Main tank (Warrior) requires no resist, but Druids cant tank Illidan so youll likely be tanking flames. Having high raid DPS will allow your raid to skip Phase 4, making this fight significantly easier, so really, no excuse not to. The blue flames deal significantly less damage than any fire AoE in this fight (your tanks will mitigate their damage to 500 Fire damage per second with their Fire Resistance) so your tanks can briefly move through them if necessary to reposition their Flame of Azzinoth. Phase 5 is virtually identical to Phase 3, so positioning will be the same. Maiev joins the fight, which sounds cooler than it is actually helpful, and then Illidan starts attacking you again. This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. phases have very high healing requirements. should be playing safe and aiming to survive. If Illidan targets the side that melee DPS players are on with it, they should move to the other Flame of Azzinoth or simply stop stealing damage if the other Flame is dead. Maiev then makes a dramatic entrance, informing Illidan that she is angrier than us, and then the fight resumes, slightly more angrily than before. The first major complication of this phase will come ~40 seconds in, when Illidan stops casting Fireball temporarily, casting his powerful Eye Blast instead. After both After some short RP, Illidan will become 5,800,000 (4,249,300 patch 3.0.2) While the damage of this ability isnt too bad, the healing component is absolutely massive, and should thus be avoided at all costs. like to know what specializations the loot from Gurtogg Bloodboil should be This gets them to 293 Fire Resistance, or 363 with Fire Resistance Totem or Fire Resistance Aura, with the cap being 365. Your tanks and melee DPS need to be aware of this ability and move out of its path, else they will die. Dealing with the parasites is complicated by the distributed setup, some plan should be made where the affected players and the mage can meet. Two tanks wearing Fire Resistance gear are required for this fight for Phase If you were looking for a full guide for the Black Temple raid, or would Any player hit directly by the beam will take 19,750 to 20,250 Shadow damage, dying instantly. Race(s) This was no less than expected from a Difficult Level Instance Dungeon. This means that if there are 2 players standing next to each other, theyll take ~7k damage. What is the best race for guardian Druid? While the overall strength of DPS Warriors is reduced from that of Classic WoW, with proper gear and group, a Fury Warrior remains one of the best AoE classes in the game, and arguably the strongest cleave DPS overall. After 60 seconds of Phase 3 or 5, Illidan will fall down on the floor for 10 seconds, before turning into his Demon Form. Feral Druids cannot avoid Shear in Phase 1 and thus make a good candidate for a Phase 2 Fire Resistance tank. into either 2 or 3 groups to avoid taking too much raid damage from My Protection Paladins and Protection Warriors both make good Fire Resistance tanks. Phase four is different from other phases. Early phases mostly only have tanks taking damage, so be sure to focus your Comment by Cicero Currently there is a bug with these mobs where if someone resurrects you or you resurrect yourself in some way (ankh, soulstone) during phase 2, one of the Flames will charge you. Furthermore, a trail of blue Demon Fire will follow his eye beam, persisting for 75 seconds and dealing 2k Fire damage per second to anyone who touches them. Your remaining healers will all need to raid heal here, as raid damage will be very high, and itd be beneficial to have a single healer assigned to healing the Dark Barrage target as their main priority. Your remaining healers should heal the raid, focusing on people targeted by Parasitic Shadowfiend and Agonizing Flames. The Flame of Azzinoth spawns an 8-yard radius patch of green flame on the ground, lasting 1 minute. This It will therefore be imperative that your Fire Resistance tanks move them around very slowly, so the flames dont get too close to your group, while also giving your melee DPS a chance to attack them. Illidan in the demon form possesses the Aura of Dread, which deals 1000 shadow damage to all players within 15 yards of Illidan every 2 seconds, while also increasing their shadow damage taken by 30% (effectively dealing 1300 damage per 2 seconds). The catch however is that Maiev isnt very smart; she tries to prioritize placing the trap nearby Illidan, but may place it elsewhere instead, occasionally placing itvery awkward spots. How much defense does a feral Druid need TBC? It can help if you slow them down with abilities like Frost Trap and Cone of Cold. different phases. available on these if they get too close to any raid members. blade. Illidan takes four tanks: a Warrior or Paladin for the emo elf, two fire resist tanks for the spawned Flames of Azzinoth, and a Warlock tank for the demon phase. threat. This positioning will make it slightly easier for your healers to heal off Illidans massive damage from Fireball, which he will spam throughout the phase. They should avoid being near any of the other groups as much as possible, but it is inevitable that they will occasionally be near groups 2 & 3 in the picture above for short periods of time. Illidan should point away from the raid at all times so that Draw Soul can only hit the tank. into the floor and spawns Flame of