Isa Massi why is God/allah called HE? [5] Why has he been numbered among the sons of God? Continue stooping even lower although you are already low with your ignorance and bigotry fully displayed in real time all over this thread. you claim Christians are forcing their religion down other people's throats, isn't that what you atheist also do? no genderits because mighty men invented the bullshitkeeping women small and men bigkeeping slaveryand men as masters over women. So if you call non-believers "evil" it somehow makes you feel less threatened -right? Have you defined religion then ? Well I'm glad I was able to facilitate an atheist love connection. Samantha A. Christian: Allow me to quote the Legendary Morpheus from one of my favorite sci-fi films, "THE MATRIX," because I think he sums up religion quite perfectly. That's what it was invented by humans 2000+ years ago for. Advocating for immediate emancipation distinguished abolitionists from more moderate anti-slavery advocates who argued for gradual emancipation, and from free-soil activists who sought to restrict slavery to existing areas and prevent its spread further west. who stays but a day. So I'm quite sure those scientist do not need a man-made piece of paper stating that they are professionals in what they do." Why do these people have to be wrong? I am a member of the Soka Gakkai International as is Herbie Hancock, Bennie Maupin, Wayne Shorter and Buster Williams all of who are BLACK! Like the flood. Science provides more real miracles than a couple of millenia of sycophantic god bothering. It's like every other theism/religion. You rappers ain't hungry like us They talk about me like I'm here, they talk about you like you was, woo! Your original post was a dead giveaway that you are Christian talking about Christianity. And yet you choose to believe, not be convinced, but believe. The truth is that nobody knows the origins of humans including you & those 2000+ year dead men when they were alive. No atheist "believes that we came from nothing." Just typical. But if believing makes you feel better be my guest. It's pursuit of truth, fact, and reality. Good for them. Typical. If you did, wow. Your have put the European lie on Christianity. Instead of maturing and fixing our own lives we want Jesus to come a fix it for us. We do what we do because it's needed. Your imaginary god, Jesus and Satan are not. Helps the planet. Joan Dean-Edwards Actually the all caps did get my attention. Kamilah T. Harris ridiculous deduction on your part Kalimah. same tired lines that our people have been fed since the days of slaveryreal talk lisa, i woke myself upother times, my alarm clock does the jobif god is the only one that can make everybody a believer, how come everybody isn't?what about the other religions of the world, some which are older than christianity?they wrong too?, First of all I highly doubt you have an IQ higher than me. This guy lol. I'm not the one lying at all. I blame SLAVERY on the bible, that is why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. It is what it is and you are religious just w/out organization or system. I'm not a distraction for that. I just didn't want you to mislead people with your arrogance. were found on the biblical principal "Love your brother as your self" Oops. so are you.. atheists saying all that is came from nothing and is going nowhere no beginning or end ,,oh yes once there was nothing then a big bang then all this millions of years later,,,,,,,just yesterday the news stated that scientist now believe that man was mnade from clay oif the eareth ,,gee doesnt the so called fictional book you dont believe in say that thousands of years ago ,,also the bible says the earth is round and hangs on nothing ,,pretty good guesses . It takes a firm foundation in Islam. So for me it is a bot easier to determine, however it is even better for those who haven't seen what I've seen and still have faith anyway. And if I did call out to someone, it would be to family and friends, who I know exist. You have to have eternity, too? I'm not a hypocrite or bigot but clearly from all that's written, you fit the dictionary definitions in real time along with the shoes fitting well. : a feeling of trust in the worth or ability of someone, By definition: This is why religiosity and god belief are mental illnesses. That is your job as a Christian to spread the cherry picked versions of the a book that was put together by committee millennia ago. Nevertheless although I find you to be foolish for being so young and without having had the experiences that many of us who have endured the hardships that life has offered to have already formed definitive opinions about what is and what isn't. Funny how you claim that I'm wrong but have nothing in objective proof/evidence backing up your claim/s that I am wrong. I feel sorry for people like you. Exactly! Why do you need to call out to a made up deity when the trials of life come calling????? Just because you say or think something to be true does not mean that it is. It is not God is is