He sells most anything From hot dogs on down. "Glory, glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler I bopped her on the bean with a rotten tangerine and she ain't gonna teach no more." . They were caught, but they were impressive. AdBlock or similar extension is detected on your device. It's Twilight Zonish for me. Mr. Secretary, can you read the minutes of our last meeting? The following was cited in 1961: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school; We have tortured every teacher, we have broken every rule; We have poisoned every principal and secretary, too; The kids are marching on. [pbbt! Stains up your fingers, smells up your clothes. In Edmonton Canada in the 1970s, I heard it sung as "met her at the door with a loaded .44" and "met her at the . Did you ever sing this in the schoolyard? She bopped me on the bean with a rotten tangerine." ), Used to laugh and call him names (Hey, Schnozz! The school is burning down. On top of old smokey, all covered with blood, I shot my poor teacher, with a .44 slug. .So I met her in the attic with a German automatic and she ain't my teacher no more. Mon paire, pecaire / Avi qu'una dent / E mai trantolava quand fasi de vent / La la la la. A fart was detected. We have smashed up all the blackboards, we have thrown out all the books On top of old smokey, all covered with blood, I shot my poor teacher, with a .44 slug. The engine couldn't take it, the motor fell apart, all because the teacher laid a supersonic fart, Last night, I stayed up late to masturbate, Last night, I stayed at home to pull my pud. David Sanders. His truth is marching on. I have a feeling it comes from the States (the Civil War? Engine, engine number 9, running down the Chicago line, if your train falls off the track, do you want your money back? Reply. (Yeah!). ashbloem. I hit her in the butt 215words. I have been re-reading "Song of Solomon" by Toni Morrison (great classic--check it out if you haven't read it, or haven't read it recently). Tra la la boom-dee-ay, she came back yesterday, tra la la boom-dee-ay, driving a chevrolet. Thank god my childhood was nothing like R102's childhood. Can you imagine? Met her in the attic It's why I love the DL! glory glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler. We have tortured every teacher And she ain't my teacher no more! Teacher hit me with a ruler.." ok, Ashely and I have different endings. Golly, Golly How Peculiar ---- . So many teachers are on the front lines. I love that weenie man! Glory, glory, Hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler I hit her in the butt with a rotten coconut and she don't teach no more." Obama has only got one ball Biden has two but they are small Holder ain`too much bolder And poor old sharpton has no balls at all. God bless my underwear, my only pair. R144 I was lying on the couch last night in a post-weekend daze and all of a sudden that one popped into my head. There is no more. Met her at the door With a loaded forty-four, And the teacher don't teach no more. Please click here to update your account with a username and password. My Mama don't wear no drawers - ah ding dong! Hands got tired, so I beat it with my feet! The Opies did not record whether the Market . Lily Robertson Friday Apr 4, 2008 at 12:53 PM. Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children: University of Detroit Mercy Title EM 101 Uploaded Are tailored to the tune.44 slug miss! The boys and girls are kissing in the. Your father's in the navy, your mother's in the marines, your sister's on the toilet, bombing submarines. Maps The Burning of the School. . ", So let your tail go swishing and your wheels go 'round. Anthologies containing versions of the song. This has got me really curious! Tied up all the janitors and flushed them down the stool, Bopped me on the bean with a rotten tangerine. I grew up in a world of Bugs Bunny media violence and green army men games, but Ill tell you this for free if one of us had lit off to beat the living daylights out of a neighbor kid, there would have been an adult somewhere close at hand to say, Oh, no you dont! He says to me, Why don't you run? I particularly like the irony of barbecuing the cooks. A-peeking through the knothole, in grandpa's wooden leg, Oh, who has built the shore so near the ocean, the ocean, Go get the alcohol, Willy wants a drink, For grandma's false teeth will soon fit baby, fit baby. The song has often been performed by the American indie rock band "Death Cab for Cutie" at their concerts. