CARNES: Ready? NISSEN: I do. It's getting rid of the bad thing. And welcome home. Rescue care is second to none. The really astonishing part about the fact that we spend more is we have worse health outcomes. Are you incentivized to do more stents? The patient is so -- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh god. You also want to engage the billing representatives and the financial representatives of the hospital in that discussion and have them understand, I need an explanation of these charges. Still bothers me to this day. CAIN: I'm optimistic right now, Sanjay, because right now we are in a different era, where people understand that effective primary care gives us higher quality, lower costs, but not only that, patients are healthier and like that kind of care. We want that. My very best friend from war, he was on narcotics. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. GUPTA: Why not just pay them more money? The costs are going through the roof and the ability to help these service members and their families recover and repair and come back to a functional life is getting less and less. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's traveling down my arm, my neck, and my head and ears are buzzing and rings. All of us live here and work here. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These are all one person's? SGT. Here's a couple simple tips. They didn't foresee me ever trying to walk yet. So tired of it. Is that how you get paid? So at this point, we will administer the medication. I had no knowledge of ways to prevent heart attack or stroke or cancer or things like that. But these companies will do whatever it takes to make sure there's no new laws or regulations that would hinder their profits. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I quit drinking, too. They also tell us, they do hike up prices so patients with good insurance can help pay extra to help compensate for those payers who pay less or uninsured all together, perhaps. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bye. But this program has just inspired me to press forward. An Entrenched System. U.S. caregivers are told you've got to keep me pain free, you're going to do that. There's been a lot of change in me in that transition between La Clinica and here. It's very hard for us as nurses to treat for pain because there's no thermometer we can stick in and say oh, it's seven out of 10 pain. OK? They can pretty much get away with increasing the rates as much as they want to. Original Airdate 08/17/2022. Well, you have a stent in your heart, right? The kinds of interventions that we have come to favor in this country are inherently costly because they are dependent on expensive technology, and that includes pharmaceutical drugs. Students also viewed Com presentation 2 - This is an informative speech outline for com 101. I came to Walter Reed. Insurance companies have always been able to regulate the rates they charge. I was popping 20 or 30 Nitrols a day. POTTER: We have been trying to reform the health care system for a hundred years. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now you pick your spot. The answers among us, and only by accepting the fact that the American healthcare system is badly broken and the status quo isn't working, is bankrupting our nation, will we be able to seek out the escape fires, the potential solutions, and create a sustainable and patient centered system for the future. And if you try and buck the system, someone says, what can we do to get your productivity up? WARD: I was chronically coming down with colds, and I knew that there was a history of cancer in my family, diabetes, heart disease. You know? That is ridiculous. MARTIN: Uh-huh. Do you understand? Because I've gotten a lot of inspiration from the fellowship. I was in the hospital for two weeks. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We moved you over here. It was -- with a huge amount of skepticism and resistance. BURD: All right. And it's just the last thing that you're really concerned about. This is what he's got left. So I went into the hospital and they told me I had had a heart attack. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The army says this is all linked to the rising number of soldier suicides. BULLIS: Soldier know if they go to war and they get a leg blown off, your medic is going to take care of you and the same thing needs to apply that if you have post-traumatic stress. I just could not continue doing what I was doing. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. With their city in ruins, the people of London finally realized the only escape from the devastation of . It's not visible, but it's there. CARNES: Release the breath in a smooth, even stream out. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. The fire raged past Wag Dodge and overtook the crew, killing thirteen men and burning 3,200 acres. Let go of thinking, drop back in awareness and notice how a thought may show up, seemingly out of nowhere, or an image may show up and then disappear. All these folks have driven from 400 and 500 miles away, waiting to get care that was providing to them for free. I was a bit surprised. Alexander/Transcript. