On the Compassion web site, you can type letters to your sponsored kids and upload photos. During all my (perfect) letter writing correspondence to both of my British sponsors (and that one South Korean church), we were always told by the student center staff here at my church to write down the amount in Philippine pesos what we have received (the usual Xmas gift, Bday gift, the usual money gift twice a year. I dont like the idea of speaking with someone on the phone n them telling me that if I send more than the recommended amount that it will still go to my child at Christmas, but I read on a paper that it will be devided among others. Inoussas last letter was processed on February 5, so I will set a calendar alert to send his inquiry tomorrow. Tag: compassion international fake letters. This child might be in high school whereby in east Africa we say Senior five (S.5) yet in the USA and other Countries it would be High School. The center visits are in addition to their being able to attend school? Wer are both from Grand Rapids Michigan. That took a lot of money! I am no longer interested in sponsoring this child after reviewing the site. You certainly are entitled to know exactly where your money is going. Thank you for asking this question. On Off . All true. I hope you enjoy watching him continue to grow and I pray that this helps clarify the concerns and hesitancy caused by this update. ); and (b) coming on today allowed me to read the two comments above Joyces. The compensation for Compassion Internationals President & Chief Executive Officer is established by Compassions independent Board of Directors. I, too, had a disjointed goodbye with my grown child in El Salvador. He alone knows the absolute truth about the heart of any individual or organization and whether it would be of benefit to both the sponsor and the donor. Please also take note that Compassion NO LONGER HAS A 4 STAR RATING from Charity Navigator. Our records do indicate that your boy is living with his mother but its possible that she went away for work and so he is staying with his grandmother or that his situation has changed and he is there permanently. Our statement on stewardship says the following: The ministry of Compassion belongs to the children, our Implementing Church Partners, our sponsors and donors, our Implementing Church Partners and ultimately to God. Our wonderful field staff there will confirm what her actual grade level is and why she may have said a different grade in her letter to you. Once your child reaches their final year in the project, we send reminders to you so that you can prepare to say goodbye. That being said, I understand how it may be unsettling when looking at the salaries of our upper management and board of directors. "He was really. I completely understand how that would seem strange, and I apologize for this mistake. It broke my heart to have thought $38 covered my sponsored childs school, food, clothing, and medical? If you are a sponsor with Compassion and have thought about this before, I encourage you to check out Charity Navigators review of Compassion. However, on May 3rd, 2016, the staff were able to recover his school records showing his correct birthday of September 26, 2006. Upon my return home I encouraged the members of my church to also pick up a sponsor child. Rachel, Im happy to address your concerns for you as well as address the concerns you mentioned of Sarahs (sorry if there were a few I missed!). Anyways, the response the second time said that it normally takes 3 to 6 months to receive the first letter.hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I just read your post from 2010.what I wouldnt give to go back to that time when everything was working smoothly and I was still receiving letters from Gadiel and I felt like I KNEW him. If you can, travel to see what we do firsthand and meet your child. It will take them some time to iron out the kinks in the system although i keep hoping and praying they revert back to the old way. Thank you so much for your feedback and Im sorry that you feel you havent been getting updated information on your kiddos :(. The correspondent role is a very important aspect of our ministry. I havent heard from my child for almost 10 months! The letters seem like a template and do not seem sincere. Im so sorry that when you spoke with us, we referred to your child as a girl instead of a boy. Based on the letters I had received you would think that the girl I was sponsoring would have at least mentioned the gift if not just a thank you. This is one of the highest percentages for an organization like ours. I read a lot of these concerns from other sponsors and Im sorry but not one of them is actually happy with their experiences. The website of Compassion is much improved these days, which allows us to easier communicate with the children from time to time, by writing them letters. The children do attend the Compassion child development center for a variety of activities, but they go to school the same number of hours and days as every other child at their school does :). Every financial process undergoes intensive and continual scrutiny to ensure that funds are properly received, tracked, and managed. Even my district administrators dont earn 1/3 that much. When Jhunior receives your letters, he probably takes them home and puts them in a special place. On Off. And youre right, its a scanned copy! I have wondered what St Paul would make of this? If you didnt receive these, please verify that we have your correct mailing address on file and email us at [emailprotected] and we can get them re sent to you. I hope it was just this centre and that others are more genuine. Not one mark, from writing, to drawing, was even the slightest bit off. I see that Mugisha is 8 years old, and he is in the cognitive age group of 6-8 years old, so this explains why he is still receiving help from a tutor. The schemes remain a popular and lucrative method of fundraising with international NGOs, and do not have the same restraints as, for example, government sources. Im so sorry we couldnt send your bookmarks last year :(. However, the beauty of how Compassion works, approaches these aspects on the basis of three fundamentals: Child Focused - chil I am so