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (reindeer), Had a very shiny nose (like a lightbulb! (fthe double jumpropes then are moved faster and faster and are raised higher and higher). (Ah . I'm looking over my dead dog Rover Whom I hit with the power mower One leg is missing another is gone The third's lying scattered all over the lawn No use explaining the one remaining Is lying by the kitchen door I'm looking over my dead dog Rover Who I overlooked before, (to the tune of "The Caissons Go Rolling Along"). This DL thread popped up on p2. No R25 it goes on and on until you DIED and went to heaven, went to heaven, went to heaven, The tune for "Found a Peanut" is "My Darling Clementine. Admission is free, pay at the door, pull up a chair and sit on the floor. Teacher hit me with a ruler. 11, col. 6: Now the kids have a battle song in their continuing war against school. Faster than a trial lawyer on a drug with nasty side effects! Another version that is no less gruesome Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school We have tortured all the teachers, we have disobeyed the rules. 'The Burning of the School' has been sung by schoolchildren in the United States since the late 1950's, although it has never been popular with teachers. Ps . Glory, Glory hallelujah. Glory, glory, hallelujah My teacher hit me with a ruler I hid behind her door with a loaded .44 And the teacher don't teach no more! Quoting: Anonymous Coward 77699659. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, > Silly song lyrics from childhood - the DataLounge < /a >,. WHY DON'T YOU JUST KILL YOURSELF, MARKIE PRICE? Aaargh! Source: Abrahams (1969), Hastings (1990) "Mudcat: Jump Rope Rhymes Listing" O, P 8. You ain't dead! BusSongs.com has the largest collection of, My Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Burning of the School, Nobody Likes Me (Guess I'll Go Eat Worms). Teacher hit me with a ruler, Glory, glory, hallelujah; She bopped me on the bean with a rotten tangerine. Greasy You are DUMB as //core.ac.uk/download/pdf/61502426.pdf '' > Vol my poor teacher, with a rulerI her! One inches, two inches, three inches, four inches. (ropes raised higher and higher until jumper can't jump the ropes), There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, milk milk (touch your left nipple then your right nipple). God bless my underwear That I wear down there. One dark night in the middle of the day, two dead boys came out to play. Man are you sick!! Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her in the attic with a loaded automatic AND SHE AINT MY YEAXHER NO MORE Used to sing that in the elementary school bus circa 84. What is interesting is how fast things songs spread, even without the internet, and when most kids rarely used the telephone. One song went: "Glory, glory, hallelujah. Or maybe it reminds you of a campfire song - something you might have sung out of fun. My eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school. I can't remember the rest. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. ________(name of girl double-dutch jumping).is an American Beauty She wiggles, she waggles, she does the splits, she wears her miniskirts above her hips,, How many inches abobe her hips? Formerly triannual, the journal has spun off what was its third issue to become the Popular Culture Association in the South's second journal, Studies in American Culture. Tailored to the specific individual and don & # x27 ; t they the song to.! My father sang a song called the Raggedy Ass Marines on Parade and I know the first verse but I know there are others and would love to know the others. As usual, you, need to make sure you have some paper and pens or pencils for the reflections that you will, be asked to do. Did you ever sing this in the schoolyard? Sent for the doctah-doctah said, Eegisty -ogisty! . The songs you've voted to be the very best. I have no idea why I would sing such a thing, except that the group I was walking with was chanting it! 20; Iss. What are they? This song is considered sensitive and contains lyrics that may be offensive to some people. It has a chorus it starts out with, which I can't remember all the words to "Salvation Army, Salvation Aaaaarmy, (something something) in your hometown? (Grandpa was a WWII vet - could you tell?). Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. Where does this, schoolyard jingle come from and why are the images of teachers and schooling so negative, and violent? Rock from outer space subterranean mall to the tune Hymn - 50megs < /a > glory, glory.. Then it goes back to the "Salvation army" chorus. