Special: This trait can be taken up to two times. After 24 hours, any negative levels a member of this race has accrued are removed without the need for any additional saving throws. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls, a +2 dodge bonus to AC, and a +2 bonus on Perception checks against flying creatures. A thrown rock has a range increment of 120 feet. These large and horrid burrowers are native to mountains and highlands, but are often enslaved to serve as terrifying shock troops in marauding armies or as gladiatorial spectacles. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened. All living creatures (except those with the stench aura ability) within the aura must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the users character level + the users Constitution modifier) or be sickened for 5 rounds. A half-construct race has the following features: Half-undead races are strange or unholy fusions of the living and the undead. The DC for the spells is equal to 10 + the spells level + the casters Charisma modifier. Furthermore, members of this race with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages). Benefit: Members of this race take no damage from falling (as if subject to a constant non-magical feather fall spell). An undead race has the following features: The next step is to pick a size quality for your race. A half-undead race has the following features. These strange fey creatures have a symbiotic relationship with an ivy-like plant that serves as their wings. Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, page 77, has a Race called 'Hellbred' that is very technically undead, and since their appearance is a curse given to them by a Devil, it is not outside of the realm of possibility that the appearance may be skeletal or otherwise undead in nature. Special: This trait costs as many RP as the level of the spell chosen (minimum 1 RP). A races traits, its history, its relations with other races, and the culture that all of these things implyall of these frame your character. Creatures that succeed at the saving throw cannot be sickened by the same creatures stench aura for 24 hours. Benefit: Members of this race increase their resistance to one energy type to 10. Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to one physical ability score, a +2 bonus to one mental ability score, and a 2 penalty to any other ability score. The next step is to determine the ability score modifier quality for your race. They can see in the dark up to 120 feet while underwater, but do not gain this benefit out of water. The planet is now inhabited by countless undead who need no air to survive.. Eox also is beset by deadly, mutagenic . This is important so that a race can take advantage of all the various magic item slots available to characters and can utilize the standard weapon and armor options. Benefit: This is the benefit the racial trait grants the members of the race you are creating. Prerequisites: Resistance 5 to any energy type. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and a +2 racial bonus on dispel checks. Special: This trait can be taken multiple times. If a member of this race has an Intelligence of 10 or higher, it gains the following spell-like ability: Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 bonus to the DC of spells they cast that have the language-dependent descriptor or that create glyphs, symbols, or other magical writings. Benefit: Members of this race are specially adapted to the lightless depths of the oceans, but not to air-filled environments. Like other racial qualities, each type has a point cost. Benefit: Members of this race receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. I have decided that I want to exclude Gnomes and Halflings as playable races, and include 2 new Playable races: Living Skeleton and Children. While their fierce curiosity is sometimes at odds with their intrinsic common sense, half lings are eternal optimists and cunning opportunists with an incredible knack for getting out the worst situations. Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Earth, fey type, or plant type. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium rock, and 25 for a Large rock (if the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount). This trait can be taken up to three times. Benefit: Pick one of the following energy types that corresponds to the plane the race has ties to: acid (earth), cold (water), electricity (air), or fire (fire). Benefit: Members of this race are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Special: If the race is Small or smaller, this trait costs 1 RP. Members of this race gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against humanoids of the chosen subtype. Benefit: Members of this race land on their feet even when they take lethal damage from a fall. Benefit: Members of this race gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. Benefit: Choose up to two weapons, or one weapon and a racial weapon group. The following racial traits augment a races fighting prowess. Plants are immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). This quality determines the starting languages and bonus languages for the race. Special: This trait can be taken multiple times. Feel free to change the name or racial subtype prerequisite of such a trait to better fit the race you are building. Special: This racial trait can be taken multiple times. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. How does the members appearance help them adapt to their typical environment? Most races are Medium or Small, which have no prerequisites, but you can also elect to make your race either Large or Tiny with the following modifications at the listed point cost. Special: This racial trait can be taken multiple times. Weakness: Pick one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. A creature that members of this race cannot see still has total concealment against individuals with blindsense, and members of this race still have the normal miss chance when attacking creatures that have concealment. What is your races history? Benefit: Members of this race have a reach of 10 feet. A race is more than just a group of individuals with similar qualities and traits. Benefit: Pick one of the following energy types that corresponds to the plane the race has ties to: acid (earth), cold (water), electricity (air), or fire (fire). Benefit: Choose one subtype of humanoid. Benefit: Choose one feat with no prerequisites. See Linguistics for a list of languages. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder. Weakness: Members of this race are dazzled as long as they remain in an area of bright light. Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability (the caster level is equal to the users character level): 1/dayhypnotism; The effects last only 1 round. Enemies? As the GM, you can view these subtype prerequisites as suggestions and indicators as to what kinds of races or humanoid subtypes would usually take these traits. Benefit: When a member of this race reaches 9th level in any combination of classes, she gains the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the users character level): When a member of this race reaches 13th level in any combination of classes, she gains the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the users character level): 1/dayplane shift (self only to the Shadow Plane or the Material Plane only). A member of this race caught in natural sunlight cannot attack and is staggered. Half-Undead (5 RP) Half-undead races are strange or unholy fusions of the living and the undead. Sometimes the GM needs a new race to fill a story or ecological niche in her campaign world. Modifiers: : Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of that type and a 2 penalty to another ability score of that type. Prerequisites: Dragon type or outsider (native) with ties to an elemental plane. Constructs cannot heal damage on their own, but can often be repaired via exposure to a certain kind of effect (depending on the, Constructs are immune to any effect that requires a, Constructs do not risk death due to massive damage, but they are immediately destroyed when reduced to 0. Members of this race start with their racial language only. The tongue can be removed by the target or an adjacent ally by making an opposed Strength check against the attacking creature as a standard action or by dealing 2 points of damage to the tongue (AC 11, damage does not reduce the sticky-tongued creatures hit points). Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Water or fey type. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and to AC against evil outsiders and a +2 racial bonus to identify evil outsiders or items or effects evil outsiders create with Knowledge (planes) or Spellcraft; they may use these skills untrained for this purpose. Modifiers: : Pick either mental or physical ability scores. Creatures that are already shaken become frightened for 1d4 rounds instead. The save DC against this breath weapon is 10 + 1/2 the users character level + the users Constitution modifier. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. If the race is Medium, it costs 2 RP. | GumshoeSRD If a member of this race has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, it also gains the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the users character level): 1/daydancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. A member of this race can wield multiple weapons, but only one hand is its primary hand, and all others are off hands. Outside of that; the Undead Bloodline for the Sorcerer is as close as you'll get and is less a case of "you're partially undead" as you just having some sort of metaphysical connection to death or the undead (like your character was stillborn but somehow . It still dies when its hit points reach a negative amount equal to its Constitution score. [2] Undead can be of a simple mindless type, such as skeletons or zombies, or quasideities such as the most powerful liches. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks, and they cast spells with the good or light descriptor at +1 caster level. 8 Race must be GM approved 9 Stat/HP Generation: Rolling for stats: Roll 4d6 and drop the worst roll 7 times, then assign the best 6 results to your stats. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect. Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the DC of any illusion spells they cast. Racial Bonuses and Penalties: Some great bonuses to Persuasion, Perception, or World Knowledge skills, with Ability Score bonuses of +2 to Dexterity. | Dungeon World SRD The following rules allow GMs, or even players with GM oversight, to create new races that are balanced and mesh with the core races. For the purposes of weapon familiarity, all bows are considered one weapon. This is a secondary attack. A private and often introverted race, elves can give the impression they are indifferent to the plights of others. Yet since both biology and culture are mutableespecially when one considers the powerful forces of magicracial traits can be so diverse that two elves can be extremely different while still manifesting aspects of their shared heritage and culture. Members of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow a creature to regrow lost body parts. Doing so exhausts the users breeze-kissed ability for 24 hours. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) This is a supernatural ability. Up to five spells can be chosen when you take this trait. Unarmed strikes with its elbows or hands (or attacks with weapons held in those hands) deal +1d6 points of damage of the appropriate energy type. This ability lasts for 1 minute once activated. Ability Score Modifiers Standard (+2 Con, +2 Wis, 2 Cha) 0 RP, Ability Score Modifiers Standard (+2 Dex, 2 Con, +2 Int) 0 RP, Ability Score Modifiers Standard (2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha) 0 RP, Ability Score Modifiers Human heritage 0 RP, Ability Score Modifiers Standard (2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha) 0 RP. Prerequisites: Shadow resistance racial trait. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +2 racial bonus to Strength. The caster level of the spell is equal to the users character level. Benefit: Members of this race reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving at full speed by 5, and reduce the Stealth check penalty for sniping by 10. This lasts for 1 round per character level. Construct and undead races usually have the racial language of the race that created them. | 2d20SRD Each time, pick a different natural attack. Benefit: Members of this race choose two favored classes at 1st level and gain +1 hit points or +1 skill rank whenever they take a level in either of those classes. Benefits: Pick a single skill. | 5th Edition SRD Benefit: Members of this race have a small group of appendages that are useful for little more than to aid in grappling. Before you buy racial qualities and traits, you must determine the power level of your race. This is a supernatural ability. In the case of racial qualities, choosing a 0-point option still counts toward your choice for that racial quality category, and in the case of racial traits, such choices still count toward the maximum number of traits per racial trait category. Changing its shape is a standard action. The DC is equal to 10 + the spells level + the users Wisdom modifier. | Starjammer SRD After all, most people know the basics: dwarves are short, elves live a long time, and gnomes are dangerously curious. For tropes that applied to these races in Pathfinder, see either Pathfinder Playable Races, Pathfinder Humanoids, Pathfinder Monstrous Humanoids or Pathfinder Aberrations. Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +4 bonus to one ability score, a 2 penalty to one physical ability score, and a 2 penalty to one mental ability score. Once you have chosen all your racial qualities, you may then choose your racial traits with your remaining RP. In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons and can make such checks untrained. Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the caster level of any spells with the earth descriptor they cast. Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against spells of the shadow subschool that they cast. Affected humanoids may resist this effect by making a successful Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the users character level + the users Charisma modifier). Members of this race also gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the users character level): Constantnondetection;1/dayfaerie fire, obscure object, sanctuary. Each time it is taken, select another energy type that corresponds to another elemental plane the race has ties to. Some trox earn their freedom and find employment as bodyguards, thugs, or even adventurers. Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to their caster level when casting charm person and charm monster. The member of this race gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and those skills are treated as class skills regardless of what class the member of this race actually takes. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Unleashed is intended for use with the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can be easily adapted to any fantasy world. For instance, the construct type grants members of that race darkvision 60 feet. Its physical form still exists and it is not incorporealonly its appearance changes. With the exception of the human heritage modifier quality, bonuses granted to ability scores with one of these qualities count as racial bonuses for the purpose of qualifying for racial trait prerequisites. Benefit: Sorcerer members of this race with the verdant bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Prerequisites: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution. Special: This trait can be taken twice. | GumshoeSRD Benefit: Members of this race are treated as 1 level higher when casting spells with the earth descriptor or using powers of the Earth domain, bloodline powers of the earth elemental bloodline, and revelations of the oracles stone mystery. If you are making a half-breed race, it should have the racial type of both parent races. The basic guideline for accomplishing this is to treat a group of characters with advanced and monstrous races as a level or more higher for a number of levels based on their total RP spent, using the following chart. You have the following options. The power level of the race determines the number of RP you get to build the race, as well as the maximum number of racial traits you can choose from each racial trait category and what kinds of traits you can take from those categories. Benefit: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: a member of this race can assume the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid as the alter self spell, save that it does not adjust its ability scores. | d20HeroSRD Undead are harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy. A creature hit by this attack cannot move more than 10 feet away from the attacker and takes a 2 penalty to AC as long as the tongue is attached (this penalty does not stack if multiple tongues are attached). If the creature is an outsider (native), it must have ties to an elemental plane, and it must pick an energy that corresponds to the plane it has ties to (acid [earth], cold [water], electricity [air], or fire [fire]). Benefit: Using nonvisual senses such as acute smell or hearing, members of this race notice things they cannot see. The following traits augment their vision or otherwise enhance their senses. Tiny creatures typically cannot flank an enemy. Presented below are some examples of races designed with the race builder. There are three power levels: standard, advanced, and monstrous. Such races may be as simple as elves who dwell in an arctic climate or as complex as clockwork giants from another plane of existence. Halfling: Members of this diminutive race find strength in family, community, and their own innate and seemingly inexhaustible luck. | Cepheus SRD Visibility still affects the movement of members of this race. | Fudge SRD A member of this race cannot move more than 10 feet away from a creature stuck to its tongue, but it can release its tongue from the target as a free action. Large races take a 1 size penalty to their AC, a 1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a 4 size penalty on Stealth checks. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie. Damage from a thrown rock is 2d6 plus 1-1/2 times the throwing creatures Strength bonus. For groups with mixed power levels, average the RP and round the result to the nearest multiple of 10. Description. The wizards downfall came about when he granted them free will, which in addition to their cold, calculating intelligence heralded the birth of a strange new race. Benefit: Once per day, members of this race can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll. Special: This trait can be taken more than once. Prerequisites: Outsider (native) with ties to the Plane of Fire or dragon type. Dwarf: These short and stocky defenders of mountain fortresses are often seen as stern and humorless. Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/cold iron. This is usually the case when a racial trait mentions a race in its name. Benefit: Members of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. Benefit: Members of this race add +1 to the saving throw DCs for their spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment school. Undead include walking corpses, such as vampires and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters. Pathfinder has a Massive Race Selection to choose from. Benefit: Members of this race have a swim speed of 30 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants. Your race must meet any prerequisites listed in this entry before you can take the trait. Benefit: Members of this race receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground. If a race has vulnerability to cold and immunity to fire, it gains the fire subtype. Benefit: Members of this race gain the following extraordinary ability: A number of times per day equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a member of this race can envenom a weapon that it wields with its toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the creature to be injured when it uses this ability). Benefit: Members of this race receive Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. These are primary natural attacks. Prerequisites: Dwarf subtype, at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution. Prerequisites: Any type except humanoid, Large size, normal speed. | d20 Anime SRD In addition, members of this race with a Charisma score of 15 or higher also gain the following spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the users character level): Benefit: If a member of the race is a sorcerer with the elemental bloodline corresponding to the elemental plane it has ties to (i.e., air, earth, fire, or water), it treats its Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer spells and class abilities. Benefit: Members of this race can move unhindered through difficult terrain while underground. The damage is based on the creatures size. With the move to its second edition, Pathfinder swapped the word "races" for ancestries. The name or racial subtype prerequisite of such a trait to better fit the race affects... Type that corresponds to another elemental Plane and bonus languages for the spells is equal to the saving throw for. 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Rmu Athletics Staff Directory, Jessica Mccormack Second Hand, Articles P