Azzinoth at the location of each How much fire resist do I need for Illidan? Phase 3 can transition into 2 different phases: Illidan targets a random player in the raid. begin. Illidan uses this ability every ~40 seconds. into the air and Phase 2 will begin. WebIllidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. When you get Illidan down to 30%, he will trap the entire raid in his Shadow Prison, stunning all of you for 30 seconds, as he taunts you for not being angry enough or whatever. For this reason, it's safest to assign the melee damage dealers to one group and keep them at their place, only attacking a Flame when it moves close enough. A four group setup leaves away the center group. Do tanks need fire resistance for Illidan? This ability is cast every 20 to 30 seconds, so youre likely seeing it twice per Phase 4. While not strictly necessary, having 2 Hunters use Misdirection on the Flame of Azzinoth tanks as Phase 2 begins will make it a lot smoother. The enchanted Soulguard set on its own will net you 236 Shadow Resistance. As mentioned previously, besides your regular main tank, your raid will need 2 more tanks using Fire Resistance gear for Phase 2. Your tank will have to be careful with moving him, never exposing his back and keeping up Shield Block / Holy Shield at all times, while players near the trap move away from it, as shown in the picture above. Shadow Demons at his feet. Killing Flame of Azzinoth, simply change targets to the other one. The easiest way to do so will be by having the infected player move behind Illidan, alongside your melee players the high amount of AoE spells that players naturally use, such as Whirlwind, Multi-Shot and Chain Lightning, will usually result in them dying right away. raid damage during this fight, it is very easy to run out of Mana early on. Just like Leotheras the Blind in Serpentshrine Cavern, you must have a Warlock tank one of the phases of this boss. From the point where Illidan kneels down, the warlock tank should set up quite a distance away in one direction, while the melee group should move far away in the other direction (melee cannot DPS Illidan during this phase, as Shadow Blast and Aura of Dread make it impossible to move into range). Whenever Illidan casts Enrage, be Maiev Shadowsong and drag the boss over it to stun him for a brief time. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina It will require that your raid has good coordination and everyone understands what they need to do. While in Bear Form the Druid becomes an effective tank whose primary role is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked. A few seconds later, a Flame of Azzinoth monster will spawn next to each glaive. Feral Druids unfortunately have no way of consistently reaching this amount of avoidance, and will thus be unable to main tank this fight. Protection Warriors offer tremendous utility during this fight anyway, as they can greatly reduce Illidans damage output with their Demoralizing Shout & Thunder Clap, so it will be good for you to have one here, even if they arent main tanking. Each blade spawns a Flame of Azzinoth, when both flames are dead, Illidan lands and Phase 3 starts. Equip: Increases critical strike rating by 23. Hit Rating improves your chance to land most of your abilities. For that reason, you ideally want to avoid getting him down to 30% during Phase 4 / his Demon Form. Illidan is immune to all attacks while flying. Everyone else will need to get spam healed by your healers, else theyre facing certain death. The fight will This boss does very high tank damage, so be healing the tank at all times. The only difference is the addition of 2 new mechanics, which you may or may not have to deal with, depending on your raids DPS and randomness. Web0% resist 25% resist 50% resist 75% resist At chosen resistance ( 25) Resist calculation details Spell hit/miss roll This roll is based on the level difference and Spell Hit bonus. He will stun the entire raid with The main difference here will be that players are significantly more spread out than in other phases due to Flame Burst & Aura of Dread, so your Holy Priests wont be as efficient with their Circle of Healing, as it only heals players in the same group as the target. As far as Phase 2 Fire Resistance tanks go, any class works. Illidan is not a gear dependent fight, it's possible to beat him even with Tier 5 or badge vendor gear on most of the raid, only the tanks really need good gear. First kills (prior to patch 3.0.2) by raids with about 4 members having the full Tier 6 bonus and most of the others wearing at about two pieces of Tier 6, typically experienced the following phase sequence: 1,2,3,4,3,4,3,5,4,5,4,5, the whole fight taking about 16 minutes. Shamans and Hunters should keep Frost Traps and Earthbind Totems up between Illidan and the raid. Illidan Stormrage is the ninth and final boss you will encounter in the document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Someone once said that you cant go home again. Alliance Horde Phase Five starts when Illidan reaches 30%. Your healers will likely not have a good time here, but if theyre skilled enough, the first part of Phase 4 wont be too bad. If you have 1 of each, it is recommended that you have the Protection Paladin pick up Fire Resistance gear while the Protection Warrior main tanks Illidan, as their strong defensive cooldowns give them a small edge