were assigned the social status of their mother regardless of their father's ethnicity or citizenship. Hay fever, bad eyesight, deviated septum - can't breathe through my nose very well , short, probably a few phobias over on the mental side. After suffering from centuries of Anglo-American racism, many families have purposely buried their Melungeon ancestry, making genealogical research a challenge. The photograph 'Monday' is published in He also Pictured in this photograph from my family album are from left to right: Arthur Goins, William Paul Goins (my great-grandfather), William Volney Goins (my great-great-grandfather), Sarah Martha Goins (my great-great-grandmother), Addie Goins, "Lank" Goins, and a friend (name unknown).. Pamunkey Indian Simeon Collins and his Kent County wife Pinkey (ca. Its also pronounced identically to the Turkish term melun can and the Arabic melun jinn, both meaning cursed soul or one whose life has been cursed,. melungeon bump images . There is a bump on the back of the HEAD of SOME descendants, that is located at mid-line, just ABOVE the juncture with the neck. USA Academic historians have not found any evidence for this thesis, and it is unsupported by results from the Melungeon DNA Project. I have added links to certain names that I have more information to share. Inheritance and descent was figured through the maternal lines. Ulmann's photo is shown world wide. Who labeled these photos ? There is a family of people in Turkey whose and our loyal RootsWeb community. "Verry Slitly Mixt': Tri-Racial Isolate Families of the Upper South A Genealogical Study", Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture, List of topics related to the African diaspora, "William Harlan Gilbert, Jr., "Surviving Indian Groups of the Eastern United States," Report to the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution, 1948", "The Melungeons Are Coming Out in the Open", Travis Loller (AP), "'A whole lot of people upset by this study': DNA & the truth about Appalachias Melungeons", Paul Heinegg, "Church and Cotanch Families", "A Geographic Analysis of White-Negro-Indian Racial Mixtures in Eastern United States", "PERKINS Trial: Instructions to the Jury", Dr. Louise Heite, "Delaware's Invisible Indians", Heite Consulting, Inc. Website, Paul Heinegg (19992010), "Gibson and Gowen Families", in, Tim Hashaw, "Malungu: The African Origin of the American Melungeons", Melanie Sovine, "The Mysterious Melungeons: A Critique of the Mythical Image", "Yuji Mizoguchi, "Shovelling: A Statistical Analysis of Its Morphology", U. of Tokyo, Bulletin No.26, Feb 1985". Learn more. The hardest question for a genealogist to answer is the first and most obvious one: Am I a Melungeon or not? Researching this topic often reveals confusion and frustration with the lack of physical evidence and absence of that elusive paper trail genealogists so intensely crave. In 1894, the US Department of the Interior, in its "Report of Indians Taxed and Not Taxed," noted that the Melungeons in Hawkins County "claim to be Cherokee of mixed blood. [7], Scholars and commentators do not agree on who should be included under the term "Melungeon." Many Indian descendants also have this type of teeth. [14], The Collins and Gibson families (identified as Melungeon ancestors) were recorded in 1813 as members of the Stony Creek Primitive Baptist Church in Scott County, Virginia. Melungeons are descendants of people of mixed ethnic ancestry who, before the end of the eighteenth century, were discovered living in limited areas of what is now the southeastern United States, notably in the Appalachian Mountains near the point where Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina converge. Some resources mention "physical characteristics," which are debunked. It appears the name arose as an exonym, which a neighboring people of whatever origin called the multiracial people. an Asian eyefold. the gum line and gently draw (up or down) you can feel it and it Rootsweb is returning a little at a time. Melungeons were residents of the part of Hawkins that in 1844 was organized as Hancock County. [23], During the period of segregation, a North Carolina statute barred "Portuguese" people, presumably Melungeons, as North Carolina does not have a large Portuguese American community, from whites-only schools. Some reporters and writers have widely misinterpreted these traits as indicators of Melungeon ancestry. Genetic testing cannot establish a Melungeon heritage because the Melungeons are of mixed ethnic ancestry, and all of us show different results on various tests. The Two Melungeon Boys becomes the poster boys of what a Melungin might look like. "[35][36] The word, spelled as Melungo and Mulungo, has been found in numerous Portuguese records. The historian Jack D. Forbes has discussed laws in South Carolina related to racial classification: In 1719, South Carolina decided who should be an "Indian" for tax purposes since American [Indian] slaves were taxed at a lesser rate than African slaves. The shift in meaning may have resulted from the popularity of Walk Toward the Sunset, a drama written by the playwright Kermit Hunter and produced outdoors. Many Native American tribes were organized into matrilineal kinship systems in which children were considered born into the mother's clan and took their social status from her people. The earliest known Melungeon in what is now northeast Tennessee was Millington Collins, who executed a deed in Hawkins County in 1802. Census takers were generally people of a community and so they classified people racially as they were known by the community. From there they migrated south in the Appalachian Range to Wilkes County, North Carolina, where some are listed as "white" on the 1790 census. In Tennessee they travel to Gatlinburg (Sevier Co.) and Norris (Anderson Co.), in North Carolina ,Murphy (Cherokee Co.), Brasstown (Cherokee and Clay Co.'s), in Virginia, Richmond. This page was submitted by Nancy I be was born with a short dick. In 1929, Ulmann published a photo named Monday , in the final issue of 'Pictoral Phototograpy in America' (an image of a woman at her laundry). One family described as "Indian" was the Ridley (Riddle) family, as was noted on a 1767 Pittsylvania County, Virginia, tax list. Linguists and many researchers believe that it may have been derived from the French mlange, meaning mixture, or perhaps [nous] mlangeons meaning "[we] mix/mingle". For example, some Melungeons are allegedly identifiable by shovel-shaped incisors, a dental feature more commonly found among Native Americans and Northeast Asians, but not restricted to these peoples. they were a mixed race group that settled in southern appalachia in the late 1700s. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and Mira changes the name of the photograph to Melungeon man and boy and states the photo was taken in the 1920's. 1999. On Page 94, The Life and Photography of Doris Ulmann by Phillip Walker Jacobs, The Appalachian Photographs of Doris Ulmann The Jagon Society, In Focus Doris Ulmann Photography from the J. Paul Getty Museum, The Forgotten Portuguese, The Melungeons, and other Groups, The Portuguese Making of America, The Mountain the Miner and the Lord by According to the historian Pat Elder, the earliest of those was that they were "Indian" (more specifically, "Cherokee"). TIL Richard Berry, the original composer of the song "Louie Louie", sold his rights to the song for $750 in 1959 before it went on to be one of the most recorded songs in rock history. Why was the original focus on the State of. Melungeons have been defined and documented as having multiracial ancestry. Would like to share Spanish Peggy '' Gibson, the wife of Vardy Collins of several Indian.! Information to share or questions to document such identity ; physical characteristics &... 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