actually Noah doing the cursing and race was not even mentioned. Lol. If you continue reading it then says that Ham's descendants will be leaders of great nations. It says, "in the beginning the GODS created heaven and earth". I'm going to respond again anyway. We should value that instead of religion. Atheism is a conclusion based on objective evidence & proof vastly supporting that there is no such and has never, ever been a such thing as "God" or anything "supernatural." who cause that the devil and all wicked mankind who started away fro God and his rightousness . Greek Jesus is useless to many blk folk! You know what that is called? It was from their imaginations that all things Islam was formed. Until then, I suggest you find a chair somewhere and go sit down. thank u very much. The practice of christianity does not make you a believer. Interesting. I have seen very little in life that contend to otherwise. Everything you claim to be of "no mistake" actually is of mistake. When Satan deceives people in the Bible, they're very much aware of him. Kamilah T. Harris And they do it so naturally too. Kamilah T. Harris Hold up, maybe slavery and segregation were condoned in the scriptures, but prejudice, intolerance, and racism never were. That's #1 so no need to come with all this fluff and stuff about "what/who God is, he/she likes and dislikes, the origins of the universe and humanity, etc.". It is less about what I am against and more about what I am for. It's clear they are lost because they are more closed minded than what we like to call "free-thinkers". He was elected so why attempt to remove him because he doesn't believe in your zombie? Elliot C. Myrick Actually Jesus was real. First they create the scenario by infecting you with this virus "sin" then offer you an imaginary cure "salvation". Is it really feasible that an explosion happened and bam, living things just grew out of pure nothing? Isa Massi Well, I'm human. I can see the love that is being spread. Katisha Burns It's easier to repeat that shit than to prove it- which is why you don't even have sufficient intellectual honesty to try, eh? 11. However, when you have a 1400 year old scripture (to the best of modern man's knowledge) that is actually from the Creator who Created and Witnessed everything that He Created, it is not arrogance, but rather enlightenment. But there is no such thing as a real devil like the bible said it to be. Samantha A. Christian I agree. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is definitely the smartest person on this listor any list, for that matter. I'll wait. I simply stopped buying cigarettes!!!!! These are direct verifiable quotes from people who are still alive. There IS a difference between Religion and Spirituality. As far as Kamilah I originally thought she was a medical doctor friend of mine with the same name. There's nothing to detour or convert with that. Why do you think none of them especially in that video has ever collected a Nobel Prize if they are so certain of "God's existence?" I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. Best known for his smooth rhymes for the ladies, American rapper LL Cool J gives us a different sound with his rap "The Power of God.". if you think about it, its impossible to execute without a plan. The means reclaim your past or in better words "go back..and get it" Ase`. He was prosecuted and crucified by the Roman government for inciting the people to riot and commit treason. That means leaving it between the atheist and "god", and between you and your god. "And do not tell me whom I can and cannot talk to.matter of fact you should not even replied to me if you believe what you believe, I can tell you the same thing, keep your LIES to yourself and stop trying to convert other people's mind into believing what you believe. Lol. Simply, what I am saying is that we cannot allow a culture or group of people who have a history of brutalization who at the same time claim to be the most religious to turn us away from search for the true expression of the Divine. Same is true for Islamists: Everyone must be Muslim or die. @Samantha have you ever entered a house that was well built, furnished and decorated in an organised manner and you can believe that it was not built by someone. While religion within in the Black community is supportive, loving, caring, etc., what Chris Rock says is also a reality of Black history. In fact, it explicitly distinguished that he identifies as agnostic.for now. Under duress, maybe. Guys.. most of us know most Christian rappers are bad at rapping or rap too much about themselves and not God. Carl, you know how I handle adversity and hardship as an atheist-humanist by tackling it directly. So while we're obviously not going to try and settle the matter once and for all, we are going to show you that the question has also flummoxed many of your favorite celebs. Man could not make any of it, man can not even save themselves so I know there must be a higher being, a designer that is almighty that had to bring humans, animals, vegetation, air, etc. Somehow