there. Main tank (Warrior) requires no resist, but Druids cant tank Illidan so youll likely be tanking flames. They cannot simply be around each other they need to stack right on top of each other, with every single member of each group being more than 10 yards away from members of other groups. his damage dealt. Illidan channels a blue beam from his eyes, targeting the ground. Illidans pull is one of the most straightforward pulls in the game. Guardian Druids has for long been known as a meat-shield that has very high HP. You want 2 Tanks, 2-3 Healers and 5-6 DPS for each raid. want to avoid being hit by Shear, tanks and melee should avoid patches Your entire raid stacks up on one spot, preferably by the grate in the middle of the room, while the tank faces Illidan away from the raid, with your melee DPS all stacked up behind Illidan. Alliance: Kul Tirans with their strong Brush It Off and Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Multiple different classes can buff you with up to 70 Shadow Resistance by simply using some of their abilities. Equip: On successful melee or ranged attack gain 8 mana and if possible drain 8 mana from the target. break down how to best approach this fight and the tactics needed to achieve Furthermore, the beam will leave a trail of blue flames with a radius of 8 yards in its wake, lasting 75 seconds. a separate guide dedicated to helping you out with this important job. Druid Gift of the Wild Paladin Shadow Resistance Aura Priest Prayer of Shadow Protection 5. Makes sense looking at this, you need 100% block rating to avoid that cast. There is one catch here: Illidan will transition to Phase 4 after 60 seconds, which is one of the hardest phases in this fight. A majority of that damage will be of the Shadow school, so having a Priest using his Prayer of Shadow Protection on your raid will also help a lot. If the AoE is performed well, it's possible to kill all the Demons within a few seconds after they spawn, this has the additional advantage that nobody needs to move out of position. Location The Flame of Azzinoth sends out a wave of flames in a cone front of it which travels up to 15 yards, dealing 7000 to 9000 Fire damage to all players in front of it. Warlock. Exactly the same as rogues can, actually. Fire Resistance Aura or Fire Resistance Totem = 70 FR Requires either a paladin or shaman to be in the same group as the tank Fire Aura and Fire Resistance 490 defense for Warriors and Paladins, and 415 defense for Feral Druids. In addition to your melee abilities, it improves your chance to land Taunt and Challenging Shout. Lasts for all of Phase 4. Illidan Stormrage Strategy Guide (Black Temple), Enchant Cloak Greater Shadow Resistance. WebGetting 365 fire resist is nice but not exactly needed even if your elemental is not the first to die. US Blue Post: Whitemane era cluster locked! WebPart of the Illidan encounter in the Black Temple. WebIllidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. Paladins, Mages and Rogues can remove the Dark Barrage debuff by using Divine Shield, Ice Block and Cloak of Shadows respectively. Any combat rezzes should be performed at this point. Illidan himself hits incredibly hard, so unless your main tank has major defensive cooldowns available to survive this, such as Shield Wall, they will likely die. This will be extremely easy if your main tank is a Protection Warrior, as their Shield Wall cooldown can nullify his Enrage for 10 of those 20 seconds, while other tanks will need to use all of their defensive cooldowns and get additional, intensive healing. That player and all other players within 5 yards of them take 4000 Fire damage instantly, and are afflicted by a debuff lasting 1 minute, which causes them to take Fire damage every 5 seconds, for a total of 36,000 Fire damage over the total duration. Your raid should have enough DPS such that you only see this ability once during Phase 2, else things can get ugly. 60% and you will most likely die to the next autoattack. Make sure your Restoration Shamans are raid healing here. WebFordragon as seen in the Icecrown Citadel finale. Melee DPS will want to spread out into multiple groups behind the boss use any instant-cast heals on them. After about 1 minute, Illidan will transition from You get the fire resist pieces from badges and you're gonna have shadow resist outside of the raid with a Frost Trap ready. Illidan starts the fight off in Phase 1, in his standard night elf form. Your tank will need to use major defensive cooldowns to survive this Enrage. stand out on the side of the raid, away from other members. Players inside the blue flames will take 2000 Fire damage per second. 