sorry that you have doubts and you are disappointed with the letters from Amele. Compassion has grown significantly year after year, even during difficult financial times in the economy. I have long wished for a letter from the project or the pastor of each child, every couple of years, giving an all-over update on how my kids are doing: spiritually, behaviorally (at the project, at school and at home), academically, and any other way that is significant in the childs life. Then there is the sponsor another child notice that comes every few weeks and would you like to donate more money for this or that. You, as the donor, would then receive a thank you letter letting you know how the gift was used within six months of when the gift was given. Either Im sponsoring a fake child or someone in admin messed up. I feel that until I see Compassion International take this step, I will hold my giving as it is. When I lived in Egypt I was told no one celebrates birthdays. Furthermore, the cover for my child in Uganda stated they were an only child. We do this so that no child is left out at Christmas. https://blog.compassion.com/why-do-my-sponsored-childs-letters-seem-so-impersonal/. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share it. Some of the colored drawings are a perfect outline very perfectly colored, some are messy drawings but very neatly colored and then some are just no outline and just something drawn with a color. (You can read a little bit more about why I love Compassion International here).. I never received a reply from Compassion UK. When Compassion is trying to get people to sign up and sponsor a child, they say here is what 38 dollars a month will do. Compassion provides holistic child development spiritual, physical, social and economic supports. If Josiane is unsure of what to write, then she may choose to write what the tutor is recommending, and this may result in letters sounding the same. It is great to follow their development and we truly hope our sponsorship is making a difference. I will be searching for another charity. I have received the most precious gift children can share with others and that gift is LOVE!! I do agree that the CEO salary is very high considering it is paid by donations; however, charitable organizations are typically rated on the percentage of donations that go directly to the cause of sponsorship vs. those that go to administration (which includes salaries). Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Since a tutor is helping her write the letters, they may simply put her quick response down to a few of the questions she wanted to answer from the board. On one of those visits, I was able to meet my sponsored child, tour the school he attends, and visit in his home with his family, sharing gifts. Hes one handsome little man! While certainly not a perfect organization, Compassions heart is pure and its mission is pure. I do have the perspective. I know Im really new to sponsoring through this company, but I have to admit, I received packages in the mail specifically telling me that it would only take 4 to 6 weeks to receive a letter from my child7 weeks later Im highly frustrated and send multiple emails. Thank you for offering to do that! Hi Dennis! In my heart after hearing a native worker right from within the center talk about the organization with such passion, I wanted to give my recommendation and my witness story that Compassion International is an awesome program to join in on and be a part of. Im questioning the validity of all of this now because not even the most renowned artists can draw the exact same thing, with the exact same dimensions, without deviation at all. Not exactly speeding up the process as they predicted. I love your comment Elizabeth and totally agree with you! Help Us Innovate. I recieved a letter about promoting Compassion at my church. The "Anarchy" logo symbol may be based on the idea that the negative value of the arrow-like CHEVRON INSIGNIA symbol is the same directional symbol -- but with a "strike across" the letter -- which . Just wanted to send a hello and God bless message to him and his Garcia family and spirtual family over there. I pray that the Lord shows you what a beautiful difference youre making in the lives of the children you pour into. This marked the 15th consecutive year of 4 Star ratings. We certainly want to ensure youre receiving these. Hi Kathleen. Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Im sorry my kids. I would be happy to check on the thank you letter for the gift you had sent last October. We want your experience as a sponsor to be a positive one, as youre investment in his life is making such an incredible difference. Dates are reversed in other countries Day Month Year is common. I sponsored a child on Easter day and have not received any communication back yet. My sense is that the Executives are all reaping from the giving revenue and they are all benefitting, so no one to push back. Letter Writing GIF by Compassion. I am able to send inquiries when it has been longer than six months since you last heard from your children. How should I write to her? Thanks for all helps and true efforts. Hope that helps yours and anyone else who is having trust issues regarding misuse of a pronoun in relation to their childs gender. We love you always, Elisa (your sponsor mom) Become a Child Sponsor! Therefore, its difficult for the tutors to help him answer questions without your letter there for reference, even though they do encourage the kiddos to bring their letters or remember what their sponsor wrote. After dinner and an hour of talking, I discovered Samuel was a nurse for a Compassion center right there in Nakuru. The NP/PA, whether the practice setting is the inpatient, ambulatory, or outpatient . Thanks for asking such a great question! She wrote me her first letter without any help in January!!!! Can I give Edith a financial gift? I see that youve already written to him seven times. Please let me know if you did not receive that email or if you have any other questions at this time. Please be encouraged that in the next couple of years, when we roll out our new software and processes, we are looking to give sponsors more opportunities to connect with their children that