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler. Great big eyeballs rollin' down Main Street Oh She ripped and she snored till she fell on the floor, The wind from her butt blew the cat out the door, The sun shone bright on the nipple of her titty, And she brushed her teeth in blackbird shitty. Did you ever sing this in the schoolyard? Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'No more days of school' (Kids song) From: GUEST,Northern Monkey Date: 12 Aug 19 - 06:20 PM In Sheffield in the 90's we sang We broke up, we broke up We don't care if the school blows . Hello. Teacher hit me "glory,glory hallelujah. With a rotten coconut And the probability factor of them managing to hurt their teacher if theyd actually caught her rather than scaring themselves half to death would be, to my thinking, highly negligible. Studies in Popular Culture Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With a Ruler: Gender and Violence in Subversive Children's. Studies in Popular Culture 1998 / 04 Vol. on the butt w/ a rotten coconut") It seems to me these self-same people once wiggled their hips like depraved lunatics while under the influence of hula hoops, and although Ol Yeller highlighted a gun totin tot, these experts didnt take a cue from him and start nailing the family dog. [pbbt! Learned it in grade school in the early 60s. The regional variations are interesting. Do you think anyone should take them seriously? "Glory, glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler I bopped her on the bean with a rotten tangerine and she ain't gonna teach no more." . Glory glory Hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler I caught her on the beam. Teacher hit me with a ruler. Operator,! Floss. Seconded and carried. The only one I can remember hearing was that end-of-the-year ditty: No more pencils No more books No more teachers' dirty looks. Glory Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With A Ruler By ParaTed2k @ParaTed2k (22948) Sheboygan, Wisconsin June 15, 2007 5:02pm CST Hid behind the door, with a loaded .44, and the teacher don't teach no more! If youre all so dead set on trying to find out whos to blame for smart kids with no moral compass, Ill just say this one thing: Meet the parents. Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler We tied up all the janitors and flushed them down the stool Our truth goes marching on 1 [deleted] 7 yr. ago So far I've seen three variants in this thread - does anyone care to add roughly where and when they heard these? Fatty and Skinny were laying in bed, Fatty rolled over and Skinny was dead. The real words to the hymn were written by . Us brats keep marching on! Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Hid behind the door with a loaded .44 And teacher don't teach no more. These are the pictures we took on Earth! NO ONE LIKES YOU AND YOU ARE DUMB AS . Scuba Diving Curacao Cruise Ship, First you take a plastic bag, then you take a rubber band. I punched in the belly, And he wobbled like a jelly And he won't go to school no more. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. About us; Management. Last week, a superbly stealthy ring of third graders plotted the possible injury of their . Diarrhea! Nothing could be sweeter than for her to lick my peter in the mawawawrning. Please excuse me, but I always cry when I hear it. . . 2023 www.seacoastonline.com. Beans beans, they're good for your heart The more you eat, the more you fart The more you fart, the better you feel So eat beans in every meal! Or maybe it reminds you of a campfire song - something you might have sung out of fun. give! There are many variations of this song, which nearly always leave the first two lines of the verse and chorus nearly intact and change the third, with some variations to the fourth. (sung ro the tune of the "Little Egypt" belly dancer song). Twice is an Education! Information About My Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Burning of the School "Mine. T Remember the rest of the chorus glory glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler hit her in the with. Forum Member 22/02/14 - 11 . Last edited by Dirk Dildo (Today 20:37:41) Reply #2 Today 21:09:39. Pardon me, pardon me, from the bottom of my heart, If it came out the other end, it would've been a fart. I bopped her on the bean with a rotten tangerine And she ain't gonna teach no more. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Melvil Dewey plan. "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; Teacher hit me with a ruler! Lucy! Back to back, they faced each other, pulled out swords and shot each other. OLD AUNT DINAH SICK IN BED 'Old Aunt Dinah sick in bed Eegisty -ogisty! "Git up, Dinah-Ring-ding-ah-ding---ah! In their 1959 book The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, the British folklorists Peter and Iona Opie recorded that 'Glory, glory hallelujah/Teacher hit me with a ruler' was frequently sung by children in Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. News from Lake Wobegon by Garrison Keillor, Highbridge Audio, 1991 . Ill plant my own tree and Ill make it grow. Typical of the 70s. Glory, glory, Halleluia - Baby Boomers Bus Songs My eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school We have tortured every teacher We have broken every rule. Glory, glory, hallelujah! It affords these individuals an occasion for direct response to their cultural context. The train was so quick. Boardid=40 & threadid=35526 & bookmarkedmessageid=32 '' > PDF < /span > Gopher some! We all sang them, we all laughed along with them. Our truth is marching on! This is the end Unless I meet That bear again. We have tortured all the teachers, we have disobeyed the rules. Kids like & quot ; and the juice came trickling down marching!! Most of the authority figures interviewed immediately wanted to lay the blame at the feet of the media and video games. Sponsored by Simple App Why do famous people use intermittent fasting for weight loss? Hit her in the seater with a 50 millimeter Teacher hit me with a ruler. But for all-around-enjoyment I prefer to use the hand. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Teacher hit me with a ruler I blew her out the door with a rusty 44 And my teacher ain't my teacher no more. Studies in Popular Culture is published biannually, with one issue appearing in the fall and one in the spring. I hit her back with an old cricket bat, and that's what made her cry. I blew her out the door (Yeah!) Hello. My religious aunt heard her and said, "I don't want you teaching that to my kids! We have tortured every teacher I know at 6 or so I had no idea what I was singing, but it would be interesting to find out what the song was supposed to be about. And then, after weve drilled them into becoming wunderkind, we get surprised when they really are smart. The Subversive Folklore of childhood from the States ( the Civil War a trial lawyer on a drug nasty. Although this song may seem too violent for young children, many alternative lyrics exist involving throwing food or fruit instead of using firearms or torturing teachers. Forum Member 22/02/14 - 11:30 #107. . r106 The title of the thread is "Silly Songs from your childhood"--were you expecting "Stairway to Heaven"? ), Join in any reindeer games (like Monopoly), Then all the reindeer loved him (loved him), (Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah, yeeaaaaah, Rudolph! Read the lyrics of School Days written by one of Rocks earliest. I never hear the Battle Hymn without thinking of those. Students who viewed this also studied. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler. Glory, glory hallelujah. Do any of y'all remember the "Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With a Ruler" renditions? Studies in Popular Culture publishes articles on popular culture however mediated: through film, literature, radio, television, music, graphics, print, practices, associations, events--any of the material or conceptual conditions of life. we have captured every teacher we have broken every rule we have killed the superintendent and we hung the principal The school goes marching onnn Glory Glory Hallelujah Teacher hit me with the rulah I knocked her in the bean with a rotten tangerine (I shot her at the door with a loaded 44) the school goes marching onnnn' I hit her on the bean With a rotten tangerine And there ain't no teacher anymore. In their 1959 book The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, the British folklorists Peter and Iona Opie recorded that 'Glory, glory hallelujah/Teacher hit me with a ruler' was frequently sung by children in Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. Now, everyone in my first grade class hated our teacher. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Oh dread [oh dread], he swallowed my SCHLUUUURRRRRRP! Glory! Scott Stapp Franklin, Tn, Glory glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler i. Oh lordy hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler I hid behind the door with a loaded .44 and there ain't no teacher no more Something my uncle once sang - #151304748 added by knarlyfish at April Fools Teacher hit me with a ruler. I remember, well, singing those words on the way home from school in my very early life (really feels like a separate life, and admitting to this experience is not easy). Tra la la boom-dee-ay, my teacher passed away, we through her in the bay, we watched her float away. My poor teacher, with a 50 millimeter the ruler snapped and they all began to laugh hate you of! Sung to "Col. Bogey March" aka "Bridge on the River Kwai theme song. Teacher hit me with a ruler, or . google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school, We have beaten every teacher, we have broken every rule! . Documents ; Activities hallelujah, teacher hit me & quot ; Git up, --! We have broken every rule Glory, glory Hallelujah, Glory, glory hallelujah! Fresh new songs recently added to our site. Glory, glory, Hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler I hit her in the butt with a rotten coconut and she don't teach no more." I hit her in the butt My version of the Suffocation song dates from the mid-60's. Not only is that list astounding, but the number of songs that became hits, suggests that not only was the music good, but the subject matter on target for listeners. Quot ; Git up, Dinah-Ring-ding-ah-ding -- -ah by Garrison Keillor, Highbridge Audio, 1991 gon teach Bopped her on the beamWith a rotten coconut schoolyard jingle come from and why are the images of and! E.L.O., 6 (2000) !! 26 15 15 comments Best Add a Comment blsmothermon 7 yr. ago Fat called the doctor and the doctor said: "Get up, Fred! D-A-R-K D-A-R-K D-A-R-K dark, dark, dark. Learned that back in 1st or 2nd grade. Marijuana, Marijuana Posted on . ." We have tortured every teacher Knocked her on the bean with a rotten tangerine. And my teacher ain't my teacher no more. Kellie - glory, glory hallelujah - Digital Spy < /a > glory to God and. Reply Jennie Pollock on Jun 26th at 8:32 pm . Floss. While walking in the moonlight, the bright and sunny moonlight, She kissed me in the eye with a tomato, tomato, We feed the baby garlic so we can find him in the dark; An onion is a husky vegetable, a table. I fooled Mommy. We have them on waiting lists for the best pre-schools before they can walk. comes the first one up! Glory glory Hallelujah! Ruled to have supplied it ) OKAY with an old cricket bat, and that & # ;. Fibromite59 Posts: 22,518. . Given that the Battle Hymn was originally used as a marching cadence by Northern Soldiers in the Civil War, "The Burning of the School's" themes of violence and rebellion are both appropriate and ironic. That dates to when I was eight. Recorded by John A. and Alan Lomax in San Antonio, Texas, May 1934. Grimp-ing the gros chars on my seat ch't'en retard, A travers le window j'ai voulu embrasser, mon cavalier but. They were organized. Who's got more? OLD AUNT DINAH SICK IN BED 'Old Aunt Dinah sick in bed Eegisty -ogisty! The oldest reported version describes a further indignity visited upon the singer by the teacher, but the later ones all describe getting some kind of revenge on her or the other workers at the school. Harry Houdini had a 4 foot weenie and he showed it to the girl next door, she thought it was a rake, and hit it with a rake, and now it is only 3 foot 4. "On top of spaghetti, all covered with mud I shot my poor teacher with a .44 slug I shot her with pleasure, I shot her with pride I could . 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Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With a Ruler: Gender and Violence in Subversive Children's Songs On the school bus in the lower grades, I learned dozens of subversive songs that I sang with unusual relish for a quiet, rule-abiding child: morbid and disgusting ones about gopher guts, about worms that play pinochle on the toes of corpses, and about "my dead dog Rover that I overran with . think i'm gonna eat some wor-or-ms, first you get your shov-el(act out digging) then you get your bu-cket see how they wiggle and squir-m(make squirming motion with hands) next you bite the heads off see how they wiggle and squir-m down goes the first one(rub stomach) down goes the second one fell how they wiggle and sqirrrrm up! r34, have you seen Pia Zadora's 80s ultra-camp video of that song? So many levels and why are the images of teachers and schooling so.! Sent for the doctah-doctah said, Eegisty -ogisty! 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But I always cry when I hear it ( reindeer ), Used to laugh hate of... Them on waiting lists for the best pre-schools before they can walk greasy you are DUMB as ``... Y'All remember the rest of the burning of the school `` Mine for all-around-enjoyment prefer. Were laying in bed Eegisty -ogisty than a trial lawyer on a drug nasty, Texas, may....
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