that never did seem right to me. I'm no coincidence. Don't look to the sky life, liberty and happiness.Find it here on earth. Blah blah blah, whine whine whine, claim claim claim. They are mythological slave masters. Despite what you or I may think of religion as it is taught religion as a whole serves a purpose, it allows people to seek their better angels. I can't see my brain but I know it is there, somewhere. Regardless of theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that. I love this! Most hypocrites will call on Him in times of sorrow, but are too proud to serve Him today. He's moot. USA TODAY. The faithless will never truly understand until it is too late. In other words (with no pun intended), "Not all are created equally." 3) You clearly seem to think you know everything about God, the universe, and humanity so much that you take the words of 2000+ dead men and believe them over the reality that has objectively debunked them for technically millennia, not just centuries. The author seems to think that they are. 1) Faith/God = placebo. I don't beg for shit. We must respect the Even space and time theory probably escapes you (or at least the point of them anyway). That was a privilage back then. Singers who invoke God in their lyrics rarely break into the mainstream. Check it out bro. I tell them, "Hey! I feel sorry you don't believe in our Lord and Savior. You love projecting don't you. Fix your priorities! i just ask you to ask God to reveal himself to you and He will and in the time when you will need Him the most. Dennis Spurling Like I care. Choose family and friends over gods. Again, enjoy your psychosis. Masked Wolf is a lyrically-lyrical type, a rapper with a whole lot of technical skill and very little noticeable personality. I will pray for you all.and may God have mercy! You don't want to remove that, those are the same people that will be waiting for you when you get home at night. Well aren't you arrogant, calling these people fools? Jesus, budda, Moses, Muhammad etc. I will continue to debate and spat people like you. Read a history book. If you were talking about anyone or anything else everyone would think you're delusional because. @Kamilah T. Harris thanks for the specifics. That 2nd quote goes to show the hypocrisies & contradictions that is Christianity as rooted in scriptures. SAM JACKSON WAS ABSOLUTELY RIGHTEVEN IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE SAYS THAT WE ARE GODS. and we had no sign of virtue to show, How can you say you're not religious after everything you wrote? You don't know me. In fact, your definition of arrogance can be challenged on the fact that it is only your subjectivity and semantics making claims and assertions. And what good has our boasted wealth brought us? Lance Armstrong tops our list. Kamilah T. Harris somehow my responses keep getting deleted. Never have and never will. is the bible the biggest fear game going? I love Sam Jackson and Morgan Freedman Great actors and I'm glad they've moved beyond needing invisible friends. That comes from Aesop, not Jesus. No one that ever lived on this earth can be ever so wise or intelligent as those who wrote the books in the bible (THOSE INDIVIDUALS WERE INSPIRED BY GOD). And please don't cite the bible. You and your religion/theism condones female stupidity, ignorance, and oblivion. Jesus is a deception/. If heaven is to be filled it seems, by arse licking, annoying, moronic fanatical religiotards, I will happily welcome your imaginary hell mr Massi. don't you want to go to heaven! Once you close your eyes in death, you have been tried. Joe Rogan. II have not see God or Jesus, but I believe God and Jesus does exist, I feel the holy spirit inside of me, I believe. Of course, you disrespect the medical personnel who helped you by bashing them at the same time & crediting an imaginary sky daddy who did absolutely nothing because he doesn't exist. Couldn't have said it (all of it) better myself. We have chanted for improved social relationships and better health and have used these sorts of approaches mainly to show proof of our practice. [11] or as, when a bird flies through the air, HE DID EVERYTHING THAT YOUR SO CALLED JESUS DID.BUT HE DID IT BETTER!!! etc. However, I am striving everyday to be as close to perfection as possible. Contribute to Atlanta Black Star today and help us share our narratives. -NON religious over 60%Countries with religious population over 60% -well you can probably take a guess. there are far more black atheists than will admit cuz inour community you are persona non grata unless u drink the jesus juice, calling on gawd sure help all of our black ancestors, sure helped all of those jews during the holocaust and it sure helped all of those racist, bircher, christian baggers get mccain/palin elected lol I have more faith in the church of the flying spaghetti monster. But really though, how and where does it hurt you to believe? Would the scorn in this article be as bad if these people identified as another religion? Again popen your mind and simply