are quicker and improved! Zero dollars of any money we give goes to the administration or CEO. Regrettably, there is no way to give a correspondent child gift through your online account yet, so if you ever want to give a gift, please feel welcome to contact us in any way, and we will be happy to help you. Its one thing for people in ministry to be able to adequately support their families, but it doesnt require $250K-$300K to do that. I have written several letters mentioning his mom and their relationship. Please rest assured that he received the first letter that you sent in early April. I was so happy. I dont like to compare organizations because there are so many wonderful organizations doing great work for the Kingdom of God. If you continue to receive letters that dont answer your questions, please email us at [emailprotected] and we can have our tutors work with your child. I do understand your desire to find another organization to sponsor through. Therefore, we protect, develop, and deploy all of our resources (people, time, money, knowledge, reputation and materials) with great care and wisdom. In order to develop quality staff at Compassion while at the same time managing our financial resources with great care and wisdom, we seek to offer competitive salaries for the various positions necessary to successfully execute Compassions mission statement. For those searchingI wouldnt tell anyone to cancel. If you have additional questions, please email us at [emailprotected]. Proof shouldnt even need to be a debate on these forums. I am very sorry for any concerns that the salary of our CEOs has caused you. Read the research that was done by a third-party researcher about the effectiveness of our program. I am so sorry for the disappointments and to hear that you are now doubting our ministry. Fundraising Costs Ratio: 0.062 vs. 0.086 Please pray for her.. Hi Mindy, Ive been a sponsor for three years and it is the best decision I have made. I always receive a picture of my child with her gift from the extra money I sent for birthdays. Hi everyone, I am a person who accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on Easter Sunday 2009 In Aug. of 2009 I was trying to find a Bible verse online when I saw an ad for Compassion International so I click on the ad began reading about Compassion International and how they help children in other countries with the problems of living in poverty. Nope, those public school fees are paid by the parents (not like the property taxes we have in the us) and compassion only reimburses the family once the fees are paid. Maybe they are having a hard time coming up with things to say so the adult helping them is giving them ideas of things to ask not knowing you have already answered them. Spending Ratio: 1.009 vs. 0.957 You are not upto standard at all and failed the accurate testing as in:http://www.givewell.org/International/charities/Compassion-International For your own sake, but mostly for the sake of your sponsored child, I hope you will not simply withdraw your support and terminate your sponsorship. It was clearly written. When I asked about specific things I included in the envelope along with the letter in the letter I received they were mentioned once. As far as the letters, we see personal pronouns often mixed up by our translators. I began a sponsorship in March 2016. It took time to develop our relationship, a few years in fact, but now she chatters at me like Im on the other end of the telephone or sitting next to her on the swings at recess. They are positively impacting lives! Which one is correct? At the time that I posted it, I did not specifically address myself to Kay, because I had clicked Reply under her comments and thought my reply would come under that. I definitely feel duped. Im in the exact same position Lisa. You are welcome to send us an email at [emailprotected] if you would like to speak further with us. I am from Kenya and am an alumni of the Compassion Sponsorship Program, I graduated from the program at the beginning of last year. compassion international fake letters; compassion charity; compassion international login; 12290 voyager pkwy colorado springs co 80921; You are reading: 12290 voyager pkwy colorado springs co 80921 belongs to topic News (English). I was so shocked I didnt believe. Compassion International has grown from those initial roots in South Korea into a global nonprofit with nearly 7,000 international church partners and over 1.7 million sponsored children around the world. If 6 months passes and a sponsor has not received a letter from their child, we will send a notification to the childs project to determine why the child has not written. To heal or to harm. Im becoming concerned, and it would be nice to know if shes okay or if its just the letter writing change thats the problem. I had NO idea that it is common for parents in other cultures not to pay too much attention to their childs exact birth date. and as compassion says its the Lords money so why panic if you know its going directly to a child in need. It is quite discouraging, to say the least. Ive been a child sponsor for 30 years. I want to double check on something. You can toss the packet as we will not need that back. I do know that some sponsors receive a lot of information in their childs letters and they have a wonderful correspondent relationship with their child. Here are a couple of my favorite blogs talking about Why Do My Sponsored Childs Letters Seem So Impersonal and What to Expect from Your Childs Letters that may be more helpful for you :). To know exactly where your money is going shows you what a beautiful youre! Children can share with others and that others are more genuine mentioned once him his... For birthdays can share with others and that gift is love!!!! Is actually happy with their experiences let me know if you have additional,! Letters to your sponsored kids and upload photos little bit more about why i love Compassion International here..! And managed a third-party researcher about the effectiveness of our upper management and Board of Directors you know going! Heard from your children was a nurse for a Compassion center right there in Nakuru we will not that! 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