62 73 38 About 30 seconds into Phase 5, Maiev will teleport to one of 8 pre-determined spots inside the arena at random. For this reason, your Fire Resistance tank will need to keep kiting them in a circular-ish pattern, as shown in the picture above. Season of Mastery Realms Permanently Closing! Note: Theres a bug with the aggro table of the Flames of Azzinoth in this phase. The tank must use cooldowns to survive the 20 seconds until the end of the phase. There is nothing to do about it than heal through. Congratulations on besting Illidan! ?EliteTemple Summit, Black Temple, High Warlord Naj'entusSupremusShade of AkamaTeron GorefiendGurtogg BloodboilReliquary of SoulsMother ShahrazIllidari CouncilIllidan Stormrage, (lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore)(lore). Illidan will transition to phase 2 once he reaches 65% HP. If needed ask paladin or shaman in group to put up fire resist aura or fire resist totem. He sends out a massive blue beam at the ground, slowly moving his gaze in one of the 4 patterns outlined above. Webrosenborg vs brann betting expert; hull city v middlesbrough tv; morrison & foerster partners; john deere 102 drive belt diagram; verizon pricing power The shadow demons spawn is always followed closely by a Flame Burst, so players must wait for the burst before they move out of position to kill them. Gurtogg Bloodboil Strategy Guide in Black Temple, High Warlord Naj'entus Strategy Guide in Black Temple, Shade of Akama Strategy Guide in Black Temple, 2. How important is hit on prot warrior TBC. Therefore only tanks and melee damage dealers have to take care. accordingly. at once. very high consistent shadow damage to his highest aggro target. 2.2. Illidan is one of the harder-hitting bosses in the game, dealing high damage The Flames will periodically cast Flame Blast, killing anyone who is not a Fire Resistance tank in front of them, which is why they can never be allowed to face your raid. as Horde. Maiev Shadowsong. There is no trash in his arena whatsoever, and he will not aggro, so your raid can freely move into his arena and buff up, regenerate mana, use consumables and prepare in whatever way you need to before taking on Illidan. Illidan uses it every 25 to 30 seconds, so twice every Phase 3/5, so youll barely even notice it if youre spread out enough. This will deal 5,000 initial Fire damage and then 3,000 damage per tick in the impact area, with a 12-second duration. healing on the tank early on. Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. Make sure to to save Shield Block for when he begins this cast. What is the magic number? Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. Phase 3 lasts ~4055 seconds, at which point Illidan turns into a Demon (Phase 4). wrong side. During Phase 4, Illidan will no longer use any of his previous abilities, instead gaining brand new abilities and a massive 500% boost to his physical damage done, which is why you require a ranged player (typically a Warlock) to tank him. Phase 2 begins with Illidan flying off and throwing his glaives at the ground near the grate in the middle of the room, with one on the west side, and the other on the east side. 40 to 45 seconds into Phase 5, Illidan will enrage, increasing ALL of his damage done by 50% and his attack speed by 30% for 20 seconds. This is most easily accomplished by staying in the area between the two circles. Positioning becomes a bit easier by using the /range 5 command on raid boss addons like DBM. Since the tanks must avoid to stand in Blaze patches, they must keep moving. Assuming a player has no hit or expertise rating, and is attacking a boss from behind, the crit cap is 42.5% for dual-wield attacks and 61.5% for single-wield attacks. Illidan will recall his warglaives and enter the fight once again, after a ~10 second delay. Some day I'll be making my own games and I humbly hope you play those too! of fire, and anyone debuffed by Parasitic Shadowfiend will run to the This mechanic is why players are ideally standing at their maximum range away from Illidan, forcing the demons to cover a larger distance before killing their target. Periodically, the tank has to move to get out of Flame Crash. Flame Burst Deals 3,500 Fire damage to all raid members and deals splash damage to players closer than 5 1. Until he reaches 30% health, he switches between Phases 3 and 4 every 4050 seconds. Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. Never mind the best TBC Classes, the Warlock is the best class in TBC, period. Probably would only need fire resist aura or totem. However, if the demons target your ranged DPS players or your ranged DPS isnt the best, your melee DPS will have to step in as the demons approach their target, which can get very messy, particularly if Illidan decides to cast Flame Burst at a bad time. Allow the tank time to pickup the boss after the stun wears out and be ready to View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message You forgot Illidan -> flame-Tanks needed to be critimun and at Fire-Res-Cap at least pre 2.4 Fireball, while still being mindful of the warglaives' positions. to avoid this debuff from hitting all melee at once. Every player in your raid, including the Warlock tank, will need to be more than 20 yards away from Illidan in order to avoid Shadow Blast splash damage, while also being more than 5 yards away from every other player in order to avoid Flame Burst splash damage. It is crafted. If anyone dies, they should wait until both Flames of Azzinoth are dead before being resurrected by Rebirth, Soulstone Resurrection or Reincarnation, otherwise the Flames will charge and kill them right away, wasting the res. Check out below for a full Throughout the fight there are random damage-over-time debuffs being placed After a 1.5 second cast, Illidan applies a debuff to his current target, reducing their maximum HP by 60% for 7 seconds. This fight will require 2 tanks with Fire Resistance gear, as Out on the side of the 4 patterns outlined above Soulguard set on own! 3,000 damage per tick in the game your elemental is not the first to die the will! 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