accept that things may not be as you have been taught. I am not the arrogant fool. He loves you . Allah (which is the proper name for God) is eternal and self subsisting. Dwaine I cannot I can explain infinity to you but I cant understand infinity for you. @kamilah, no its your failure. i am happy you are saved by grace but can't show the same for others who don't believe what you believe. (the universe) ..u SEE themits acknowledged by ur sensestherefor it existswhere do u see GODhear GOD or smell him? You don't comprehend vast subjects like the Spiritual realm, or the various dimensions of existence. That would require growing up and maturing. Let me tell you something about FAITH. to give comfort and treat all of mankind as I want to be treated. Another teaching mistakenly attributed to Scripture is "God helps those who help themselves". Chuck Norris's confidence isn't in his own strength, but it is in Jesus Christ. Brandon Alexander the correct term is "Bride of the Church" not "his bitch." : a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable I failed to see the logic so I didn't believe. If you don't, cool.I do think it's disrespectful to tell someone that their religion is a fairy tale or lie. For you sir, are a bigot. Lol. Brandon Alexander Jesus wasn't white or black. I see you are very passionate about your faith. Really. With all of the wonderful things u witness everyday, THIS IS HOE U THINK? It actually helps the planet. Their issues with faith is their own and surely not one that makes me lose one ounce of sleep I just pray for them and keep it moving. In reality, it often hinders them, making people more judgemental and likely to exclude or mistrust people outside their belief system. Show me the objective proof/evidence of your Jesus claims. Why is it so offensive that people don't believe in something? A million Likes for your long rants in form of epistles will NOT reduce the number of Christians around the world! May God Bless you all even the fools. Now, the lie detector determines that is a lie. Look around you if you say God does not exist.Who do you think created earth in fact the universe yes you have not ask yourself that question because you're a small minded person please don't tell me you are that naive to believe it just happen by chance.. It has nothing to do with measurement of smarts. Oh, so the Bible says so. Which Christian rapper is your favorite? That's the bottom line. Islam was taught to a Prophet would clear instructions so that there could be no confusion. Again, we will remain vocal on and offline. People dismiss the Bible because it tells us how God wants us to live but most people want to live and do what they want to do and they don't like anyone telling them that it's wrong. Christianity, or even religion, is not the only way to believe in things beyond most people's 5 senses. Not me accommodating your BS. If there is a devil it's the white man. Lol. Tangie Miner I really hope and pray that you eyes and your heart get opened. i would never have the spiritual arrogance to tell another person they are going to hell because they do not believe in my god based on a highly edited book that's been handled for at least 2,500 years with sketchy reliable sources.. first of all, i haven't read that anyone is worshipping Chris Rock. Prejudice, racism, and intolerance are all justified by the U.S. Constitution, by the work force, and at one time the U.S. Educational system. Having a relationship with God is a choice. What objective evidence do you have that proves & shows that Islam is the oldest religion/faith? But we are all tumbling along on this speck of dust called earth which is tumbling through this universe trying not to run into shit. 'Think' about it, every religious book was written by man. You're quite comedic and I like laughing at adults who believe things I did as a child. I don't mind playing the fool every once in awhile to instigate a full time fool. I am female. by things that really doesn't make sense. The ABS staff need a lesson in journalistic neutrality. Just a suggestion of civility. I don't cry out to imaginary friends and blame imaginary foes for imaginary crimes against me or think I'm enduring imaginary punishments. The problem is, Jesus is not the son of God. you like her better than me huh? However, "The God" does exist. Like myself they understand your position. One famous atheist rapper often advocates for social change. We are free now but our minds are not. @ron jones yeah my fellow mexicans have the same plight forced upon them but with semi-different bvllshit,catholic church. You. Where did you get the arrogance to put words in my mouth ? The fact that most black people do not ask themselves basic questions is sad. ". Plagiarized works of fiction aren't enough especially ones that said we rode dinosaurs. How about you just believe what you wanna believe? No, wonder, I'm not a fan of Chris Rock, Samuel L. Jackson..etc.In the Last days..Every knee must Bow and Every tongue, should confess that Jesus is Lord..God is the only one can make Everyone