As I close, you can see the spirit of Jezebel operates in the world today. A Jezebel uses information as a leverage for power and then shares tidbits with you, often things told him in confidence. Although these characteristics dont always hint at someone having a Jezebel spirit, they are very much symptoms of being influenced or possessed by one. This is a spiritual battle. 10 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! I renounce and bind this demon of Jezebel, and I pull down this stronghold in my life. The spirit of Jezebel wants anothers placetheir inheritance. 3. Dear visitors: This Catholic Answers website, with all its free resources, is the worlds largest source of explanations for Catholic beliefs and practices. Christians who have called evil spirits out of someone, myself included, need to give the glory to God. We all want to believe that the person with a Jezebel spirit is delivered. This spirit is very dangerous and can profoundly impact individuals and entire churches. Even though he likes the plan, he can only criticize it because the idea did not originate from him. Well, you are in the right place. We can also use prayer to intercede on behalf of others under this spirits influence. WebAfter the slaying of the 450 priests of Baal by Elias on Mount Carmel ( 1 Kings 18:40 ), Jezabel sought the life of the prophet, and he fled to the kingdom of Juda ( 1 Kings 19:1-3 ). Many people talk habitually, but a Jezebel uses talking as a form of control. The Jezebel spirit is clever in its agenda. This includes, but is not limited to, controlling what people think, what they do, and how they feel. If you have either of these, the enemy will do everything he can to stop you from fulfilling your God-given destiny. I will look at Elijah and Jehus tactics for confronting her in an effort to apply these tactics to our own lives and situations. I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control and manipulation. Prayer to Heal Eyes and Recover Sight PDF, Prayer to Break all Ties to the Incubus and Succubus Spirits PDF, Deliverance from Incubus, Succubus, Lust and Perverse Spirits PDF, Deliverance from Incubus, Succubus, Lust and Perverse Spirits, Ministry Status Report Multiplying Freedom Ministries, Prayer To Break the World Baal Altar of Satan. WebThe Jezebel spirit is clever in its agenda. Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab and Jezebel was one of the wickedest women in all of the Bible. She killed men for their vineyards and threatened to murder one of the only remaining prophets because he spouted messages that didnt digest well for her. From this passage, we can deduce that the Jezebel spirit is characterized by pride, rebellion, manipulation, control, lust, unrepentance, and seduction. A Jezebel is usually blatant regarding his knowledge of everything. With that said, we do want to avoid this spirit (as well as any evil spirit, for that matter) at all costs. A cancellation of all worship she ever received through me, my ancestors or descendants. Webb. It is a spirit of lawlessness. When he came to Beershebain Judah, he left his servant there,while he himself went a days journey into the wilderness. We could dive into every individual Scripture that discusses who she was and what she did, but for the sake of article length, well highlight a select few. He ended up in a cave, feeling sorry for himself. Your email address will not be published. He seemingly has endless (nervous) energy and eagerly looks for opportunities to be in charge of projects. You must be logged in to post a prayer. Reference the signs I provided earlier in the post to help you recognize this spirit. Enter the Jezebel spirit. Instead, she connived with others to get it done for her. On such occasions where discernment must be implemented, pray and ask for guidance and clarity when it comes to approaching this person. Jezebel meets a grisly end by being thrown from a window and trampled by horses (2 Kings 9:30-37), but not before she ruined many lives. The three palace officials/ eunuchs ultimately threw her out of the window at the request of Jehu- Read. A cancellation of all worship she ever received through me, my ancestors or descendants. 1 Kings 19:3-4 Elijah was afraidand ranfor his life. In the ChurchYou see the Jezebel Spirit and the Religious Spirit are operating through those who profess to be saved. WebThis spirit of Jezebel silences the witnesses and servants of Jesus Christ, by seducing them to fornication, adultery, and idolatry and causes them to live like the world. I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control and manipulation. When a controller is confronted, he commonly spiritualizes the situation, explaining it off on God. Discernment. It is probable that the marriage of this princess with Achab was brought about in order to strengthen the house of Amri (father of Achab) against the Syrians. If you are under the influence of the Jezebel spirit, it is time to break free and start living in submission to the authority of God. This will help you to deal with any underlying issues contributing to your vulnerability to the Jezebel spirit. This means that you turn away from the things you have been doing that have given this spirit a foothold in your life. Who was Jezebel? He can save every lost soul and bring back every prodigal son into his home. Baal worship was closely associated with obsessive sensuality and often involved sex acts. Nullification of any and every covenant ever made with her Withholds information This is a form of control. It does not discriminate. A common tactic of someone operating under a Jezebel spirit is to turn the wrongdoing back onto the person who is trying to expose it. Jezebel, the wicked queen, and wife to the evil King Ahab had a reputation for murder, iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. The first way to overcome the Jezebel spirit is by recognizing it. If youve read 1st or 2nd Kings, then youre familiar with the Phoenician princess who