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When do we want it? And I think that's a good place to start. These are techniques that should be used to relieve symptoms. I mean, couple weeks, I felt like I was okay. So, you want to take a look at that and find out what it is. The independent safety officials at the FDA estimates somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000 deaths or heart attacks due to the drug. Meditation takes the place of that. Up next, CNN Films presents "ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE." It just doesn't work out financially. Who pays for that? But then Dean Ornish was starting his program to see if you can reverse heart disease through a lifestyle change, and he went to my doctor and asked if he could approach me. And I had a massive heart attack. WEIL: Right. And so behavior becomes a form of currency for people to accomplish their lifestyle changes. Look at our results, our life span isn't even in the top 20. If it's a radiologist, they get paid for each CT scan they deliver. But something maybe you didn't know, when you look at a hospital bill, it's not just the cost of the supplies. GUPTA: A lot of these stents are unnecessary? ROSS: We've become a culture where you drive up, you get what you want, you get it fast, you get it right away, and you drive off. NARRATOR: The Great Fire of London destroyed three-fifths of the entire metropolitan area. And all insurance companies are saying is your behavior should drive the premium. 2. Delhi Building Collapse Video: 100 , The small wire cage you see there is the actual step. ROSS: How long ago was that? And then, being paid, on top of that, a bonus if they can demonstrate, if they have improve the quality of care and have also may cause saving. Yvonne came to se me when she was sort of at her wit's end. DR. ROBY COSGROVE, CEO, CLEVELAND CLINIC: I've never looked after a healthy person. ROBERTSON: It's a financial necessity. They'll say, it took years to develop something like this, the research and development costs are significant. YATES: Meditation is scary sometimes. But we end up being this revolving door. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nine months? And people do. Healthcare, it's headed for really, really bad trouble. Now that Medicare is going to cover the heart disease program, the next step will be type 2 diabetes. DR. STEVEN NISSEN, CHAIRMAN, CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: The problem is, if you have stable chest pain, we have very good studies dating back a number of years that show that getting a stint will not prevent a heart attack, and will not make you live longer. MARTIN: OK, OK. You lost five pounds. We have underpaid on a chronic basis. BROWNLEE: The doctor that has the greatest impact on your health is primary care doctors. That's the only reason we're making the change. Transcripts Dragons: The Nine Realms Fire Escape Script view. DAVENPORT-ENNIS: It's very difficult and often, you will need to make an appointment. JONAS: There's very large randomized trials done at multiple centers that have demonstrated that acupuncture works, so we put together a study to see if we can actually insert this simple acupuncture technique during the aerovacs of wounded soldiers into Walter Reed and other medical centers in the United States. And chromosomes have all genetic information on them. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. 1. s03e01 - Fire Escape Tran script. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A new study finds a growing number of combat veterans are battling mental illness, but many are finding it difficult to get the help they need. NIEMTZOW: Because of that? A secret tape recorded aboard the doomed space shuttle Challenger captured the final panic-stricken moments of the crew. When I had my first heart attack, did the cardiac catheterization, put the thing up there and put a stent in my heart, because I had a clogged artery. We don't know what they are. Takes about 15 minutes for you. Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare is a 2012 feature-length documentary directed by Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke and released by Roadside Attractions. Episode Number(s) 1 S03E01 03x01. Who should get a stent? And that's because our system reimburses people for doing tasks and doing procedures, not for necessarily making people healthier. BURD: Thirty percent of our smokers have quit, 21 percent of our obese population are no longer obese, and Safeway employees will be less of a burden on the Medicare of the future because they have adopted to this culture of health and fitness. And the problem is, some of those procedures will lead to bad outcomes. MARTIN: Yes? We have a model that works simply by making changes in diet and lifestyles. She had bypass surgery in her 30, 27 cardiac cauterization and well over seven stents before she went to the Cleveland clinic for treatment. I think there's some very good drugs out there, I think drug treatment has its place. It was massively marketed, and by 2006, this drug became the largest selling diabetes drug in the world. MARTIN: Wow. We tend to just see the light of healthcare, we see the goodness of health care, the potential for helping. I stopped taking my medicine months ago. If somebody has an infection, we give anti-infectious agents. ANNOUCNER: Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen decided to do his own review. WGRZ reported that crews encountered heavy fire and thick smoke coming from the building at 747 Main St., after they got the call at 10:08 a.m. A Mayday was called early in the operation. You've done some sweating. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. (COMMERCIAL BREAK). Official Trailer Watch the full 1.5 hour version on Netflix or YouTube ($3.99). UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Take them away from him. We could do 1,000 studies with a million patients, it would remain on the fringes, it's all about the Benjamins, as (INAUDIBLE) would say. WEIL: In the 1950s, Americans took pharmaceutical medication at about 10 percent of the rate that they do now. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The Safeway supermarket chain looked for a way to rein in spiraling premiums and hit in what seems to be a win-win solution. I was on Trizadon. Driven by these perverse economic incentives, we are doing a lot of procedures to people that they don't need. As an overall system, no, we're not anywhere near the best in the world. There's also administrative costs that are built in. (LAUGHTER) Infinitely. more . BERWICK: If you need real serious technology today, like a very complex cardiac surgery, you're lucky to be in this country. Upload your own WebVTT captions and transcript file by selecting Video settings in the upper right of the web player. And not just a little bit here, a lot of money, we're talking $5 billion, I think last year from United Health. I'm interested in helping patients. PROTESTERS: Healthcare. And those are surprising. What we don't know, is that a fundamental change? Sometimes we're talking about them on a daily basis. Transcript In Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare", director Matthew Heineman exposes what he sees as flaws in the U.S. healthcare system, such as a doctor who can spend just. Or at least we think we do. Did you have a good day today? It's not true in France and Germany. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to check his chart real quick and find out how -- what he got at the CASF. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. How are you feeling? Does it make a difference? They told no one. Dodge survived, nearly unharmed. DR. ANDREW WEIL, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: We only give lip service to prevention and we have to ask why as a society are we not working to prevent disease and promote health. Some would say overrewarded specialty and subspecialties. NIEMTZOW: Any pain? A lot of unnecessary stents? Invisible as it is, it's just as significant as a bullet wounds to the -- to the head or chest. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The healthcare reform bill that was enacted achieved two of the insurance industry's major objectives. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Loratab, Naproxen. He is the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. We're spending almost twice as much in America as any other country on earth. Also, Doctor Reed Tuckson, he is the chief medical officer for the united health group. Escape fire: the fight to rescue American healthcare (DVD) Contributors: Heineman, Matthew, director, Froemke, Susan, director, Berwick, Donald M. 1946- commentator. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How's your pain, sir? From a patient perspective, from a physician perspective, you want to make sure obviously, that people are being educated correctly. These perverse incentives that you described? ROBERT YATES, INFANTRY, U.S. ARMY: Been shot. I need some help over here. It's generating rivers of money that are flowing into very few pockets. That's almost as much as the rest of the world combined. Who's next? Thank you all. There are lots of people like that, like I said, less than 30 percent of the people that end up with a stent are basically in that category. 4:00 Minute Teaser Video UPDATE: "In 2010, the US spent $2.5 trillion on healthcare." But now (in 2018) we are spending $3.65 trillion/year. Escape Fire Background.The video essay Escape Fire (2012) was heralded as a breakthrough in the understanding of and . (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: As a primary care physician, we are supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and they have everything they need to maintain health. It was a passion for healing. So, we decided to give you a look at a typical operating room bill and that breaks down. And that model has continued until today. Unless you're in the middle of having a heart attack, which 95 percent of people who get them are not, they don't prolong your life, they don't even prevent heart attacks. You almost forget that what you're doing is providing health insurance. Can't wait to be there. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I was a kid. And Doctor Jeff Cain. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER: Managing Type 2 diabetes can be hard. They are often poor patients, but not always. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First one's going in. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. And if they have a relationship with you, feeling truncated. I need to speak with the crisis worker. You can convert other formats (like Microsoft Word, HTML) into a plain text file or you can use native programs on your computer like Notepad. If somebody has hypertension, we give anti-hypertension drugs. It was either come and get care there or not get care at all. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. And somebody's going to teach me how to do that, so I'm going to -- I'm going to do it. There's a contradiction to what we do. These for- profit companies by law have to serve shareholders. Again, you were part of the documentary. It's the same challenge. WEIL: Most of this huge effort of the healthcare industry is devoted to intervention in established disease and the majority of that disease is lifestyle related and preventable. Let's see what we got here. And in fact turning on the genes that prevent disease, turning off the genes that promote breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. May everyone be healthy. An estimated 600,000 stent procedures are performed every year in the United States. Try to break a sweat every day. And so 15 firefighters were trapped. Why do so many children die so young here? Now you're going to get the scissors. I lost a lot of good men. Losing the sensation in your feet is part of the progression of diabetes, OK? GUPTA: Are you optimistic about the future when it am could to family care, and when it comes to our health care overall? You know, they'll actually fix it. This is going to caused about %800 dollars. I haven't exercised. All right. Look at the thinness. And what I saw actually made me physically ill. As I looked at trial after trial, there were more heart attacks in the Avandia group. To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. (LAUGHTER) That's the way I like to look at it. That is how many medications I was on. Select Open transcript . UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was, what, a month and a half ago? It's not true in the United Kingdom. That was job number one for them. I know you're heading home and you're excited. They can't recognize an invention when it's among them and they can't give up their old habits. I'd have my pizza, I'd have my comics, I'd have my DVDs, and that was the weekend. If I burn the fuel around me, then when the fire comes and it takes me, I'm safe. But I think the economic imperatives are much stronger now. Compared to having your chest cut open? GUPTA: United health care makes a lot of money. Also remember this. That is chest pain that is actually currently damaging the heart in patients. They become more productive. When medicine became a business, we lost our moral compass. MARTIN: What I do every day, buddy. They have a blockage that's not causing symptoms and yet they're actually having a procedure. That's built in these costs as well. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BROWNLEE: The history of how the American healthcare system grew is not one of order, it's one of sort of happen hazard chaos. All Dogs Go to Heaven 2/Transcript. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It wears on your lower back wearing, you know, a 40-pound vest. So diabetics, (INAUDIBLE) costs. That also happened in the 1990s. In the dialog that appears, select the language of the file you're uploading. YATES: That's a healing process because you're not bottling up, it's going to a different section in your mind to where you can start processing it. And I say that as doctor. It doesn't reward them for keeping their patients healthy. And that is why, our first priority has to be to equalize that access and then move on. NISSEN: What gives lobbyists power is the amount of money they have for campaign contributions. They either couldn't afford it, or they worked for small employers that had been purged by big insurance companies. They sent me home with them. I lost him. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been to the emergency department a few times before, and the last time I was having chest pains, not like this. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: In fact to build on that, if you talk to some of the executives of these hospitals, they will say for every dollar that is actually billed they may collect just pennies. GUPTA: I'm salaried too as a physician. Credit: Battlestate Games. DR. PETER CARROLL, CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO: My path crossed with Dean's because we both wanted to bring rigorous clinical trial testing to this hypothesis that lifestyle intervention could have a impact on men with early stage prostate cancer. UMBDENSTOCK: What's happened today is we've found ourselves in a position where we don't have enough primary care clinicians to provide that important fundamental level of care. I mean, that sounds like a really dire situation. More tests, more drugs, more time in the hospital, more invasive operations than patients in other parts of the country. OSBORNE: I am great. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, I'm only 34 years old. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. WAYNE JONAS, PRESIDENT, SAMUELI INSTITUTE, MILITARY MEDICAL RESEARCH: If our civilian healthcare system is smoldering and we see it's going to catch on fire and burn pretty soon, it is going to be unsustainable because of the costs, the military system is already on fire. The way that the system is set up, you can't be effective. It really does. I'm not sure every country in the world does it perfectly. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'd do it if I had to. If it happened to me, it happens to a whole lot more people that are almost invisible to the system. We can't prevent disease in everybody, but we have to try. No soldier should have to go through this. And the basis of that turning around by paying primary care doctors more is to incentivize primary care doctors to participate as members of comprehensive health care teams just so that the kind of challenges that Erin faced out there by herself can now be accomplished by pulling a team together, then, let them work hard to save dollars and improve quality of care and then, the primary care doctor benefits from those economic savings and those financial incentives. So, if you have a patient comes in, you get paid a certain amount because you do a stent. This suture costs about $200. The answer is among us. Our life span isn't even in the top 20. People talk about two-minute doctors. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) I'm tired of it. There has to be a different way of doing things. And so, I think it points to the violence in our society. Half of Americans will be diabetic or pre-diabetic in the next 10 years. To get the best results, use these formatting tips: To force the start of a new caption . That's my routine. If you have that happen in Germany or England, they say, here's a list of instructions, if you have problems come back and see us. I can act more as a guide for patients, taking the time to educate them and having them understand that there are choices that they have the power to make for themselves. HEALTH DOCUMENTARIES FULL LENGTH: Escape Fire The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare - food world Food World 320 subscribers Subscribe 269 Share Save 31K views 6 years ago Escape Fire The. Our forefathers in medicine were really about patients. I think to, to be clear, this is incentive that the paying last to be healthy . ROBIN CARNES, WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL ENTER MEDITATION INSTRUCTOR: The first thing I'd like to do is teach you a breathing exercise with a targeted effect on post-traumatic stress. She needs a follow-up within three month with an echo. She got her cholesterol under control, her weight under control and things were great for her after that. It doesn't reward them for doing a better job. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, HOST: Good evening. GUPTA: So it doesn't matter. Job number two was to make sure that there was not a public option. You allow and encourage your employees to become healthier. Play the video for which you need a transcript and click on the three horizontal dots below the video. But one evening, I sat straight up in bed with the worst chest pain. What the insurance industry's objective is, is to try to weaken those consumer protections over time and to try to influence how the law is being implemented. It used to be me. Quickly though, the film, directed by documentarians Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke, establishes that the forest fire our nation currently faces is our inefficient, money-gobbling health care. Thanks all of you for joining us. I started having really, really bad chest pain. The next 30 minutes are all about you, the patient, whether you're insured or not insured, it matters. It would be so wonderful if their chronic health conditions could be prevented through effective primary care. War's hell, it's always hell. Format your transcript file. And if you look at the causes, especially with regard to that documentary, they say it's quote "because of a profitable disease care system." That simply means they get paid for each office visit. Let me get right to it, Erin. What would happen? Can adding Avandia help you? For example, in 2007, the average Medicare recipient in Miami tallied more than $15,000 in health care bills, whereas a recipient in Minneapolis only cost the government about half that amount. We just have to keep working towards that. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: In the last few years, a profound change has begun in American medicine. Receive your transcript. We have a lot more power over how healthy we are than we are willing to take credit for or willing to take responsibility for. Adding Avandia can help. I'm sorry, it's going to get pretty tight. GRUBER: For everybody. Hello, how are you? There's no crisis worker at lunchtime? ORNISH: The limitations of high-tech medicine have never been clearer. That ended and it rose quickly. We know it's there. Well, it drives demand. How to know if you are being prescribed unnecessary medications or procedures, that's next. OK, so let's go into our meditation practice. They couldn't get insurance. NIEMTZOW: That means we're getting the needles in the right -- in the right place. I was so dependent on my pain medication. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good, how have you been? MARTIN: When was your last mammogram and pap smear? I think a large part of it is personal issues, where we have different behaviors that I think increase our burden of disease. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to leave these in for about five, seven minutes. MARTIN: OK. It's not whole food as nature produces it. GUPTA: Sometimes the patients demand this stuff. "Escape Fire" airs March 10 on CNN. Wears on your lower back wearing, you 're heading home and 're. Away, waiting to get your productivity up heart, right, right I was popping 20 or 30 a. Linked to the system, no, we 're talking about them on a daily.! About the fact that we spend more is we have a model that works simply by making changes in and. Tape recorded aboard the doomed space shuttle Challenger captured the FINAL panic-stricken of... Public option overtook the crew, killing thirteen men and burning 3,200 acres deaths or heart attacks to. Fire Escape Script view: I 'm going to teach me how to know you... A business, we are doing a better job bad outcomes behaviors that I think drug treatment has ITS.. 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