a Believer. The average American KKKristian has the critical thinking skills of a tree stump. [13] So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be, I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? Think about how much better the entire black community would be without religion and god/jesus belief. Find Islam, Salam! As long as a religion doesn't preach the harming of other people then, it's all good. And you want to tell me that evolution did this, or that scientists know how and why earth contains these inexplainable accuracies??? Ohthat is why the slaver did not want his slaves to read the bible! Maybe one day brother you will wake up and realize that your masters religion is not your own. Not just Christian scripture but also Muslim and other religious/theistic scriptures. Now if you want the truth come to Islam and learn peace through submission to Allah. I am a Hindu. List every person currently alive on the planet and Neil is on the top-10. You can argue it all you want, but the truth of the matter is, there WILL be a second coming of Jesus Christ and what is happening in the world today is leading up to his return. If you take that away you take away from them what gives the reason and rational to hold back from committing henious acts against others. Carl you to realize that when it comes to religion (most) seek to enslave you mentally. so that no one knows its pathway. the fact that there are those of us feel tis way confirms everything that Jesus mentionedi'm sure those same "celebs" did'nt feel that way when they were "goin' through some thangs", it's interesting how those who think they have to see God,in order to believe in Him.but don't say the same thing about airwe know God is real,because of the testimony that He gave us to walk with.And just as we believe in The Father,we also believe in His Son,who has gone to prepare a place for us. Alvin Knighton I never said thatWhat difference does it make when he was born?.The differences is, "That he lives now" Oh, and his name has never been Jesus.It's. Of course, you don't care what a Non-Muslim woman thinks because being a Muslim woman is all about being a pawn in a grand masculism scheme. None of Allah's other creations were created to comprehend things as well as we do. i pray u wake up before its to late,ask GOD TO show himself to you and he will if u open your heart to accept truth. Typical religious/theist individual. Right? That's the problem many black churches are teaching, religion! I'm a Christian saved by grace, personally knowing my saviour." [47] Angela Gossow (1974-): German vocalist, best known as the former lead vocalist for the Swedish melodic death metal band Arch Enemy. OM-goodness. Good hopefully more of us drones wake up and bounce! If my last name HAD to be a disease I would prefer chlamydia. Stop wasting your $$ on preachers and put it into black owned business and volunteer groups. What that tells me is that you have not done enough thinking and contemplating about life and you are just repeating things that you have heard, much the way you did when you were online. And here is where the ditzy shows itself. No. If we are to be judge by the heart, or if we believe in Jesus Christ, we are all saved. O Prejudiced one. Neither one speaks to you. Too bad you're oblivious to that. 2) Testimonies have to be actively investigated and verified. Isa Massi where? #killyourself. Isa Massi Exactly, segregation was also something justified by the bible in the same way that slavery was. Well, I for one am a believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ! Then again, that's what you and ppl like you do. Lecrae, who many refer to as the present leader of Christian rap movementfurther highlighted the desire for more religion driven music to be incorporated into the culture when his 2014 LP,. But again this is your choice I think that you may find that the hate and vitriol that you have for us po' ignant kurschens' may eventually come back to you. I stopped smoking without God. His third solo. After all, religion is A BUSINESS like anything else! Angel Haze's anger towards religion has caused many to believe that she is atheist. Personally I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated. Savannah Gardiner you do know that both Apple and Microsoft are founded by Atheist. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. ILLUMINATI WAR ON CHRISTIANS=God Is Good Your prophet was/is like all other prophets self-appointed "God messengers" where everything brought forth by them was/is claimed to be "straight from God." It's tax-free because it is a religion. That was a lie. It is one of the great tragedy of our age that so many remain intellectually and psychologically crippled by these relics from our yesterdays. Theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that and. Means reclaim your past or in better words `` go back.. and it... Perfection as possible and likely to exclude or mistrust people outside their belief system valuable failed... 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