later married King Ahab. Stick with your choice no matter the consequence. A person with a Jezebel spirit pressures you to do things, seemingly ripping from you your right to choose or make a decision for yourself. He was bold in his actions and did not back down from his task. Quick caveat: Of course, as you act, you arent working under the submission of your flesh. I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control and manipulation. She maintained 450 priests for the worship of Baal and 400 for that of Astarte (III Kings, xviii, 19). The Jezebel spirit must be confronted and exposed in order to end the manipulation and rule. Dont give up on what He has called you to do! I come to you, humbling myself before you. When King Ahab could not get Naboth vineyard, Jezebel rose to authority and control. As women of God we must pray to be set free from all internal Jezebel traits and external Jezebel influences. Take my life;I am no better than my ancestors.. By interfering with the exclusive worship of the Hebrew God, Yahweh, by disregarding the rights of the common people, and by defying the great prophets Elijah and Elisha, she provoked the internecine strife that enfeebled Israel for decades. The Jezebel spirit is known for using witchcraft to control its victims. Hopefully, true repentance will come. Nullification of any and every covenant ever made with her This happens when someone who is trained in deliverance prays for you and sets you free from the spiritual bondage that Jezebel has put you in. If they do not attend a church, still pray for discernment on how you will go and confront this person about their actions. Jezebel, also spelled Jezabel, (died c. 843 bce), in the Bible (books of Kings), the wife of King Ahab, who ruled the kingdom of Israel. The only way to find freedom is to come out of hiding. The Jezebel spirit is a spirit of rebellion. The fact that Jezebel can look you in the eye and lie just shows how strong and adamant this rebellious and recalcitrant spirit is. Over and over if you have to. Have they said you couldnt preach even though you can preach? Jezebel is the spirit of the sensual and the spirit of control.Jezebel was an actual person. If youve always been domineering and controlling, perhaps it is due to a generational curse. How she brought about the death of Naboth in order to confiscate a vineyard which he had refused to sell to Achab is related in 1 Kings 21. Remember to also worship God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The spirit of discernment is something that we all need in order to overcome Jezebel. It is important to ask God for forgiveness and to make a commitment to change your behavior. As Ive explained in my blog post, we have biblical records of people who faced her head-on and defeated her. After the slaying of the 450 priests of Baal by Elias on Mount Carmel (III Kings, xviii, 40), Jezabel sought the life of the prophet and he fled to the kingdom of Juda (III Kings, xix, 1-3). Ill stop here because I will write an in-depth post on Elijah; stay tuned! If you are facing a difficult situation in your life, remember Jehus example and be brave! A cancellation of all worship she ever received through me, my ancestors or descendants. This is one of the most common misconceptions about the Jezebel spirit. The Jezebel spirit is very dangerous, and it can have a very negative influence on human beings. Baal worship was closely associated with obsessive sensuality and often involved sex acts. It also compromises the victim in speaking direct and confrontive truth. The name rings a bell, doesnt it? This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, If someone has ever told you, Youre such a Jezebel, you can probably assume it wasnt a compliment. It seems to be differentiated from other spirits that are more appetite-driven since this one tends to exercise the most cunning and diplomacy. Preach! Second, as per church disciplinary measures, we should confront the person and tell them how they have wronged us (Matthew 18:15-20). We need to give our whole hearts to Him and stop being lukewarm. The Jezebel has strong desire, but all for self. He just cannot bring himself to say thank you or to acknowledge that someone else did something right. Revelation 2:19-21 I know your deeds,your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. This is a way to maintain control and domination. However, it is important to note that God can give people completely different strategies on how to address and break free from this spirit. When confronting a Jezebel, the subject may be changed five times in one minute. Seek professional counseling if you have been under the influence of the Jezebel spirit for a long time. He can save every lost soul and bring back every prodigal son into his home. More than 1400 of her works have been featured in various publications. Article Images Copyright . You cannot defeat Jezebel through fleshly or carnal activities, take the war into the spiritual realm for there lays your victory! This is a form of control. There is only one devil, one Satan, but there are many spirits that would be considered a Jezebel type spirit, as they all have a particular type of personality and a specific way in which they like to operate. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Consult with church leadership about identifying some key differences. You must be logged in to post a prayer. And pray for the person who is under the influence of jealousy, hatred, and seduction. Does the Pandemic Still Affect Church Attendance? One of the most common ways it does this is by playing on your emotions. Looking for super detailed signs of a Jezebel spirit? The spirit of discernment is something that we all need in order to overcome Jezebel. (1 Kings 21) a. Click below to log in. He has to be the one who looks good, so he will quickly sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan. You do not give in to its demands or its temptations. The Jezebel gets another persons emotions stirred up, then lets that person go into a rage. A Jezebel will stop at nothing to destroy your reputation. God used Jehu to destroy the house of Ahab. All rights reserved. In the eyes of a Jezebel, having information you dont have is a powerful weapon of control. She was the daughter of a Sidonian king and a Phoenician princess. Jezebel directs earthly (first heaven) demons to bring damage and destruction to Gods people. Unlike many evil spirits, the Jezebel Spirit one operates in a more subtle and sinister way. Whats distinctive about a Jezebel spirit? A Jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you dont know in a situation. Depression makes you susceptibleto being overwhelmed by the spirit of Jezebel. The name rings a bell, doesnt it? He is told to go and destroy the house of Ahab, which includes Jezebel, the wicked queen who has been ruling over the people with an iron fist. He is the only One who can set you free from the bondage of sin and death. Jezebel, in the Old Testament, embodied wickedness. It's as though the world is coming to an end. In the New Testament, some can make people mute or blind (Mark 3:20-30), others can cause those they possess to harm themselves (Mark 5:1-20). Baal worship was closely associated with obsessive sensuality and often involved sex acts. The Bible; the Word of God, is clear, but those, who are influenced by the spirit of Jezebel are seduced and bewitched by her evil power and are not willing to repent. It feels very spiritual. Thirdly, and most telling, the Jezebel spirit uses seduction to sway people away from the paths of righteousness (Revelation 2:20). Excerpt from Confronting Jezebel: Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control by Steve Sampson (pages 62-68), Email us Facebook Page Facebook Group YouTube Donations. Jezebel also has ties with false prophets in Revelation. She was a powerful woman who led Israel astray. This article is part of our larger resource library of Christian practices and disciplines important to the Christian faith. She was the daughter of a Sidonian king and a Phoenician princess. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He said that she would be cast into great suffering, and those who followed her would be afflicted as well. Now therefore send and gather all Israel to me at Mount Carmel, and the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebels table.. This applies to people under the influence of spiritual leaders who have Jezebel spirits, as well as those in abusive marriages. A Jezebel spirit is a demonic spirit that inhabits a person and causes them to be driven by sexual appetites. Jezebels story is found in 1 and 2 Kings. As always, the Jezebel will do anything to look like the one who is right. Jehu is a brave man who knows that he needs to be decisive if he wants to succeed. It will try to intimidate people into doing what it wants them to do. Jezebel had threatened to kill him, and he was so afraid that he ran for his life. Because they have been made to feel guilty for leaving. Sing the Name of Jesus until you sense breakthrough in the spirit realm. The name rings a bell, doesnt it? This is when you take authority over this spirit in the name of Jesus and command it to leave you alone. A Jezebel spirit is difficult to pin down. 3. Jezebel is a spirit, but it finds access through uncrucified flesh. Magnify and exalt Jesus in every way in your worship. First, we see that God helped Elijah in 1 Kings 19:7-8. The implication is always, Youve got a problem; I dont.. So, if you are under the influence of the Jezebel spirit, I encourage you to turn to Jesus Christ today and ask Him to set you free. The Jezebel Spirit term is often used to describe someone who uses cunning, deception, and seduction to tear apart entire marriages, churches, and other entities. Although he will work hard, his motive is never pure, and eventually his secret agenda cannot be hidden. This prevents him from owning up to responsibility required of him. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence (sounding familiar yet? One of the most important things to remember about grace is that it is a, Another reason why grace is so important is that it. A femme fatale, but so much more insidious. They are in abusive, toxic, narcissistic relationships and yet keep it secret. Glad to see that you are aware of the Spiritual world! However, realize that you are not meant to live in bondage. She not only served as a thorn in the side of the prophet Elijah, but she also led Israel astray in their foreign worship of idols (1 Kings 18). PDF. In JESUS NAME, I bind every negative, unscriptural word spoken against my life. To do this, we first have to recognize the tell-tale signs of a Jezebel spirit inside of someone. Its diabolical in how it secretly tries to rip apart relationships and churches from the inside out. Most people who suffer under a Jezebel spirit refuse to believe that their suffering is even real because they hide behind an illusion that all is well. A person may display all of these traits and still not be inhabited or influenced by a Jezebel spirit. 1 Kings 19:20 So Ahab sent to all the people of Israel and gathered the prophets together at Mount Carmel. Webb. She achieves her desires through indirect or deceitful methods. Now, there are behaviors and attitudes that are sometimes just flesh, not a demon. As women of God we must pray to be set free from all internal Jezebel traits and external Jezebel influences. Now before we dive into ways to defeat this spirit, I wanted to clarify that no one can be possessed by an evil spirit if they have a saving relationship with the Lord. A Jezebel spirit is so manipulative and controlling, that it will even affect the way a person dresses, the way they wear their makeup, and style their hair. What Is Submission? It feels very spiritual. It's as though the world is coming to an end. Where he gets all his information is beyond comprehension, but he can dictate to you data and details about peoples lives and actions in mass quantities. No matter how much you love this person, sometimes we have to make the difficult decision to send them away from the congregation for a season. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Talks in confusion It is impossible to converse with a Jezebel in logic. If we face discouragement, intimidation, or fear from Jezebel, we can take comfort in the fact that we are not alone. Unrepented sin opens a door. The Jezebel Spirit can be seen fueling the immorality of our nation. Elijah was a great prophet of God. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence (sounding familiar yet? 5. WebRev 2:20: Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because you allowed that woman Jezebel. After the death of Achab, Jezabel continued to exercise a strong and baneful influence over her two sons Ochozias and Joram who reigned successively in his place, and through her daughter Athalia who married Joram, King of Juda, the same evil influence was extended even to the Southern Kingdom. A Jezebel leader will never use the words, We have a vision, but rather, My vision is thus and so.. Those who are under the influence of someone with a Jezebel spirit will often feel like they cant tell anyone what is happening to them. WebThis spirit of Jezebel silences the witnesses and servants of Jesus Christ, by seducing them to fornication, adultery, and idolatry and causes them to live like the world. I ask you to forgive me for my tolerance of the Jezebel spirit and for being sympathetic to its ways. You can post a prayer to share with others. Her father was a priest of the god Baal. It is impossible to converse with a Jezebel in logic. Jezebel appears in the Hebrew Bible as evil incarnate, a nonbeliever who has become a catchword for female cunning. All rights reserved. Elijah experiences all those things (discouragement, intimidation, and fear). Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence (sounding familiar yet? Use His grace as your weapon against her, and know you are never alone in this battle. Jehu was another man who God used in a mighty way. Ask him about discernment and how best to handle the situation with a person who has gone astray. WebJezabel (Jezebel) Wife of Achab, King of Israel Click to enlarge Jezabel (Hebrew: AYZBL; Sept., `Iezabel ), wife of Achab, King of Israel. You can overcome anything if you put your mind to it! Jezabel (Hebrew: AYZBL; Sept., `Iezabel), wife of Achab, King of Israel. The Bible; the Word of God, is clear, but those, who are influenced by the spirit of Jezebel are seduced and bewitched by her evil power and are not willing to repent. He feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the limelight or anyone who is a threat to his power and control. What Is the Sabbath and Is it Still Important? Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Open my eyes and cause Your light to expose any darkness, and help me to walk in humility and truth. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence (sounding familiar yet? He quickly went to the members of Ahabs house without giving them a chance to escape or to resist. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that The Jezebel spirit can destroy your reputation and ruin your relationships if you are not careful. With that said, spirits often do return to a host (Matthew 12:43) even after they've been cast out. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Some have generational curses and have inherited a Jezebel spirit. The church at Thyatira was a church that Jesus commended for their good works. In the Hebrew or biblical language, the word spirit can also refer to a supernatural being, such as an angel or demon. A Jezebel will prey upon a man of God, like Potiphars wife to Joseph, in order to sway him to doing something hell regret. Click below to log in. She used her charm and deceit to avoid being killed by Jehu (The charm and deceit didnt work. The Jezebel spirit is very controlling. If you can recognize any of the characteristics of the Jezebel spirit in your life you can begin by humbling yourself and pray to God for forgiveness. Baptism - What Does it Mean and Why Is it Important? It feels very spiritual. Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel,who calls herself a prophet. Trust that God will provide you with the words, tools, and Scripture to handle the situation. Be decisive, be bold, and act quickly and thoroughly. You come and follow Me. Consistently she persecuted and slew the prophets (III Kings, xviii, 4), but to prevent their complete extermination Abdias, governor of the kings house, caused a hundred of them to hide themselves in caves where they were secretly sustained. 3. Thus, if you dont discern, her tactics are often successful because those she targets cannot see through her facade. The sixth way to overcome the Jezebel spirit is by resisting it. A Jezebel volunteers in order to establish control. The Jezebel spirit wants everyone to follow her and do things her way. The Bible doesnt mention the term Jezebel spirit specifically, but it does give us plenty of information about the personhood of Jezebel to understand how this type of spirit operates. She was ruthless in her pursuit of what she wanted and would stop at nothing to get it. You have to respond back to that spirit with a firm knowledge of who you are in Christ: These are just a few of the things God has called us that define our identity. And deceit didnt work idea did not originate from him quickly sharply criticize anyone who is under influence. Like the one who looks good, so he will work hard, motive! Window at the request of Jehu- Read is a threat to his power then. Your flesh and do things her way Jezebel influences jezebel spirit catholic identifying some key differences about... Beershebain Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a journey. 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Portland Antique Show July 2022, Articles J